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new: jan. 2014 fotess swap: opposite day

11 years ago

FOTESS Swaps require that you be a member of our group. FOTESS stands for Friends of the Earth, Simple Swaps. If you want to know more about membership, please contact me or Shirley.

Here's what we are doing for the month of January:
I looked to see what special days there are in January and I found Opposite Day. It's Jan. 25th so that will be the basis for our next swap. Try to mail so that your partner receives by Jan. 25th - that sounds like a good target date.
What you send must fit in the smallest size priority mailing box - although you can send your swap in a different box or envelope. (First class mail is usually cheaper if it's lightweight.) You need to send at least one pair of opposites - small, inexpensive (one black, one white. - one soft, one hard - one old, one new, etc.) Ideas like seeds, socks, spices, snacks, anything you think your swap partner will enjoy. including a handmade or recycled item is totally fine. You know we try to keep things simple!
Sign up by Jan. 10.
Mail out by Jan. 16.

I'll bet I can come up with an interesting game to play in conjunction with this theme!

Here's what I read on the internet about Opposite Day:

Opposite Day is a topsy, turvy day when everything you say, do, see, and hear are the opposite. If you say go left, you mean go right. If you say look up, it means look down. If you see your left it really your right?

Yesiree, Bob. Opposite Day can be a whole lot of fun. It can also be very, very confusing. This special day is celebrated primarily among school children. Sponge Bob Square Pants even got into the act with an episode containing the whimsical nature of this day.

Thought for the Day: Opposites attract.

Origin of Opposite Day:
We have yet to discover who created this day, or the original date of creation. In true "Opposite Day" spirit, you have to look for someone who says "I didn't create this day" and go from there.

Happy New Year to all in FOTESS. I hope you have a wonderful 2014.


Comments (141)

  • 11 years ago

    Well...I'm not going to mail today because I lost something I wanted to include. I have to get going so I won't have time to look for it. Sorry. I've been even more of a disorganized mess than usual this week.

    I'll look when I get home.

  • 11 years ago

    Since our second favorite subject is weather...
    We are having 35-45 mph winds with gusts up to 60 mph. We'd love a little of that snow cover because it's blowing dirt everywhere. I had to go to a lunch meeting, got to my car, and I had dirt in my mouth. I swear I never opened my mouth! Semis are staying off the highways. Had a house fire in the country and 3 volunteer fire depts. came. Couldn't save the house, but didn't want the fire spreading across our dry grasses, plains and corn stalks. Would have driven the fire right towards the nearest town of 10,000 if they didn't keep it under control.

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    My seeds came yesterday, but I have not had time to look at them. I'll post later with the high points. Thanks MIchelle, for another successful swap. Finally had a chance to open my envelope. Everyone sent great seeds and I will be sowing a lot of them this season. The most creative referenced the poultry and egg garden, including several plumes, Turkey Craw pole beans, a couple of feathers and one Cranesbill, not to mention a couple of foxes in the hen house (Foxgloves). I am always surprised and delighted by some of the associations people make in this swap. Other themes got nice seeds too and poor Miss Lottie could not help but be encouraged by all the different kinds of Marigold. Thanks again! Alana This post was edited by poisondartfrog on Tue, Feb 25, 14 at 19:09
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    My ultra-fab package of seeds arrived a couple days ago. Sorry I haven't posted till now, but, well,...again, we're dealing with various familial/medical issues that are kind of distracting at times. Anyway,...thanks uber muchly, Willy, and everyone else for another absolutely delightful seed swap! Such a wonderful variety of generously contributed seeds! I promise I will post glowing "Rate & Review Exchanges" ratings for whoever I can;...just not this evening. I have a dang dirty cold (taking Zicam, though) and it's late, and I'm tired. - "Willy, thanks again! You're aces, bud!" :)
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    Comments (150)
    Thankful to hear someone call Bingo! Annie, I will give another person a chance to call Bingo until the end of the day in case they have not been able to get online at this point, but if I don't hear from anyone you are the winner. I had no idea we could be down to just 2 more words to be drawn at this point and so many people still needed those two words - or at least one of them! Wow, this was a long Bingo game. Kelli, I'm so happy to report your package showed up in today's mail! It makes you wonder what they do with Priority Mail though; doesn't it? There's no indication it went somewhere else or had a problem of any kind. It's a wonderful package. I smiled when I saw the Sno-Caps. I wanted to get those to put in your package because they seemed perfect for the swap theme and I went to 3 stores and couldn't find them. Anyway, I love Sno-Caps! Kelli also send a pretty note, a journal which is great for recording garden events, and a pair of red gloves. You know I may try putting on hand cream and wearing them in the evening. My hands get so dry in the winter. Kelli also sent 4 packs of seeds Nicotiana Woodland, Echinacea Pow Wow (white), Rose Mallow (white), and Winter Thyme. What great names and I will enjoy all of them. Thanks so much for everything. I will check later to see if this completes our January swap. With the new horse arriving this month, I feel like I have not been on top of things as much as I like so sorry about that but I'm so glad that you enjoyed the swap. I enjoyed this theme, too. We took my new horse, Piper, to the vet for shots, etc. today and she would not get back on the trailer. I guess she liked it there. (Ha! Ha!) Anyway, I think we were there over 2 hours trying to get her to load back on the trailer. My husband finally had to detach the truck and drive home to get some grain to lure her back on. (Whew, it would have been getting dark in about an hour and the vet's office was trying to close down. Piper has a mind of her own on some things and we are working to get her less "opinionated". As my friend explains a 5 year old horse is kind of like a teenage child. Someone should have sent her to her room or make her stand in a corner to get her to behave long before this! LOL Okay, I rambled long enough. Talk with everyone later - and if I am too worn out from my vet experience, I'll be back tomorrow morning. Jeanne
    ...See More
  • 11 years ago

    Sorry I didn't post yesterday but I was unable to do so. I did receive my package from Sheri which included to following

    Each was wrapped and labeled with its opposite

    Round- A compact that when you open it, there is a mirror and a brush. Very handy.
    Square - notecards

    Sweet - A chocolate covered butter biscuit
    Savory - Mrs. McCormick Tuscan Blend stew mix, yummy

    Owl and the Pussycat, opposites attract. An owl mini notebook and cute little handmade seed packets with cats on them.

    Short - Dwarf hollyhock seeds
    Tall- Zinnia seeds, old Mexico

    Thank you for the wonderful package. You package was mailed an hour ago and my DC number is not handy but I can post it later.


  • 11 years ago

    Oh Heidi, your weather sounds just delightful! No doubt you have been spending as much time as possible outside working in your flowerbeds.

    Margo, what a rotten box of junk! I can't believe Sheri sent that to you. What was she thinking? I'm sure you must feel disappointed. Sorry.

    I am obviously completely on top of things, as is evident by the fact that I shipped out a box of rocks to Annie a month ago for this swap. If anybody asks, I will refuse to give out the DC number!

  • 11 years ago

    Thanks Heidi!

    Rec'd my package today....

    labeled for opposites were
    * "silver" and "gold" bows
    *Better homes and garden wax melts... sweet pea for "SPRING" and iced winter cranberry for "WINTER" yum! these smell sooo good!
    * seeds "SUN"flowers & "MOON"flowers
    *My FAV! Hershey's chocolate.... milk chocolate for "DARK" and cookies and cream for "LIGHT"
    *and a very generous amount of seeds...birdhouse gourd, blue globe thistle, coneflower cheyenne sprirt, rose of sharon - white, coneflower secret affair, calendula yellow, campanula artifolia and canterbury bells....yay!! Ive been over here wintersowing and these came just in time! Thank you so much Heidi for everything! LOVE it all! =)
    Your package was mailed out today....I have the # if we need it.

    Thanks again for everything!

  • 11 years ago

    I mailed your package today. It went first class so I hope it gets there in time for Opposite Day.

    What great packages are being sent and received. Thanks everyone for tolerating my lack of attention while I get ready for this baby shower. It seems I have to spend so much time shopping for what I need, I don't ever get the things done here at home. One more shopping expendition tomorrow - to the grocery store so I can make refreshements!

    Heidi, I hope your weather improves. We've had 2 really nice days, but the colder weather is coming back again.


  • 11 years ago

    So glad the "opposite" package made it safe, Margo! I had so much fun choosing stuff. This was a really great January swap idea.

    The Old Mexico Zinnia is the "short" and the Dwarf Queeny Hollyhocks are the "tall". I guess they are both considered short, though. I was so excited when I saw them on your "want list". Was the homemade card in there? I was in a hurry to get to the post.

    Katie... love the photo!

  • 11 years ago

    Well, mine is ready to go except for my favorite part. Sharon, sorry to be late. If I don't find the little packet I misplaced when I get home this afternoon I will find a sub and mail it tomorrow.

  • 11 years ago

    I'm so glad you liked it. I had fun putting it together. It sounds like many of us are having fun coming up with opposites. Then when I checked your 'want list' and found I had several seeds you would like it was a double bonus!
    I always think because I have a box I can put more in and then it's a game to get things arranged so the box will shut!
    No wind today! Yeah! It comes back tomorrow. The strangest thing. High wind every other day (3 days of it) and almost nothing on the days in between. I got gas today, the day with no wind!
    I had a spring fever moment and planted some seeds indoors. I have this table that fits in my window seat. I had to dig it out of the garage where my hubby had obsconded with it. Air conditioners are heavy to move, but I did it to get my table! I have Dazzler Gaillardia coming up! I'm so excited!

  • 11 years ago

    Sheri, yes I did get the cute card. Loved the verse. My week has been a bit rough so trying to make sure I remembered to mention everything failed me.

    This was a great idea for a swap. I had a great time. Margo

  • 11 years ago

    I just wanted to let you know that your package arrived and I loved everything! Up to my ears in getting ready for the baby shower right now, but I'll post the contents once the shower is over. My husband helped me make a diaper cakes last evening. The first one I ever made. I'll have to post a picture after the shower.
    Have a great weekend, everyone!

  • 11 years ago

    Hi Everybody!
    I am so unhappy, we have a three day weekend; how did that happen? Oh gloom and despair! What to do, what to do?

    Sounds like some great packages being received, you all were really creative with "opposites!"

    Jeanne, please, please post a picture of the diaper cake!

    Katie, here's hoping you get a box of rocks in return!

    Have a great weekend All!

  • 11 years ago

    Found it! I won't be mailing mine out tomorrow. I'll have the DC if we don't need it.
    I'm dreading the three day weekend too. I'm going to hate every minute of it.
    All of the packages sound just awful. I hope mine is just as bad.
    Have a terrible weekend!

  • 11 years ago

    I had to take a break so I'm trying to get the diaper cake picture on here. My daughter hasn't seen it yet, but she should be here soon.

  • 11 years ago

    Cute Jeanne! I bet she loved it.

  • 11 years ago

    Really lovely... I thought it was going to be a real cake, but this is even better! I've never seen anything like it.

  • 11 years ago

    How cute!! I hope you have fun! I'm glad the box made it to you, but no rush on anything - enjoy the party, and then try to relax a little!


  • 11 years ago

    Jeanne, do not enjoy the shower today!! I am sure everyone will have an awful time!!

    A huge and I mean huge snowstorm blew in to Southern California last night. BURZY, it is cold. It was 87 is currently 5 below. The snow is blocking all the doors....I can not get out of the poor dogs had to crawl out the window to do their business. The heater does not work, I have no wood for the fire and I am out of coffee. Tiz Fireball time to keep my bones warm!!

    Katie, I have totally forgotten about you and the swap!! Oh goes on!!

    UN-Happy Day to all!!


  • 11 years ago

    Oh Jeanne, the Diaper Cake is just 'the Bomb'! I love it! OOps I forgot about the opposite thing .... I JUST HATE IT!

    Alana, Sad/happy to say my box is finally on its way. Sad because it is on it way, happy because it is so late .

    I'm so happy that I don't have a 3 day weekend .... I can't imagine what I would do with an extra day off. LOL


  • 11 years ago

    Good Grief, Annie, are you serious or is it the opposite thing kicking in? No coffee? How will you survive? I couldn't - for real!

    Jeanne, that cake is darling! And beautifully decorated! You and hubby did a great job! Your daughter will LOVE it!! I've seen these cakes made from baby socks, this diaper edition is a first for me.

    Alana, I AM having a terrible weekend, and I know that your package will be just as bad, if not worse, than everyone else's. Don't panic yet! Or maybe you should, I get so confused everytime I come on this swap site.

    Back to the gardening!

  • 11 years ago

    I received my package from Jeanne today - and how I hated it! It was just awful, filled with opposites of new (Farmer's Almanac), and old (Sno Caps Chocolate), and sun and moon (Sunflowers and Moonflowers), and cherry tomatoes and beefsteak tomatoes. She also included an antonyms word search. And everything was wrapped in a blue leaf paper.

    Thank you Jeanne - I really do love it (for real, not an opposite)!


  • 11 years ago

    So glad you liked (or hated) the package. I had fun putting it together for you. The post office was pretty fast on that one!

    Here's another picture from the shower. This is the cake that I made that was to eat. The batter was both strawberry and white and I made it in a checkerboard design. Then I had strawberry preserves between the layers and fresh strawberries on the top. I was a bit worried about assembling the top and getting it to stay on, but this worked. As for the horses and carousel, that was supposed to be the theme of the shower, but would you believe it's nearly impossible to find carousel things right now? These were Valentine cards that I ordered online and I was very happy to find them!

    Okay, you are probably tired of baby shower postings. We had lots of fun. The decorations and foods all turned out well. Now it's time to rest for a bit after all the preparations... and I haven't done any winter sowing yet and definitely want to do some.

    Have a great day! I'll list who has sent and who has received later in the day or tomorrow by the latest. I didn't realize at first there was the post office holiday on Monday. I'm glad I didn't make the mail out deadline for then.

    Back to visiting with my daughter and son-in-law before they leave for home.


  • 11 years ago

    Jeanne, very creative ideas and both look great. I know how hard these showers are too. I bet you are glad it is over. Now to just sit back and wait for the big event.

    Just checked on the package I sent to Sheri and find that the post office just frustrates the heck out of me. I mailed it on the 16th, they took it north to Detroit to process it on the 17th, then they sent it from Detroit on the 18th. I did not get priority because I knew I would get it to her in time but really? Sending it north to send it south? Since it departed yesterday and no delivery today or tomorrow, I can assume it will be there Tuesday and if not, Wednesday at the latest.

    Snow yesterday but only about an inch. That inch has been turned into massive snowdrifts around us due to high winds. I have watch it completely cover one of my birdbaths this afternoon. It is amazing and so cold.


    Oh yeah, here is the DC #9500100026934016000132

  • 11 years ago

    Rather than posting pictures one at a time, if anyone would like the link to my blog, let me know and I will send it to you by e-mail. I'm not sure I can include it here because it was set up with a name that I used for a previous business. There's a series of pictures there and a little written up about the shower.

    I'll update things here tomorrow. Since the mail will be at a standstill, tomorrow will be the same as today. (Sort of sounds like the movie Groundhog Day, doesn't it?)


  • 11 years ago

    I'm back to post about my fantastic package from Mandy. The swap packages are great... me trying to figure out the message board is not so great. LOL
    (Does "I didn't send" mean "I did"? I'll make an attempt at updating with a Sent and Received List later today.)

    Anyway, I can easily tell about my package that I received.
    The funny part is Mandy did send me a rock! The rock is one of her fossil rocks so it's special and it was HARD and came wrapped in gauze - SOFT. I also got COOL peppermint gum and HOT cinnamon candy. There is also SOFT and SOUR candy and HARD and SWEET candy. There are pea seeds that grow TALL and flower seeds that grow SHORT. There are tomato seeds - some that grow BLACK and some that grow WHITE and SHORT and TALL ones. Finally, a roll of ribbon that is LONG and a jar of honey that is SHORT. Great job on the opposites, Mandy, and thanks for the note that brought out all the special characteristics. I think I'll have a cup of tea with some of that honey.

    Thanks again and everyone enjoy the day.


  • 11 years ago

    Here I go with an attempt to update:

    Margo and Sheri are partners. (Margo received and sent)
    Mandy and Jeanne are partners. (Both received)
    Heidi and Jayeanne are partners. (Jayeanne received and sent)
    Annie and Katie are partners. (Katie sent... and maybe Annie, too?)
    Alana and Sharon are partners. (Both sent)

    I commented to my husband that when someone says they sent or didn't send I have no idea what it means.

    Meanwhile, "Ms. Behind-on-a-Lot-of-Things" here has not mailed out the prizes yet. I won't forget. Just got sidetracked for the past week.

    The cold weather is returning. Too bad We had a couple of nice days. Let's see who gets what in tomorrow's mail. (Do you think the post office is delivering mail? If you say "No" then maybe they are.)


  • 11 years ago

    I got it Jayeanne! What fun to find your package in the mail today!
    First she wrapped the box with fun plastic tape with snowflakes on it.
    The card was so sweet. A teddy bear in a garden of sunflowers, nice and bright and cheery. You'll love her opposites:
    Hot chocolate mix and Cold Greenapple Golden Pineapple Trident Gum (never tried this) I could get hooked very easily!
    Shade Small coleus rainbow mix seeds and Sun Giant larkspur imperial mix!!! Can't wait!!!
    Single color Cardinal flower seeds and Multicolor Wildflower American Mix seeds.
    White Lunaria 'Honesty' seeds and Black Swan Poppy seeds. I so hope I can get these poppies to grow. I have a thing for poppies, but have so much trouble growing them. I get to dream about it, though! (and I keep trying)
    The last baggie I pull out of the box is harder. I immediately see 3 Musketeers little candy bars. My mind is trying to guess what the opposite is. Opposite of chocolate? Opposite of candy? (Today standing in line at the store I thought of a good opposite: candy and vitamins!) Then I see a cupcake, a pink one. Is it 'vanilla'? I opened it up and looked at the tag. "Non Edible." I laughed and laughed. I was almost ready to taste the cupcake to check it out! ha

    This was so much fun. I had fun putting together the package and then receiving my package.

    Thank you again Jayeanne! You made my day. You made my week!

    Oh, and I started a few seeds in the house. My husband isn't excited about it, but he's come to expect it. My gaillardia seeds have sprouted. Now I have a little green to look at every day and try not to overwater!

  • 11 years ago

    Thank you, Margo, for the really excellent "opposites" package! I really love it all (for real!).

    For Cold/For Hot - Butterfly ice tray and a beautiful pot holder!

    Filled/Unfilled (very clever!!)- Empty (unfilled) mini zip lock baggies for seeds (I was all out, too!) and mini baggies full of seeds... Echinacea Paradoxa, Moneymaker tomato from Baker Creek, Vinca Lipstick Mix, Sombrero Hot Coral Coneflower, Honkin' Big Black Cherry Tomato, Sombrero Salsa Red Coneflower and Cypress Vine Funny Valentine Blend. Love it all so much!

    Something For Feet/Something For Hands - Those "second skin" gloves that I LOVE and adorable, soft "unclock the cure" socks. Both honored breast cancer awareness/cure.

    She enclosed a cute opposites note, too. It had my husband a little confused. ;) Thank you so much, Margo. It was like Christmas all-over again.


  • 11 years ago

    Sheri, so glad you liked everything. With my mother being a breast cancer survivor and a good friend going through the journey of chemo right now, I am a big promoter of breast cancer awareness.

    Thank you Jeanne for hosting such a creative and fun swap. Margo

  • 11 years ago

    And so the packages flew today!

    Margo and Sheri are partners. (Both received)
    Mandy and Jeanne are partners. (Both received)
    Heidi and Jayeanne are partners. (Both received)
    Annie and Katie are partners. (Katie sent... and maybe Annie, too?)
    Alana and Sharon are partners. (Both sent)

    Everyone has been sending creative and wonderful packages. When I thought up this swap theme, I had no idea how it would go over. Other than me being confused in reading the posts and trying to figure them out, it has been lots of fun.

    I stopped to get prizes for the game today... right after which someone rammed into the back of my car in the bad 5:30 p.m. traffic. Ouch! It always amazes me there can be totally congested traffic that is barely moving and someone takes their eyes off the road and speeds up like that. He hit my car so hard it pushed it into the car ahead of me. I came home pretty upset, but we all know accidents can be much worse. I'm sure my neck and back will be even more sore tomorrow - I have ice on them now - and my car needs quite a bit of repair on the rear. I get so protective of my car - hate to have anything happen to it. I'm the type who parks far from the store so no one will open their door into it and to keep it out of shopping cart range. I am sad... :-(

    Will check in again tomorrow.

  • 11 years ago

    Oh Jeanne! Glad you were not injured.

    I'm away from home after dark a lot right now which is when the mail runs here. My neighbor has been collecting mine for me and keeping it until I can pick it up.
    Yesterday I received my "Opposites" from Sharon and I just now picked up the box.
    Not only did she spoil me, she sent a neat and creative group of opposites. Thank you Sharon!
    She sent these horrible opposites. I hate the way she packaged everything so neatly!
    Far and Near
    Cherries from Traverse City, MI and Tom Yam Broth from Thailand (gets my personal pick as most creative)

    Sticky and Unsticky
    Goo Gone (apply to make unsticky) and Trident Gum
    (never heard of Goo Gone! Bet I find lots of uses for it)

    Clean and Dirty
    Anti-bacterial Hand Gel and Potting Soil

    Thank you again, Sharon!! Your opposites were great!

  • 11 years ago

    Guess what I just found on my porch???? A box from Katie.....opposites have arrived! And no rocks...LOL!

    First of all, Katie included a note hoping this box would ruin my day.....Katie, you are so mean!!!!!!

    And in my box.....

    Red and Green......
    Green Envy Zinnia
    Red Homestead 24 Heirloom Tomato

    Small and Large.......
    Small seed bags
    Large seed bags

    Light and Dark......
    Green and Black's Organic Milk Choocolate Bar
    Green and Black's Organic White Chocolate Bar

    Love it all!!! Yes, really!!!! Thanks so much!!! I just took a bite of the milk chocolate bar....yum!
    And your opposites, I intentionally sent late so not to be early.....truthfully, I sent priority yesterday, so you should receive on Thursday or Friday! I have DC if necessary.

    I have gotten a real kick out these opposite packages.....

    So much fun.....thanks Jeanne for a great month. Take care of your BOD........


  • 11 years ago

    Hey Heidi! LOL

    So glad you got your package I had a lot of fun with that! Thanks for hosting Jeanne!


  • 11 years ago

    The game prizes were mailed today. I had things I needed to mail to my daughters, too, so I did that after my doctor's appointment.

    Some more great swap packages received!
    Margo and Sheri are partners. (Both received)
    Mandy and Jeanne are partners. (Both received)
    Heidi and Jayeanne are partners. (Both received)
    Annie and Katie are partners. (Annie sent)
    Alana and Sharon are partners. (Both sent - Alana received)

    I hope that's about right. I took a pain pill after I got home from the doctor's office and will be in for the night. Alana, Goo-Gone is great. I use it to get off the sticky price tags when they are just about permanently attached to things.
    I agree that the FAR and NEAR was very creative!

    Will check in tomorrow.

  • 11 years ago

    Jeanne, hope you are feeling all right, quite the nasty experience!

    And the "Opposites" in all these packages are just awesome! The thought and imagination that went into them was just great!

    It is below zero here again, supposed to warm up in the next few days and snow. Getting used to it now!

    Have a great day tomorrow!

  • 11 years ago

    I am very happy to announce that I have officially lost my receipt with the DC number on it. I usually print online and did not this time and voila! I was going to check on Sharon's package and the receipt is not in my wallet where I THOUGHT I put it.
    If Sharon has not received her package by Saturday I will send to her again.
    I am not very very sorry. I'm still afraid she may yet post that she has received it and I am worrying about nothing, but we'll see. It has been taking longer and longer for mail I send North of me to arrive, while mail going South seems fine, so maybe it is just making it's way slowly. I sent first class, not priority, which could be part of the problem.
    Again, I'm not very sorry at all and I don't feel any anxiety waiting to hear from her.

  • 11 years ago

    well, this will be my first post this month that is not completely written in opposite of what I mean... for real!

    Got my package from Annie today. Holy moly, Lady! You are serious with those opposites!! You went above and beyond the call of duty! I'm surprised you didn't have to ship this FOB. This big ole package totally cracked me up....

    Annie sent these opposites:
    Seeds that are smaller - Shishito pepper, Cabbage, Santa Fe Grade pepper, Arugula, Northern Lights tomato, & Kellogg's Breakfast tomato
    Seeds that are LARGER - Aquadulce Fava bean, Golden Sunshine runner beans, Sunset runner beans, Insuk Wang Kong runner beans, and Tall Telephone garden pea.
    All of these are totally new to me (except for arugula). Will you be growing all these this year, Annie?

    Left/Right (x2)
    Two pairs of super fuzzy, cuddly socks. I'll be donning these while snuggled up by the fire :)

    Like/Dislike hahahaha, this was my 2nd favorite
    Annie likes Hershey's Cookies and Cream bars (my husband is already eating this ... )
    Annie dislikes Swedish Fish soft&chewy candies (I might be with you there, Annie LOL!)

    Rolled/Flat hehehehehehehe, in a cute card!
    a rolled up $1 bill
    a flattened out $1 bill

    Happy/Sad This is my favorite pair
    A slotted spoon with slots in the shape of a smiley face, and BPA free! -- hahahahahahahaha! This thing cracks me up!!!
    Refresh Tears eyedrops (get it? sad 'Tears')

    Oh, Annie! You sent an amazing package. Thank you so much for being so generous.

    This was such a fun, hilarious swap Jeanne. Thanks so much for coming up with a great idea for the dreary month of January. I very much enjoyed this swap's 'revelry.'

  • 11 years ago

    Annie, You were so creative with what you sent. That spoon makes me smile, too!

    Well, I have been going for x-rays (Thurs. and tomorrow) and am scheduled for physical therapy. Seems all I do lately is put ice or heat on my back and neck and go to medical appointments. Not fun at all, but I want my back to be fully functional so better to do all this now than to have lingering problems. I know some of the rest of you know what I mean. It did continue to get worse after the first day... which I was told was likely to happen. Maybe I will be to the "continuing to get better" part soon? I'll be waiting to hear if it is just muscle soreness from the whiplash or something more.

    Margo and Sheri are partners. (Both received)
    Mandy and Jeanne are partners. (Both received)
    Heidi and Jayeanne are partners. (Both received)
    Annie and Katie are partners. (Both received)
    Alana and Sharon are partners. (Alana sent and received)

    Alana, have you heard from Sharon? I wonder is she is away and her package has been delivered. I know if you said you sent that you did. Hopefully we will hear soon that it arrived - I know you are concerned.

    It's very cold here, too - going down into the teens at night and some days it does not get above freezing. I know that is not "cold" for some of you, but it's very cold for South Carolina. We are giving our horse extra hay to help her get through all this cold weather. I wish I had a space where I could bring her into the house, but that's not going to happen. I guess you know that long ago the house and the barn were one structure. Sounds very sensible in such cold weather.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  • 11 years ago

    You're right, Jeanne. I am very concerned. The one time I lose the receipt is the time I need it.
    Still, Sharon may just be away or busy. If she does not post that she receives it today I will email her before doing anything else.
    I mailed it one week ago today. That should be plenty of time, even for first class mail.
    Fortunately, this was such a great theme that I can quickly put together another little group of opposites to send her.

  • 11 years ago

    I'm not here, I'm not ok, and I'M NOT VERY APPOLOGETIC about not posting earlier.

    Seriously, Alana, I'm so sorry. I had a relapse and haven't been well for a couple of days. Not really a good excuse ... I should have taken the few minutes it takes to post about what a wonderful Opposites package you have sent me. All I can say is each time I thought of doing it, I would start to move and then start to feel sick again ... so I would lay back down ... and forget to post.

    But your package was one of the bright things in the last couple days.
    A Black and White Theme....
    5-5 Gallon Grow bags - white on outside, black on inside. How ingenious to include both opposites in one object!

    I haven't used these before. We just got a fence 2 years ago, so this will be an excited new planting spring for me! I love my flowers so much, I always have trouble finding room for my vegetables .... and now you have just given me more room!!! I love it.
    And the seeds that flower in black and white ... SO MANY!
    Coleus Black Dragon
    Black Madras ... new to me.
    Black Pearl Pepper -
    Japanese Black Trifele Tomato
    Snowberry white Cherry tomato
    Lynchis Alba
    Nigella Miss Jekyll white
    zinnia Gem White
    Carthamus Lasting White Shiro
    Pansy Black Devil

    AND Alana added some more seeds that were Opposites.

    Bearded Iris vs Beardless Iris
    Quaker Lady/Henrys White ensata

    Dog vs Cat - I have both. :o)
    Purple Dog Creek tomato/Catnip

    Tall vs Short -Zinnia super Cactus Giants/Zinna Gem White

    Shade vs Sun
    Carnival Metallic Deep Salmon/Celosia First Flame Orange

    Wet vs Dry
    Cyperus Giant Papyrus/Phacelia White Scorpion plant

    Oh MY MY MY .... I just HATE seeds ... just cant think of what to do with all these!

    Thank you so much Alana ... hope my apology is accepted.

    Redfaced and still a little nauseous,

  • 11 years ago

    I've just taken the time to go back and read the older posts.
    Jeanne, sorry to hear of the accident ... yikes, x rays and PT ... sounds serious enough to me.

    I got the biggest kick out of reading all the opposites ... so many creative ideas!

    BUT I got the biggest smile from the Spoon ... Annie, that was so funny. I so wish it had been my idea!

    You gals are the greatest.

  • 11 years ago

    Sharon, I am sorry that you have been so ill! Really, not oppositely!
    And, I'm glad you finally received the package. Sorry to panic; I just could not stand the thought that I might have failed to deliver.
    No harm done and I have learned a lesson about guarding DC receipts. I won't skip printing online anytiime soon.

  • 11 years ago

    Happy Opposite Day, everyone! It's finally here and all of the packages have been received. I think that makes it a good day (... or do I say a bad day?)

    The creativity in this swap was outstanding! I hope we get to do this swap again one year. I think some of us may look for some other weird days to celebrate for future swaps. I haven't done a bit of winter sowing this year so I hope my back allows for that soon. Of course, it has been extra cold here lately so I might now want to be out there anyway. Do some of you prepare your winter sowing containers indoors and then move them outside once they are planted? I've done that if I want to plant them on a really cold day. Of course, bringing the soil inside is kind of a mess! Usually I just prepare everything in the garage and then move the containers so they are totally outside.

    Thanks, everyone, for participating. Sharon, I'm glad you are starting to feel better and your package arrived okay.

    It won't be long and the February swap will begin. Of course, keep chatting here if you like. I think only the game prizes are still "in flight."


  • 11 years ago

    Jeanne, so sorry to hear about your wreck. Thankfully, it wasn't more serious. I know what you mean about the delayed 'getting worse.'

    For winter sowing, I prep containers ahead of time on nice weather days. I dislike digging in the dirt when it's bitter cold and windy, even in the greenhouse. It tears my hands up.

    Sharon, hope you feel much better soon! I have a cold, maybe a sinus infection. But it's not stopping me; not yet anyways.

  • 11 years ago

    Jeanne, I received my prize...thanks so much!!!!!!

    Katie, glad you enjoyed the opposites. Yes, I will be planting the runner beans, probably in March. I planted the favas and telephone peas in November. Even with our very warm weather they are doing great. The favas are about 3-4 ft tall right now and the telephone peas are 5-6ft.

    Happy Day to all. Once again..Jeanne a very fun swap. Thank you!!


  • 11 years ago

    Hi Everyone! What a great swap this was!! Kind of wish I had joined, but maybe Jeanne will have it again sometime, I really like that idea!

    I'll be posting the February swap soon. It's going to be about upcycling and you'll get to vote on how you want the swap to run! Need to do some tweaking and then I'll post.

    Jeanne, hope you get to feeling better. Take care, please! When is the new little one due?

    Our weather warmed up today, I think it's 10 above out there at this point. Supposed to go back below zero tonight. Snow off and on today too. Too #@!!*%!! cold!

    Have a great weekend, All!

  • 11 years ago

    Busy week for me! Jeanne... I'm so glad you went to se the doctor (for real, not opposite) because so many people ignore their injuries after a car crash. I'm happy you're on-the-mend.

    A queasy tummy is the worst, Sharon. I'm relieved that you're recovering. That was an awesome package you sent her, Alana!

    This post was edited by Panhandle_Seed_Swap on Tue, Jan 28, 14 at 10:33

  • 11 years ago

    That's great Sheri! Are you anywhere in those photos. :)

  • 11 years ago

    Jeanne, this was a great swap. Thanks again!

    This post was edited by Panhandle_Seed_Swap on Tue, Jan 28, 14 at 10:32

  • 10 years ago

    Would you like to have a seat in my garden?
    LOL... I am so happy to have snow. I was hoping to get to watch the snowflakes come down all yesterday afternoon, but it was a little after 9 pm when they started to fall so that didn't work out. I believe this is the first snowfall for us in 2-3 years. I had been waiting!

    Okay. I see the new swap has been posted. Someone asked about the prizes I sent out for the game winners. I sent something that was edible and something that looked edible, but wasn't: Valentine candy and a notepad with a matching pen and the design of the notepad was a cupcake, but definitely not one to eat!

    Well, time for some lunch and I think I'll spend some time looking out the window admiring the snow.
