UPDATE: Petal Pushers July White Elephant Swap #4
Box #1 (Karen)
Hosta 'Paul's Glory'
Heuchera 'Melting Fire'
'Siloam Fairy Tale Pink'
'Bama Bound'
'Bela Lugosi'
'Joan Senior'
Dianthus 'Telstar Picotte'
Lavender 'True'
This noid Iris (see picture above)
And this noid Iris (see picture above)
Also a Pillsbury Party Cookbook 144 pages
'Pandora's Box'
'Eenie Allegro'
Box #2 (Lisa)
echinacea green envy *changed from green jewel*
obedient plant- miss manners
sedum-blue spruce
carex- red rooster
pulmonaria- roy davidson
geum- lady stratheden
campanula takesimana-elizabeth
lily of the valley-pink
helianthus lemon queen
ligularia-unknown cultivar
knipofia- from bluestone
yarrow- Heidi from bluestone
heuchera blackout ****added
false solomons seal ****added
Plus an item that she has posted for us to see.
Box #3 (Shirley)
Daylily-'Beautiful Edgings'
Daylily-'Egyptian Queen'
Daylily-'Spacecoast Bold Design'
Daylily-'Liquid Sunshine'
Daylily-'Rib Tickling'
Bearded Iris-'Vibrations'
Bearded Iris-'Coral Point'
Bearded Iris-'Gotta Lotta Bodda'
Siberian Iris-'Lemon Veil'
Louisiana Iris-'Black Gamecock'
Japanese Iris-'Lion King'
Lilium-'Black Spider'
Tiarella-'Pink Brushes'
Hosta-'Elvis Lives'
Box #4 (Pat)
Daylily 'Lavender Tonic'
Geum 'Mrs. Bradshaw'
Echinacea 'White Swan'
Penstemon 'Red Riding Hood'
Balloon Flower 'Sentimental Blue'
Hosta 'Julie Morss' (so tagged from the nursery but I haven't seen much variation on this one)
Hosta 'Austin Dickinson'
Hosta 'Holy Mole'
Heuchera 'Cinnabar Silver' (though something could happen that I have to substitute 'Peppermint Spice')
1 year Subscription to your choice of one of the following magazines: "Southern Living" (13 issues), "Country Living" (12 issues), "Midwest Living" (6 issues) or "Better Homes & Gardens" (12 issues).
Lamiastrum 'Herman's Pride'
Candylily - Pardancanda norrisii 'Kiba Giants'
Echinacea 'Summer Sky'
Echinacea 'Rocky Top'
Variegated Liriope
Box #5 (Alana)
Rosey Returns
Exotic Treasure
Custard Candy
Wild Horses
Riviera Rhapsody
Bearded Iris
Unstable Gene
Her Kingdom
Galactic Warrior
Magical Encounter
Hosta, Blue Mouse Ears
Heuchera, "Mocha"
My non plant item is a quart sized copper watering pot. (picture above)
Box #6 (Carmen)
Chlorophaytum, Mandarin Plant-house plant
Peruvian Grape Ivy
Verigated mosquitoe plant- very pretty
Coleus Blackberry Waffle
Colocephalus Silver Bush
Ajuga Chocolate Chip
Heuchera Creme Brulee'
Lemon Grass, great for lemony tea
Hydrid Hosta "Sunhosta"beautiful large white flowers for in the SUN wooohooo
Juncus Twisted Arrows
Gag surprise that was gifted to me and I'm passing it on
Gardening bottle with fan and space for ice to keep you cool.
Daylily "fairy tale pink"
Plus a couple surprices
Box #7 (Deb)
Hardcover (very large book) "Martha Stewart's GARDENING Month by Month" 360 pages. Lots of info! (Book is like new)
Humming bird feeder made by First Nature
Magazines- Older issues..
2 Fine Gardening
Country Gardening
Burpee American Gardening Series/Garden Designs
Caladium bulb "Candidum" white with green veins
Caladium bulb "F.M Joyner" White with green netting, red veins
Allium (Color unknown) 12 bulbs
Sweet Autumn Clematis
Flowering Tobacco "Nicotiana Alata"
Pink Asiatic Lily
Monarda Wahpe
Heliopsis Helianthoides False Sunflower
Scarlet Flax
Nicotiana Sylvestris "Only the Lonely"
Sweet William
Veronica Spicata "Blue"
Best book of all.. 1,519 All Natural All Amazing Gardening Secrets by Reader's Digest, hardcover 383 pages (book is like new) Book highlites- Less weeding, greener grass, fewer bugs, bigger blooms!
Last book (softcover) used- Exotic Flowering Houseplants by William Davidson pgs. 96. Lots of info too, color pics!
Cute little plastic windchime- Hearts
Box #8 (Tracy)
Daylily "Moonlit Masquerade"
Echinacea "Sundown"
Echinacea "Cygnet White"
Echinacea "Double Decker"
Lungwort "Roy Davidson"
Fern "Bradfords Beauty"
Hosta "Gold Edger"
Hosta "Veronica Lake"
Hosta "Golden Tiara"
Hosta "Fortunei Aureomarginata"
I will be adding a garden gift or two. I need to pick that still so I suppose that will just have to be a surprise
Box #9 (ptilda)
Hosta Allen P. McConnell (mini)
Hosta Gold Standard
Hosta Golden Tiara
Hosta Lakeside Little Gem
Hosta Lancifolia
Hosta Twist of Lime
Hosta Undulata Albomarginata
Stella D'Oro Daylily
Magnetta Spiderwort
Dark Red Yarow
Hens and Chicks
White Lily of the Valley
Pink Lily of the Valley
NOID Yellow Bearded iris
Syringa vulgaris - common lilac
Hand-made "garden plaques" (personalized if desired)
Will be able to add some items if you can fit me in.
Box #10 (Vic)
Ice Carnival
Rocket City
One more but I'm not sure what yet, (it's a good excuse
to go get another! : )
Blue oat grass
Strawberry Ribbon Grass
No ID Rose - This is a tall, 5ft rose. I just got some from a friends yard, they are bright pink. I was going to take a pic of the one that was in bloom but I planted it too close to the dog kennel....(live and learn)
IF the "winner" of my box would like I have a White flowering Yucca, but, don't feel obligated to take this one! I know some ppl like them, I don't, but they grow wild here : )
An assortment of seeds that I will try to match up to your wants list.
a pair of gloves, leather/suede size med
patio candle - I think it's Hyacinth scented, can't remember
and your choice of one of 3 bird feeders, I'll post pics tonight. One is a hummer feeder, and the other 2 are for seed.
Box #11 (Fran)
01. Trumpet Vine (deep red/orangey color)may lose it tops but will put out from the root
02. Seedling Night Blooming Jasmine (it will be about 4.5 to 5 inches tall, it is a seedling)
03. Star Jasmine 1 rooted Piece/Stem? (about 13 inches long)
04. Datura Lilac Lefleur
05. Datura Black Currant Swirl (seedling, not sure how big it will be it is about 2 inches now, they grow fast it will come potted)
06. Syringa vulgaris Common Lilac, French Lilac small plant divison
07. Malva sylvestris Mystic Merlin (young plant)
08. Heuchera 'Pewter Veil'
09. Hosta 'August Moon'
10. Verbena bonariensis
11. Tricyrtis 'Tojen' (Tojen Toad Lily)
12. Echinacea 'Pink Double Delight' young plants
13. Echinacea 'Mac 'N' Cheese' young plants
other items to be included be SURPRISED hehe
Box #12 (Sassy)
America's Most Wanted
Freeda James
Golden Scroll
Jedi Tequilla Sunrise
Sweet As Honey
Slap Me Sassy
Black Gamecock
Spring Peeper
Stop the Music
Box #13 (Denise)
Brass Buttons New Zealand Brass Buttons 'Platt's Black'
Ester Reed Daisy
Coral honeysuckle
Voodoo Sedum
Angelina Sedum
Krebs II Hens and chicks
Lonicera Purpurea
Huechera Ring of Fire
NOID Purple/Black Iris
Apricot Foxglove
Hydrangea Emotion
Ludgers windsong x Peanut Brugmansia
added: Hibiscus 'Freedom'
and a couple of surprises
Currant Standing
Tracy- Box #4 (Pat's
Sassy- Box #10 (Vic's)
Carmen- Box #6 (Carmen's)
Karen- Box #2 (Lisa's)
Pat- Box #8 (Tracy's)
Lisa- Box #5 (Alana's_
ptilda - Box #13 (Denise)
Deb-Box #9 (ptilda's)
Denise - Box #3 (Shirley's)
Vic - Box #11 (Fran's)
Shirley - Box #12 (Sassys's)
Fran- Box #1(Karen's)
ishareflowers {Lisa}
ncgardengirlOriginal Author
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ishareflowers {Lisa}
Debra Andruska
ishareflowers {Lisa}
Debra Andruska
ishareflowers {Lisa}
Debra Andruska
ncgardengirlOriginal Author
ishareflowers {Lisa}
Vic Billings, MT
ncgardengirlOriginal Author
Vic Billings, MT
ncgardengirlOriginal Author
Vic Billings, MT
ncgardengirlOriginal Author
Vic Billings, MT
Vic Billings, MT