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new: obf fall cleaning swap

17 years ago

OurBloomin Friends Friendship Swap Group was created to have a reliable, fair and safe haven to swap and trade between the group members. If you care to join us, we would love to have you. Please be a successful member of garden web and have had a trade with two or three of our members. Membership requests should be directed to veeja/carol or

skohler/susie via email.


OBF Fall Cleaning Swap

I thought it'd be fun to do a clean out swap. Since many of us have been under severe drought conditions and have lost plants or really can't dig plants at this time so why not have a Fall Clean Out swap instead of a Spring Cleaning Swap.

This swap doesn't require you to send any bulbs/plants/seeds unless you want to and can. So basically this will be an anything goes swap. If you have

special wants ie. a theme garden, certain things etc. then you can put it on the info sheet that you will send to your swap partner. Please do not go out of your way to buy something just for this swap, use things you have for Fall and don't need or use anymore. Home-made things, on hand things, things you saved for a whatever box, just try to keep it in the fall cleaning mode.

The rules are simple.... Sign ups are until September 2nd, I will post swap partners on Sept. 3rd. Boxes must be sent by Sept. 24th so everyone playing will receive their box by Sept. 30th. No plants are necessary but can be put in the box. This is an ANYTHING GOES Fall Swap. Now lets Fall IN and sign up.



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