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Christmas Eve 2009 Yard Update

15 years ago

Had a chance to walk around the yard today and take some pictures. The first picture is of Thai Everbearing (center). On the left is the remnants of my Emperor Lychee that is now a trellis for Dragon Fruit.


Bailey's Marvel


Some lychees...from left to right.....Peerless, Early Large Red, Bengal and Mauritius


Jakarta Mango...notice that one section of the tree is in bloom while most of the tree is not. The part in bloom is the old wood that remained after Hurricane Wilma while the taller remainder of the tree is all new growth since the hurricane. The newer part will bloom later, allowing the possibility of two crops.


Hart carambola in the center with my blown over Imbe on the left.


Edward mango


Brewster Lychee in the center. Mai 3 (or Mia 3 as Excalibur spells it) seedling on the left. Remnants of hurricane destroyed Gefner Atemoya in foreground


Imam Pasand mango graft.


Mammey apple (mammea americana)


Alano sapodilla (naseberry)


Haseya Sapodilla


Rosigold mango


Cogshall mango


Maha Chanook


Graham mango


Martinez mango......the more I look at this the more I think it might actually be Rosigold or a Rosigold relative. What ever it is, if it'll produce a regular crop earlier than anything else....I don;t care what name you put on it.


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