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UPDATE: Cleaning The Seed Box Swap update #3

16 years ago


loading time was getting a little long for the old thread

1. Micyrey/Michelle anything but trees **receved seeds**

2. panchiro/Simone **receved seeds**

3. amybabyboy3/Amy veggies and flowers **receved seeds**

4. booberry85 (veggies) **receved seeds**

5. sguanzon/sue no vegies no trees **receved seeds**

6. vic_zn5/Vic (flowers & veggies) **receved seeds**

7. kristlindgren/Kris **receved seeds**

8. kmpsmom/Ann

9. fcoffill/Frances flowers/foliage for hot/dry **receved seeds**

  1. evonnestoryteller (flowers) **receved seeds**

  2. sassybutterfly_2008/Wendy (flowers)

  3. mimib1/Brenda (any) **receved seeds**

  4. luvgardening2/Nancy (veggies) **receved seeds**

  5. ravenwv - flowers

  6. esiuol/Louise **receved seeds**

  7. quiltingfox **receved seeds/2nd pack**(toss rose hips)

17 rbrady/Rhonda **receved seeds**

  1. urbanhula/titiana **receved seeds** edibles(fruit, vegies, berries, herbs) no kale no chard

  2. saleado/jonathan dropped out

  3. livingdedgrrl - flowers **receved seeds** got postage

  4. ibartoo/linda flowers dropped out

  5. candycow/candy **receved seeds**

  6. astilbebstillz6a/ veggies/herbs/ **receved seeds**

  7. daphne16/ veggies/herbs/eddibles **receved seeds**

  8. kalena67/ karen **receved seeds**

  9. greensingh/ flowers/foliage/grass/tomatoes **receved seeds**

  10. kandituft/ flowers/veggies **receved seeds**

  11. metull/melonie flowers **receved seeds**

  12. flowers1/amy on the way

  13. chrizty/christy flowers **receved seeds**

  14. dorisl/doris **receved seeds** wants millet

  15. southern charm/not toxic **receved seeds** receved


  16. grove spirit/ non toxic

  17. christie199/christie flowers/herbs **receved seeds**

  18. uncgardener/kara veggies/flowers **receved seeds**

  19. gnomey/Gerri flowers **receved seeds**

  20. musicaldeity/ anything

  21. karendee/karen **receved seeds** **receved second pack*

  22. momcat/ no trees no vegies **receved seeds**

  23. lillyjane/jan **receved seeds**

well we still have 1 on the way and 5 missing players I will give them a few days(Till I get the rest of the last envie in) If I have not heard from them by then I'll just finnish up sorting and start returning the envies. I would like to get them ready by sat so I can go to the PO wile my DH babysits for me. but if our MIA's still want to send please get them on the way soon, and let me know to wait for them.

have a great night everyone


ps luvgardening/nancy - we used to live in WC. my DH parents lived on Charvers when I met him. and I worked at Magan Med clinic. but I lived in Chino, the commute was killer. I hope you are not too hot, can you see the SB mountains today, I do miss seeing the mountains.

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