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other options besides wood mulch- rubber? just compost? thanks

11 years ago

Hi everyone,

I have done a lot of research on wood mulch, and while I think its looks great and will/can benefit my flowerbeds, it is not an option for me. My flower beds go right up to my house and we have had termites before. There is no way I can convince my husband to let me put down wood mulch. We have flowerbeds in the front of the house that are about 400 sq. foot. For the past few years I have tried groundcover, weeding, and putting down Preen constantly. I am ready to do something more drastic. I bought a small bag of rubber mulch today ( just to see what it is like) and did not think it looks too bad. Yet, I read on here how so many people do not like rubber mulch...has anyone used it and liked it? And, if I can not use rubber mulch nor wood mulch, what should I do? I was thinking just compost? Or pebbles, rocks, etc. I am really open to suggestions, just know that what I have been doing is not working and wood chips are not really an option either. Thanks in advance for your help!


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