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Vermicomposting on a Erlenmeyer Flask Scale (due in two days)

18 years ago

One of my friends, a fellow biology teacher, had a set of McD's fries in a rather large (1L) erlenmeyer flask. I'm not sure what she was trying to prove to her students, but they are now rather covered with mold. She expressed to me that she was sad to have to throw away the experiment and asked if there was anything that could be done with the fries. I suggested tossing some worms in and letting her children observe the carbon cycle.

Now, these fries in question are rather attached to the bottom of the erlenmeyer flask (which does not have air holes or drainage holes, save the neck in the flask).

Is there any reason why tossing some worms in would result in something horrifying? Would this even work?

The backup plan is to build a pop-bottle wormbin and try to scrape as many chunks out of the flask of moldy fries as possible but for the "oh cool, it is all taking place in the same space" of it all, I was wondering about putting the worms in the lab glassware.

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