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Evergreen vine for 2nd story deck trellis in zone 5

16 years ago

This may seem like an impossible request. I am looking for a fast growing evergreen vine for my second-story deck (to block the view of my neighbor's deck which is also on the second story). It could either be planted in a large pot/planter on my deck or in the ground below the deck, but then it must grow at least 25'. It would be located on the northwest side of the house. If it were planted on the deck then it would get full sun - and lots of heat. If it were planted on the ground below the deck then it wouldn't get much sun until it got to be over 10' tall. It's roots would be competing with a large forsythia and also a large variegated dogwood bush. I'd prefer something that flowers although that's not a must either. I live in zone 5b in southeast Nebraska. Our winter winds are very strong and sometimes we have horrid ice storms. Can you recommend anything? I can always revert to an annual vine like a black-eyed susan vine if nothing else although then the view of my neighbor's deck won't be blocked during some of the best deck months of the year until the annual vine starts to take off. I'd also prefer NOT to get an invasive ivy that will attached to the brick or be a mite problem.

Thanks so much.

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