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We're buying our worms today! Kids question

19 years ago

I'll go in an hour or so to a downtown specialized shop to buy our 1st pound of worms. I just called and the people there sound very knowledgeable and really talkative about worms! :-))

I have 3 kids who are 10, 7 and 4 years old. They all are really excited about this vermicompost idea. Particularly my 4 years old who spends lot of time playing with worms in the garden.

My question is... Is vermicomposting easy enough for my kids to be really involved in the process, with close supervision of course? Or should I limit their access to the bin and let them "look but never touch"?

I'd prefer know now and set the right rules about the vermicompost bin. I don't want the kids to feel I punish them by first allowing then forbid or the worm to be harmed.


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