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Another example of natural vs. artificial feeding pros and cons

19 years ago

This morning when I woke up and looked out my window, I saw a beautiful sharphsin hawk sitting on a bluebird box that is placed near the elderberry patch. He sat there and hoped to prey on the songbirds that feed on the elderberries. Watch as he might, the songbirds stayed inside the foliage and were impossible for him to catch. It was an amazing thing to watch.

I saw a similar situation one winter when a squirrel stayed in the lower tangled branches of a shrub in full view of a red-tailed hawk. As capable as these birds are on the wing, they are equally clumsy in an area of cover. The squirrel knew this and sat there thumbing his nose at the hawk. I watched the hawk unsuccessfully try to maneuver down to where the squirrel was for about 10 minutes until he gave up.

The raptors and other predators will always notice where their prey concentrates to feed--whether it is at a feeder or in a patch of natural food. To me this just provides further evidence that natural food is a superior choice for feeding birds and other wildlife. It not only feeds them but helps to protect them from predators.

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