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NEW: Seeds-N-Stitches Swap for January 2011

14 years ago

Hope everyone is having a Peaceful New Year! I will be your hostess for the January swap. We will be making cloth bookmarks. Each person will make 1 bookmark to mail to 1 swap partner. This will be a fun, quick, and inexpensive project. Everyone needs to be signed up for this swap by January 7, 2011.

Here is a pic of the cloth bookmarks we will be making:


I will be providing bookmark instructions, a plastic bookmark pattern template, and the bonding material that you will need. I will be providing these supplies to everyone participating. So if you have not yet received these supplies please email me your snail mail address by January 7, 2011. In the email you send me please put "January Seeds-N-Stitches Swap" in the subject line. I will have all these supplies mailed by January 10th.

Additional supplies you will need for this swap are:

- a small, decorative, printed piece of fabric (less than a fabric quarter)

- decorative stitching on the bookmarks is optional (the bonding material we will be using

will not gum up your hand needles or machine needles)

- a small, plain, white envelope to mail the bookmark to your swap partner in (cards are


- 1 44-cent postage stamp to use when mailing to your swap partner (the bookmarks are

light weight so you will only need 1 stamp)

- no seeds are required

January 10th I will post a list of swap partners.

January 19th you should have your bookmark made and mailed to your swap partner.

If you want to mail your bookmark before or on January 19th that is fine. When you receive your bookmark please post here and let us know and if you can please post a pic of your bookmark.

Again sign up here by January 7th if you would like to participate. Hope everyone enjoys this swap. If you have any questions please let me know by posting here or by emailing me.

Best to you and Happy New Year!!,

Sandra aka quiltingfox

Comments (85)

  • 14 years ago

    By the way, THANK YOU! Sandra for letting me play!

  • 14 years ago

    Linda February's swap sounds like fun.

    Quiltpartner so glad you are participating in this swap. Quiltpartner I don't think your GardenWeb email link is working. You might want to go check it out and make sure it is working / activated. GardenWeb is having some glitches right now - at the beginning of the swap my GardenWeb email was not working either even though it had been working previously. So I think this is just some problems that GardenWeb is having lately.

    If anyone needs anything please just let me know. If you can't get in touch with your swap partner via email please post to the swap thread and we'll make sure we get our GardenWeb emails up and working. GardenWeb has been having some problems with their email links lately. And as I mentioned earlier mine was not working at the start of January's swap.

    Best to you and many thanks,

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    Got Cindy's gorgeous block today and Malva Zebrina seeds. It is so detailed and like 99% done by hand stitching! A yellow butterfly background with a blue-bird hidden in the grass and purple flowers and pink tulips (my favorite flower color) reaching upwards with a blue dragon fly flying above the tips of the blooms. Wow! Your and inspiration Cindy - one day I hope to be able to do that detailed type of applique! Wow! It will go on my Grandma's quilt that I am starting. Hopefully I will have it finished by end of 2012. :-) She is going to love this quilt with all the beautiful garden-themed blocks that everyone is making. Best to you and many, many thanks, Sandra
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    Dan so glad you like the potholders I made for you. Here is a pic of one of the potholders I sent to Dan. :-) Just got back from RVing. The leaves changing colors this time of year was really beautiful by the lake. Spent most of my free time reading a book and crocheting some bookmarks. Now am busy getting all the laundry from the trip done. Hoping to find time to work on Christmas cards later this week. Hope everyone is having a great weekend! :-) Best to you, Sandra
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    new: new obf for the birds january 2011 swap


    Comments (150)
    Hi everyone. Hope you are all keeping warm. I have to admit, we haven't even really seen winter at its worse, but already I am sick and tired of snow. I am seriously considering moving somewhere where there is no snow. I can always come back to visit. All the boxes are great. Love to hear what everyone has sent and the enthusiasm of the recipient. I agree Shirley, it's like Christmas. Speaking of christmas. My tree is still alive and going strong. I put it outside in the stand, of course the water is frozen solid and under a foot or two of snow. We strung berries and oranges and nuts, pinecones slathered in peanut butter and then rolled in seed, all over the tree. The birds are going insane to say the least. I haven't wintersowed a thing. i decided this year i'll just go out and sprinkle seeds everywhere. i was getting prepared but then we got hit with the first snow and then the next one and then the cold and then more i said the heck with it. It sure is another cold one tonight. I think we are going down to about 9 degrees. guess i'll take that as opposed to minus any degree. hoping i will be able to join in february's swap. love the simplicity of it, but then i can execute on that...that's what craps me up with swapping LOL just an issue i need to get over. well, that's it for now. i have an early morning tomorrow. be well everyone, stay warm and remember....Spring is on Monday, 21 March 2011...56 days, 19 hours remain. maryanne p.s. mellen, i would love that website/link as well.
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  • 14 years ago

    whoohoo partners!!!

  • 14 years ago

    quilt partner
    I need your address I have my book marks done and can mail right away

  • 14 years ago

    Linda, I e-mailed you, but I fear it might have gotten lost. Please let me know your address so that I can mail out your bookmarkers.

  • 14 years ago

    I've got my bookmark for Faye/nottougly out in the mail.
    Haven't heard anything from chrizty yet though...

  • 14 years ago

    I gave Christy your snail mail address Dan this weekend when I was gabbing with her online. :-)

    Best to you,

  • 14 years ago

    Hi Dan,
    I received your bookmark today. Thank you very much.

  • 14 years ago

    Faye, glad you got your bookmark. I expect more people will start receiving their bookmark later this coming week. Hope everyone can post pics of their bookmarks as they receive them. Hope everyone has a great weekend! :-)

    Best to you,

  • 14 years ago

    Sorry Dan I was busy with the snow, my drive way is too dang long! lol Yours will go out tomarrow :)

    ok now I want cookies!! LOL

  • 14 years ago

    Sandra, you're right - my QF email is not working. I've contacted QF, so hoping it will be resolved quickly. In the meantime, a direct email can be sent if necessary.
    So, I need to check that Michelle rec'd my mailing address?I mailed nan_nc her bookmark awhile ago, hopefully it has been rec'd. And not one of those letters blowing out of the back of the mail truck in St Louis!! or was it Kansas CIty? Either way, it shouldn't have involved anything going from Oh to NC! LOL But sometimes w/the PO you can't be too sure. Sorry Dan, but as you may remember my DH delivers the mail also. We all know that (as a rule) the carriers do an excellent job ---- it's upper management that don't have a clue! :)


  • 14 years ago

    Cindy I think already gave your mailing address to Michelle, but I will send her another email today just to make sure she has it.

    Can't wait to see pics of everyone's bookmarks. I am busy working on my mom's canning jar applique lap quilt. Am doing the applique all by hand so is taking me a little longer than I anticipated - this is my first applique project.

    Best to you and have a great day!,

  • 14 years ago

    cindy I sent your book marks last week, I hope they get there soon.

    and sandra I got your 2nd envie today, thanks a bunch they are great.


    ps is there any ideas out for next month, I like the idea of a valentines crazy quilt block say 12" unfinished they could be used for the center for a wall hanging or the recipients could make a small pillow or something.

  • 14 years ago

    Hey Michelle, glad you got the bookmarks I sent. If you want to post a pic of them that is great or I can look here and see if I have a pic of them I can post. Linda is hosting February's swap and I am not sure if she has posted the thread for it yet.? A little higher up in this thread she posted the idea of what she wants to do for the February swap. Hoping she will jump in here and gab a little more with us about February's swap. Well off to work on mom's quilt.

    Best to you,

  • 14 years ago

    Here is the link for the February Seeds-N-Stitches Swap that Linda will be hosting.

    Best to you,

    Here is a link that might be useful: February 2011 Seeds-N-Stitches Swap Link

  • 14 years ago

    Here are the bookmarks I made for Michelle:


  • 14 years ago

    Those are beauitful, love the fabric's! good job Sandra!
    Ill have to remember to get battiers for the cam.

  • 14 years ago

    I received my bookmark from Jay! I don't know how to load pics so I'll just have to describe it. The bookmark is a varigated green like the dappled colors of a tree in the summer. He put my initial "L" on it in white. It's really neat! How did you get the initial in there anyways??

    Thanks so much, it's in the book I'm reading already!

  • 14 years ago

    Thanks Christy! :-) LOL Hey Linda, Jessica was assigned to mail to you as your swap partner, LOL :-) so she is a "she". I have mixed people up before too, sometimes you just can't tell if they are a man or a woman by their screen name alone. :-) Glad ya'll are having fun. Hope everyone can post some pics so we can see what all these bookmarks look like. :-)

    I wintersowed a couple more containers today of ROS "Helene". Off to get some appliqueing done. It's raining here this afternoon. Hope everyone has a great afternoon! :-)

    Best to you,

  • 14 years ago


    I rec'd your bookmarks! How pretty! & an original idea. BONUS: She sent me 2!! (Double the blessing, Michelle, you're a sweetie:)

    Thanks again~Cindy

  • 14 years ago

    you are very welcome cindy.

  • 14 years ago

    Glad to hear people are receiving their bookmarks. Hope everyone is having a great afternoon!

    Best to you,

  • 14 years ago

    Here is an update of who has received their bookmark(s) so far:

    Lindaruzicka: received
    micyrey: received
    Nottougly: received
    quiltpartner: received

    Please post when you receive you bookmark(s) and I will update the receiving list. I expect everyone should have their bookmarks by end of next week at the latest. If you can please post pics of your bookmark(s).

    Best to you and many thanks,

  • 14 years ago

    Geezzzz I was hoping Dan got them by now ;(
    I wintersowed some columbines. I like wintersowing but come on spring!!! lol

  • 14 years ago

    How embarrassing! "hiding red face"..the only excuse I can give is lack of sleep...I've had my grandbaby for the last three days..LOL..

    JESSICA, thank you for the lovely bookmark..and I still would like to know how you got that L on there...inquiring minds want to know!

    Also my bookmark is mailed out..don't know if I mentioned that.."looking for brain that left my head".."L"

  • 14 years ago

    I goy my bookmark from Fay. Thank you Fay!! She also sent me 2. They are very colorful and I've already but one in my book. She also sent me seeds. White pampass grass, Mexican Sunflower, and Creeping thyme.
    Now I will have to get started with my winter sowing. I have the containers and soil ready but just have to get the seed into them. If it doesn't stop snowing soon I won't be able to get to them.

    Chrizty, I have your bookmark ready but I'm waiting to go to town. Maybe Monday. I don't drive so I go when I can.
    I need to be ready and organized all the time. Right now I'm behind.

    Anyway, it's good to hear and see the bookmarks are coming in.

    Everyone have a great day!

  • 14 years ago

    No worrys,Im usally always behind lol.
    My jeep died so i know how ya feel, My daughter has to drive me around till I get another jeep,car,truck, sumthing!! lol

  • 14 years ago

    I received 2 superb bookmarks from Chrizty today, though they may have arrived within the last three days. I've been coming home so chilled from driving around in the mail truck these past few days I come home, drink some hot coffee while taking a hot shower, and have been letting the mail pile up. I'll post some pics within the next couple of days, just don't be drooling all over your keyboards when I do! Lol, thanks Chrizty!

    Sandra, you're doing a great job on this swap!

  • 14 years ago

    Thanks Dan. :-)

    Here is an update of who has received their bookmark(s) so far:

    Dan_the_mailman: received
    Lindaruzicka: received
    gmom2-6boys: received
    micyrey: received
    Nottougly: received
    quiltpartner: received

    Please post when you receive you bookmark(s) and I will update the receiving list. I expect everyone should have their bookmarks by Jan. 28th at the latest. If you can please post pics of your bookmark(s).

    I got another small jar & lid appliqued on my mom's canning jar lap quilt. Yeah!! Only 4 more jars to go. :-)

    Best to you and many thanks,

  • 14 years ago

    Im so glad you got them Dan!

    I got 2 books from the library of the Elm Creek novels by Jennifer Chiaverini to read. Im off work tomarrow so first thing Im doing in the morn is making a mad dash for my hot coffee n going right back to bed to curl up with a book! :)

  • 14 years ago

    Oh that sounds like a great way to spend your day off Christy! You are going to really enjoy her books. I am still reading her first novel and it is so cool when they start describing quilts and related stuff and I know exactly what they are talking about. I think it helps if you already quilt to get the terminology in the books to be able to really visualize it.

    I got another jar appliqued on mom's canning jar quilt. I only have 3 more jars to applique which it is basically 1 block - so yeah am on my last block!! So hoping will be done appliqueing within a week or week-in-half so I can start adding the lace under the lids and then pull out the machine to sew it all together using the wood grain fabric Dan sent me to make it look like jars on shelves. :-)

    Hope everyone is having a great week! What quilting/sewing projects are you working on right now?

    Best to you,

  • 14 years ago

    I rec'd my bookmark from Linda! Lovely, has pink flowers on one side and green on the other. She added a string of beads. Looks nice! Definitely will be used! Thanks so much! Mine has been sent earlier. Should be there any day!
    Thanks Linda! Melinda

  • 14 years ago

    Sandra Im going back to the library after i read these or maybe just the one book n see if they have the first. or ill loook online n buy then in order.

    whoohoo your almost done!! Id love to see the wood grain fabric Dan sent ya! that would be cool. I just got brown lol.
    Im still working on the canning jar quilt, im on hold till i can get the $ for the backround fabric. I might start cutting out blocks to make a patwork backing for it, using all country print fabrics.

    Melinda those sound nice!! awesome idea using beads Linda!

  • 14 years ago

    Christy I'll pull out the wood grain fabric later this week and take a pic of it and email ya'. My family bought me some of the Elm Creek Quilts novels for Christmas and then they bought me some for my birthday so I know Books-A-Million and sells them. I haven't collected them all yet, will probably be adding some of them to next Christmas's wishlist.

    I got fabric on sale today at Walmart, got 2 yards with baby bears on it for about $5 had been over $7, that I am going to use to make a baby quilt for my cousin's baby that's on the way. That will be a February or a March quilt project. And I bought a dark brown fabric to match the color of the baby bears so the back and 1" border on the top edges will be dark brown. Luckily M-I-L had some dark brown thread when we got home as I forgot to pick that up at the store.

    Here is an update of who has received their bookmark(s) so far:

    Dan_the_mailman: received
    Lindaruzicka: received
    quiltingfox: received
    gmom2-6boys: received
    ilovefarac: received
    micyrey: received
    Nottougly: received
    quiltpartner: received

    Please post when you receive you bookmark(s) and I will update the receiving list. I expect everyone should have their bookmarks by Jan. 28th at the latest. If you can please post pics of your bookmark(s).

    Best to you,

  • 14 years ago

    Here is a pic of the beautiful bookmark I received from Nancy.

    Am so happy to add it to my collection of bookmarks! Thanks bunches Nancy!! :-)

    Best to you and many thanks,

  • 13 years ago

    Here is an update of who has received their bookmark(s) so far:

    Dan_the_mailman: received
    Lindaruzicka: received
    quiltingfox: received
    gmom2-6boys: received
    ilovefarac: received
    micyrey: received
    Nottougly: received
    quiltpartner: received

    Please post when you receive you bookmark(s) and I will update the receiving list.

    Best to you and many thanks,

  • 13 years ago

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!! Just went and got bobbins and thread for to use in making applique blocks for Linda's February Seeds-N-Stitches Swap. Hope you all will join us for February's Swap. :-)

    Here is an update of who has received their bookmark(s) so far:

    Dan_the_mailman: received
    Lindaruzicka: received
    quiltingfox: received
    gmom2-6boys: received
    ilovefarac: received
    micyrey: received
    HoHumHollow: (Melinda mailed it on 24th. Jessica please let us know when you get it by posting to this thread.)
    Nottougly: received
    nan_nc: (I emailed Cindy and am waiting to hear back from her.)
    chrizty: (Sharon mailed it last week so Christy you will get it some time this coming week.)
    quiltpartner: received

    Please post when you receive your bookmark(s) and I will update the receiving list.

    Best to you and many thanks,

    Here is a link that might be useful: February 2011 Seeds-N-Stitches Swap Link

  • 13 years ago

    Hope everyone is having a great week! :-)

    Here is an update of who has received their bookmark(s) so far:

    Dan_the_mailman: received
    Lindaruzicka: received
    quiltingfox: received
    gmom2-6boys: received
    ilovefarac: received
    micyrey: received
    HoHumHollow: (Melinda mailed it on 24th. Jessica please let us know when you get it by posting to this thread.)
    Nottougly: received
    nan_nc: (Cindy mailed it 2 weeks ago and still has not gotten there so she will be sending a 2nd bookmark this week. Please let us know when you get it Nancy.)
    chrizty: (Sharon mailed it last week so Christy you should get it some time this week.)
    quiltpartner: received

    Please post when you receive your bookmark(s) and I will update the receiving list.

    Best to you and many thanks,

  • 13 years ago

    Hey All! I got my bookmark just the other day. It is beautiful and worth the wait. Thanks!

  • 13 years ago

    Thanks for letting us know Jessica and glad you got a beautiful bookmark! :-)Hope everyone is having a great week! :-)

    Here is an update of who has received their bookmark(s) so far:

    Dan_the_mailman: received
    Lindaruzicka: received
    quiltingfox: received
    gmom2-6boys: received
    ilovefarac: received
    micyrey: received
    HoHumHollow: received
    Nottougly: received
    nan_nc: (Cindy mailed it 2 weeks ago and still has not gotten there so she will be sending a 2nd bookmark this week. Please let us know when you get it Nancy.)
    chrizty: (Sharon mailed it last week so Christy you should get it some time this week.)
    quiltpartner: received

    Please post when you receive your bookmark(s) and I will update the receiving list.

    Best to you and many thanks,

  • 13 years ago

    Nancy beauitful job!!
    Ok Ill let ya know when it gets here, I haven't got battiers for the cam yet anyho LOL. gotta remember to get them friday.

  • 13 years ago

    Hope everyone is staying warm and safe this weekend. Schools are closed here tomorrow; we're getting an ice day.

    Here is an update of who has received their bookmark(s) so far:

    Dan_the_mailman: received
    Lindaruzicka: received
    quiltingfox: received
    gmom2-6boys: received
    ilovefarac: received
    micyrey: received
    HoHumHollow: received
    Nottougly: received
    nan_nc: (Cindy mailed it 2 weeks ago and still has not gotten there so she will be sending a 2nd bookmark this week. Please let us know when you get it Nancy.)
    chrizty: received
    quiltpartner: received

    Please post when you receive your bookmark(s) and I will update the receiving list. Have a great weekend!! :-)

    Best to you and many thanks,

  • 13 years ago

    Yep I got mine n its BEAUITFUL!! so worth the wait!
    Ill post a pic tomarrow!

  • 13 years ago

    ok heres the pic, Its sooooo Pretty! wonderful job Sharon!

  • 13 years ago

    Awe that looks so pretty Christy! Sharon does great work. :-) Thanks for posting a pic. Now once Nancy gets her bookmark we will be able to wrap up January's Swap. Thankfully ice is melting here today - yeah!! :-)

    Best to you,

  • 13 years ago

    Yea If only my pic taking skills were as goodas her bookmark making skills lol

  • 13 years ago

    Thank you for the beautiful bookmark Christy! I will try to upload a pic of it later this week. Thank you bunches!! :-)

    Working on mom's canning jar quilt. I have 1 jar left to hand applique - yeah!

    Best to you and many thanks,

  • 13 years ago

    Here is an update of who has received their bookmark(s) so far:

    Dan_the_mailman: received
    Lindaruzicka: received
    quiltingfox: received
    gmom2-6boys: received
    ilovefarac: received
    micyrey: received
    HoHumHollow: received
    Nottougly: received
    nan_nc: (Cindy mailed a 2nd bookmark last week. And I mailed you one this week. Please let us know when you get them Nancy.)
    chrizty: received
    quiltpartner: received

    Please post when you receive your bookmark(s) and I will update the receiving list. Have a great week!! :-)

    Best to you and many thanks,

  • 13 years ago

    Glad you liked it Sandra! :)

  • 13 years ago

    Here is an update of who has received their bookmark(s):

    Dan_the_mailman: received
    Lindaruzicka: received
    quiltingfox: received
    gmom2-6boys: received
    ilovefarac: received
    micyrey: received
    HoHumHollow: received
    Nottougly: received
    nan_nc: received
    chrizty: received
    quiltpartner: received

    Thank you everyone for participating. Everyone has received their bookmarks, so this thread is now closed.

    Best to you and many thanks,