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Daconil the Devil?

16 years ago

No, I am not an organic nut. But I am a bit concerned about some of the chemicals the FDA says are safe. Why? Well at one time it was supposed to be safe to spray DDT in affluent US Neighborhoods. I have seen commercials with "Happy Children" playing and. froliking in the DDT dust of a FDA approved truck. I am no historical expert but my opinion is that big bisuness doesn't admit it may be harming people until there is a law suit. Ok, now for some chemistry. I am not so stupid when it comes to this subject(but maybe at growing Toms I am a novice).The chemical structure of Daconil is like nothing I have ever seen in a natural product. Lots of chlorine atoms and a few cyanide groups surrounding a benzene ring. Maybe it is not bad, but my chemical intuiition says I would feel guilty feeding it to my 2 year old son(or my wife for that matter). I don't want to start a controversy, but my feeling is that if any one could give me an example of such a nasty looking natural product that can be metablized safely by the Human digestive tract, it would be very much appreciated. Wish I could consiously use the stuff as my plants are taking a beating from fungus this year. Cheers all, and remember I a not an organic nut just a guy who wants the truth.


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