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UPDATE: 8600+ Traveling Daylilies....Holy Smokes!!!!!

18 years ago

This round robin is an extention of a wonderful group of talented , generous and spirited traders, the Traveling Daylilies, who when at all possible trade daylilies. The way into this group is to have traded with at least one of us and to be recommended for membership by one of more members of the group. We are not snobs, we just want to protect each other and you from any game traders... should there be any. If you know any of us, email privately and they will be allowed to get you in on their recommendation. We'd love to have you!

We are currently working on our "Holy Smokes" swap hosted by our favorite angel, Mama G. Packages need to be mailed out by the 30th......that's this Saturday folks!

~Dawn (mamabirrd)

Comments (103)

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Shirley...awesome pics. i'd love to be as well rounded gardener as you. And great frog you found! too cool. love them...my favorite scuplture i have our own dear Ms Debbie sent. im not sure what its supposed to be but to me it looks like two frogs who are very much in love. :) (sorry G :)

    Marea, Beyond Thunderdome is beyond cool! love that color. blooming here best today is Palimino Moon on rebloom. had for a couple of years but not impressive until this one. has been awesome on both original and rebloom.

    Does anyone know what is up with DG TNN#1, please email if you do. im about to get a refund from my credit card, sounds like something is way wrong.

    Cindy O/namso

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I know dg tnn1 is being run by Jody who was nature farmer on here, she is honest, but has some health issues, I believe we will receive our orders in good shape. that being said, patience is a virtue and she cannot afford to be stuck with these plants. I need Jo's questionaire please hugs carol

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Cindy, I agree about B. Thunderdome, explemplatives just don't work. EVERY Hanson purple is a different color crayon in the box & they all have such presence! I am dreaming about growing my Hansons on raised burms with rainbow waves of all those shades of purple...
    No help with your DG, hope all OK after all.

    Dianne, I copied your daylily list onto my Dianne page in my TD notebook & will watch for them - if your boat doesn't come in there, ok? I saw something of you in the DVD movie FARGO that Debbie sent out on our DVD robin. Heroic & junk, ya know...

    Carol...your dahlia is exquisite! I am loving being able to watch you fill that huge yard UP with all your beautiful choices! Praying for your healing, too.

    Back out to water, marea

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I also know Jody aka nature farmer from past trades on GW. I agree with Carol that she is honest. I also know that she has had health issues. Unfortunately they just happened to flare up at the wrong time. Don't know how she could prevent that, does anyone? I don't have my plants yet, but I am trusting her and not going for the refund. Best wishes, Mary Ellen/Mellen

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thankyou carol and Mary Ellen, i will try and excercise more patience and hold off for awhile anyway. i do hope things end up ok. :)

    Marea, oh what an awesome garden idea that would be!! a hanson purple rainbow........they are such good garden performers here too. are you breeding them too? i got a ton of seeds off of Odds and Ends this year.

    Diane, will keep an eye out too. hope your vendor comes through though.

    Carol, looked but dont have Jo's...


    2006 seedling. i lost all the names on these...but im betting ive managed to take out all the pretty color from Neusa Bergmann and turn it into a miniture mixed with something of Grace Stamiles. thought it was interesting though.



  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning Everyone,
    Have just a couple of minutes to stop in to say hi. I've been trying to read and keep up these past couple of weeks. Love all the pictures as usual, especially that Beyond Thunderdome, Marea. I am REALLY liking the dark purples and deep reds with an edge this year.

    Life here continues to be busy. Almost looking forward to summer coming to an end so things will hopefully settle down a bit. Seems like it's one thing after another to keep us running.

    Tried my hand at hybriding this year also. It is very satisfying to see that seedpod forming. And ofcourse in your mind's eye, every cross you make will have the best characteristics of each flower and turn out exactly as you picture it and most beautiful. I know this will not be the case, but it's been fun to dream of what could come. My 11 year old daughter also chose learning to hybridze as part of her summer homework that she has each year of learning something new over the summer. She herself has made some pretty good choices in crossing. She has her report partly finished and I am amazed at how much knowledge she has come away with about the whole process and just daylilies in general. It was a great learning experience for us to do together.

    Marea, emailed you - box is on it's way.

    Cindy, I too have concerns about my TNN#1 order at DG. I am trying hard to be patient also. I don't know Jody at all, but usually have a pretty good feel for people. I believe she is honest and will eventually try to get everyone their plugs out in the mail. My biggest concern is the actual health of the plugs at this point. I know they must be really declining after this much time has passed. I believe that Dawn and maybe Anita had quite a big order with her. It's sad to see what's going on over there though, but something needs to happen soon.

    Daylilies still blooming here - Spacecoast Double Edge, Malaysian Monarch, Dallas Star, Lady Lucille, Sil. Jerome Pillow, Miss Jessie. Nothing too exciting but glad there's still a few going. Sad to see it coming to an end.

    Gotta get a move on - have a trade to dig and get in the mail this morning. School shopping in the plans for this afternoon.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi gals & guys!

    I'm sorry for not posting much.....just so busy and no spare time. I've been reading the posts though, and trying to keep up. I'll post more as soon as I can.

    Just wanted to let those involved in the TNN co-op #1 that yes, Anita and I are also involved and do have large orders. My order includes plants ordered by Cody as well. I've been very patient and am giving her the benefit of the doubt. I finally Dmailed her today with a friendly note asking when my plants will be shipped. If I don't get a response, I think i'll have to ask Anita to get out that can of Whoop@$$ that she's been saving for a special occasion. LOLOL
    Seriously though, I realize she has some medical issues and i've sent her a few encouraging Dmails along the way, hoping she gets well and also gets the co-op finished up successfully. She really seems like a nice gal and i'm sure she's having a really tough time now that everyone is cancelling their orders and getting refunds.

    Oh Cindy, Tremor and your seedling are just lovely!

    I haven't had much time to check out what is blooming in my yard (sad, I know), but I did see good 'ol 'Happy Returns' blooming it's little heart out by the pond. And I must say, 'Fragrant Treasures' has to be one of the best DL's of all time. It has bloomed ALL summer with no breaks. Amazing!

    BABY WATCH: My sis is due in 9 days!!!

    BLUEBIRD HILL UPDATE: We have power! Finally, the electric service is complete. Got my first window and door quote yesterday.....GULP........guess i'll keep shopping around, lol. On my way over there right now to try out my new mower deck. I bought a 62" and I can't wait to see how much faster I can get the job done.

    Still have to post all my goodies from MamaG. She sent the prettiest heart-shaped slate with my name painted on it w/ Pansies. I am going to hang it in my new Hosta garden at the new place. I also got a wonderful, Pansy apron that will come in handy. I'm a messy cook. : )
    She sent a beautiful candle that also has my name on it. There is more great stuff and I will show you the rest later. Love ya' G!

    I must run, but hugs all around........

    ~Dawn (mamabirrd)

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi All,

    Just checking in to see how all of you are doing. I'm sorry about not posting more but it's hard to sit and type with my back hurting so much. I don't see a specialist until October. My doctor told me they're all booked up until then.

    I love the photos you guys post. Paul your son is adorable!

    Keep the daylily pictures coming. They make me smile so much. How I wish I could go outside and garden because it's a gorgeous day today.

    Carmen, hope you are keeping your spirits up.

    I haven't been able to send my holy smokes trade out yet. My husband, Paul, said he would help me pack a bunch of good things up to give to Anita.

    Talk to you all later. I'm going to go sit on my couch with my heating pad. The heat feels wonderful!


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi guys, it has been awhile, the storms a few weeks back kept me busy some were without power over a week. A tree came down completely on one of my daylily beds, everything thing here looks half dead. It took me and my dad two weeks to get the mess cleaned up.

    My box from Carol was great.
    I received very nice windchimes that make the most wonderful noise
    sunset garden magazines
    Iris Honey glazed
    Triumphator Lily Bulbs _ Huge
    Purple candles
    Pink-a little friendship plate
    A neat birdfeeder for the birdies (I am going to wait to put it out in the fall when they are looking for food)
    A handmade visor-very, very, cute
    copper markers
    3 daylilys and for the life of me I can't find my list- Carol can you resend the names?
    Oh and a raido with earphones, my son loves them.
    And a green frog statue for the garden

    Great box

    Everything was great.

    This truely has not been a good year for my gardens, everything looks crappy. At the beginning of the season I moved about 30-40 daylilys to a new spot as the bed they were in were being taken over my some kind of weed. Those nice big clumps are now 1-2 fans, they are horrible. I about ready to throw in the towel, I just don't have the time anymore. My son was in baseball this summer and it was 2-3 nights a week. I think I am going to have to downsize!!!!

    Those in the TNN #1 coop, I would definately be doing a chargeback. I hate to say it, but I received my plants in the first shipment (thank goodness)and potted everything up and have been taking care of them and I have still lost some. Of couse a few were dug up by squirrels and I didn't catch it in time. But I don't see how those little plugs could have survived this long without being repotted. I have 1 of 6 geraniums alive and 1 of 3 corydalis alive. And they didn't look the greatest when I got them a month ago. I hope she pulls through this.

    Carol, your box finally went out.

    Mary I will be sending you paypal this weekend.

    Dawn, I would love to see more pictures of your house project!

    Dirtpig great pictures. If you seen my brug I got from Susan you would laugh. It looks like one of those big stick pretzels. It lost all of its leaves but it is still alive after 2 years! I am ashamed. I should pass that poor thing along in one of our boxes, maybe someone will get it to bloom.

    Well have to go, the boys are in the tub!!


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Cindy-I too have an order in with Jody for the TNN#1 Co-op.
    Hope we get them soon. I really feel sorry for her and hope she can get them shipped out soon.

    Carmen & Lisa--Thinking of you today. Lisa thanks for posting and letting us know how it is going. I hope you will be out tending to your daylilies before too long. Have you noticed the days are getting shorter. We have lost 30-45 minutes of daylight time here.

    Here's iris Wildcat pajamas (Paul I sent this one to you)
    I love the names they give these.

    Do any of you grow canna Cleopatra? I just love it you never know what the next bloom will look like. All different.

    Spacecoast Sweet Eye

    Spacecoast Gator Eye

    With this ring

    Spacecoast Dragon Prince


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Everyone,
    Checking in, been so busy hurrying around trying to get everything done before it gets cold. (been in the low 40's here a few nights)

    A lot of prodigals checking in I see(big grins)

    Yes, Anita has a "very Large" order in with her. She is very unhappy. She did the coop with butterfly chaser, and those came right away, she tended them carefully and she lost a few of those. Can't imagine what condition(if any at all) these plugs will be in, if and when she ever gets them shipped. The lady may not be able to pack and ship your orders, but she sure can be over on ebay buying plants left and right.
    Must say it is great to see you posting. Please don't go into "sticker shock" over your doors and windows.
    Tell sis we are hoping for a fast,easy delivery. give her a big hug for me.
    Very glad you have power now. it will make it so much easier for you.

    Heres wishing you a very speedy recovery. Do you have a corn bag? They are "the best", for strains, sprains, and general aches and pains. Moist heat, and it lasts a long time. I always use mine when I have problems with my back.
    LMK, if you don't have one, I can send you one. They are awesome.

    Beautiful pics. Love "tremor"

    You have the heart of a poet. And the eye of an artist. Wonderful idea about the "purple wave"

    Wish I could help, but i don't have any of them. Hope your order comes through. big hugs.

    Mary B,
    Great to see my "neighbor" posting.
    daylilies blooming yet..Final touch, Commissioner JW,yabba dabba doo,Nanuq, ice carnival, playing with sharks,honey redhead,joan senior,catherine woodbury,and at least 8 different "no names".

    Hugs and prayers. Keep the faith.

    I am so sorry to hear about the tree down. I totally relate. We had a big one come down too, it split in half, and hit 4 of my beds. We still have one more pile to get cleaned out of the driveway. On your daylilies not doing well, try some bone meal, and a very light sprinkle of pellitised lime. I did that earlier this summer, and mine are doing great, they have multiplied nicely.

    how are you? Hope you still have all your briancells, what with the wedding and all. big hugs.

    I used to have cleopatra canna, lost it, but, yes I agree it is one of the prettiest. Love all the DL pics, but esp like "with this ring" VERY pretty.
    I sent you an e-mail, did you get it?

    Does anyone have the DL "FANTASIAN"? I got it in a trade(I believe from one of us) but, I can find NO INFO on it anywhere on the web. It isn't even registered on "eureka". I would love to find out info, I want to use it in a DL cross, but don't know if it is a dip, tet, who hybridised it, etc.

    It has occured to me that i opened my big mouth(grins) and said I would host a "Peony - iris swap"
    SOOOOOOOOOOOOO, , here goes,(more grins) could any of you who are still interested let me know "AGAIN" (sorry, smiles)
    It will be for 3 iris, and 3 peonies,(and anything else you may want to include) Please let me know if you will be sending named or un named, and if you will take named only, or if you will accept any, and i will try and pair you up with a partner who meets your needs. Also, make sure your "want" and "have" lists are up to date.
    Boxes need to be sent out no later than Sept. 21st. I will give everyone till aug. 23rd to sign up, I will send out partners names on the 24th. That gives us 4 weeks to find, pack and ship. Sound good? LMK and thanks.

    Hope I didn't miss anyone,
    big hugs to all,

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Marea wrote

    Dianne, I copied your daylily list onto my Dianne page in my TD notebook & will watch for them - if your boat doesn't come in there, ok? I saw something of you in the DVD movie FARGO that Debbie sent out on our DVD robin. Heroic & junk, ya know...

    Now, THAT needs to be explained! Do tell.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jo, the ahs registration info is now online and free. :)
    on this page you must put in the search name exactly to get the info. but if you go to the top tabs there are some other search features.
    wish i could do your swap, but divided iris and peonies earlier. none left :(.

    TNN- after the latest stuff, went back to get my pay info, and found i paypaled by checking account not cc afterall. lesson learned. so i guess im just waiting to see afterall regardless. thanks for all of your input. :)

    Maryb & Lisa - glad to see you posting.

    Shirley, love all your pics. esp the dragoneye. loved that braided edge.

    Dawn, ooh power!! things are going to speed up now :). keep us posted on the new arrival.

    Another seedling. tons of substance...thick as leather. but a bud count of 4. somehow i cannot bring myself to cull this one though.

    Cindy /namso

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Carmen & Lisa---Thinking of you today. Hope you both are doing ok.

    Gloria-Are you up to your neck in this wedding? Let us know.

    I have a lady who wants to join our group. Her name is Bambi and we have just traded some daylilies with each other. Wow does she ever pack a nice box. She has an
    awesome spider collection. Her gardenweb name is blacktulip_wi..Please let me know if she is accepted into our traveling daylily group.

    Jo-If you want a piece of Canna Cleopatra when we trade LMK and I will send you some.

    Cindy-I couldn't get rid of that daylily either.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    ok, In addition to Jo's and denis swaps, with G's ok to muddle the waters a bit:), i will try hosting:

    Quick End of Season Daylily/hosta swap
    Rules : send 6 names daylilies & or hosta. get the same. 6 total plants. No extras or other stuff. keeping this one simple.

    . signups start now and end on Thurs.
    . plants to be mailed no later than Sept 6. its getting late for some of us. :)
    . if you only have or want one or the other, its ok. someone will be happy. just specify when signing up.
    . pairings will be posted Friday.

    dont email me through gw, i dont think i get them.

    Maryb, got you in.

    Marea, lol...did see you there. was glad i was looking for other stuff. and i dont need anymore, but who can resist?:)

    G, want pics of that wedding! very close now.

    Shirley, anyone you like is ok by me :). you may want to email though? might get you a quicker answer?

    club sale is today. gotta run.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    if shirley says she's good, i'm ok with it. and wow what a list she has!

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Shirley - I vote yes to anybody you want sponser!

    Cody - that seller is Melandjim...

    Dianne - The heroine of the movie Fargo is this pregnant police sheriff who is smarter than anybody else in the movie. She solves a series of horrendous crimes while staying perfectly polite and kind and fighting moral revulsion and morning sickness. But the reason I saw YOU in her is that she kinda looks like you, is from the midwest & is very brave...

    HOLY SMOKES did I get a BOX from MaryB today!! TWENTY TWO PLANTS that I have drooled over at the nurseries but could not afford. She also sent me a whole beautiful basket full of skin care goodies, the best nylon/rubber wet work gardening gloves I have ever seen & a very cool visor hat with terrycloth sweatband in my favorite colors this year, POUNCE cat treats that Bowie promises to learn to do tricks for, he likes 'em THAT much, a huge bag of fruit & creme life savers... im overwhelmed. She sent me SIX Hostas and FIVE Coleus, it goes on and on - she shared an incredible daylily she knew i didn't have, 'Starman's Quest', and 'Starship Enterprise' Iris -- I'm so grateful!!
    OK - back to potting plants. Herb has to pack the truck without me this afternoon, marea

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Holy smokes, what a box!!! I received from Angie todaplant markers alum
    springy dalmation yard decoration
    cute birdhouse
    little lavender fairy statue
    pink gloves
    dragon fly plant stake
    wilsons spider
    jungle princess
    pandoras box
    grape ice
    spacecoast hot topic
    iris full tide
    asiatic lilly corrida
    Thankyou Angie i love it all
    my first brug from seed, don't know its name, first bud{{gwi:1287960}}

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Morning Everyone,
    Cindy, thanks for one last opportunity to swap some daylilies and hostas! Should be fun! Love your seedling pictures. How cool it must be when you finally get to see them bloom.

    Shirley,I say yes to blacktulip also. I almost contacted her a few weeks ago to see if she wanted to trade. I was lusting after some of her spiders. Didn't really have the time to complete a trade right then though. Hope we can welcome Bambi into our group soon.

    Oh and SHIRLEY, don't know if you got Anita's email from yesterday cause I know my emails to you never go through. I know you have a TNN #1 order. Anita informed us that we only have 45 days from payment date to file a dispute with paypal. I REALLY hated to do it, but I paid on 7/6 so today was day #44 for me. In light of the fact that there has been no word from Jody in a week I felt I had no choice. Hope you will check into this and try to get a refund if you can. I'm hearing that the plants received this week are in pretty bad shape.

    Dawn, I cannot believe that your sister is due already. Seems like not long ago you were excited and telling us that you just found out she was pregnant. Wow, time does fly! Speaking of things flying - the house progress is great! Like your website. Love the little golden Lilly bird in the corner.

    "Neighbor Jo" - chuckled to myself last year when you began in the middle of August trying to get everything done for the winter. Waited too long myself and was doing things in the cold last year. Got too many plants in too late too. Do you remember me saying I was going to watch for you to say you were preparing for winter this year? Well, guess your post from the other day is my nudge that it's time to get moving! Can you believe it? Think we need to move down with Shirley or Gloria and get that longer growing season.

    G., how long till the wedding?

    Blooming today - 'Clothed in Glory' (thank you Marea!) Spacecoast Double Edge, Court Magician.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh Cody, meant to say that I will email you mini and huge hosta list soon.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sign me up for the swap. I would prefer all daylilys, but can send both.

    TNN#1-Man I hope all of you guys at least get your money back. That is just a bummer. Cindy I see it was too late for you to get your money back did you order a lot?

    I am still losing plants from that co-op, I think it was the heat here also. I just hope my blue corydalis comes back, that is one plant I have been wanting forever, I have a yellow and I love how long it blooms.

    Wishing you guys more luck there.

    take care

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Mary, sign me up for the daylily/hosta swap too, please.
    I didn't mention how much i LOVE the dragonfly wind chimes you sent!! I don't like wind chimes usually but this one has an elegant simplicity & symmetry & is my favorite patio color!! Perfect. Thank you!

    Here is a view of my wheelbarrow full of Holy Smokes Box that arrived from MaryB yesterday:

    I'm so sorry you guys got tangled up in a sad co-op! I hope it works out well for everyone. You guys are the best & deserve the best!

    Gloria - love & prayers & remember to breath.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    i meant daylily/iris swap. marea

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    MaryB-Yes thanks for reminding me about the #1TNN co-op. Wow did that deal go bad or what. My paypal money comes out of my bank account so don't know if I can re-coop my money. I paid on the 7th.

    Cindy-Yes to Daylily/hosta swap. Would love to get a few more good trades in before the season ends. Thanks for hosting.

    I have yes's for Bambi-blacktulip_wi joining our group from:
    I will also e-mail everyone so we can get her in for our next swap. Gosh I have really grown to love those spider daylilies.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Current Swaps:
    Denis fall

    Jo's - Peony/iris

    Cindy's - Daylily/hosta Update:
    Cindy (namso)
    Mellon (has more hosta)
    Angie (wants all daylilies)
    Miss Marea? living by her own choices....:) dl/iris? we can adjust. or is she hosting a 4th? :) grin.


    TNN#1 -Angie - not as much as many people $60. the really irritating thing to me is she has apparatently dogged some people who really trusted her, including some here. good people like that dont come around often. i hope for their sake she comes through.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi All,

    Cindy,(and everyone)
    thanks for posting that about my peony/iris swap, but I am going to cancel it. I have had all negatives on it so far, so there is no point.
    I don't dare to do any more swaps for daylilies(or hosta) this late in the summer,wish I dared,but wouldn't want to lose them. So, I will sit out on yours, but thanks anyway.

    Have a great night everyone,

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    if you still want to do a peony trade, i do have a few of them that are extras. let me know.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My paypal comes from checking also. I don't think that matters when getting a refund from paypal. If you were trying to get a refund from your credit card company then it would have to be paid from a credit card and not your debit card (which comes directly from checking). This is my understanding of it all. Hurry and get over to paypal - go to history and get the transaction ID #, then go to resolution and it's a super simple 2 or 3 step process. Seriously took me about 3 minutes to do. HURRY - today may be your last day you can do this.

    Sorry to do this here everyone, but I don't think Shirley gets my emails.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jody has been a friend, but all of you here are friends, so I agree get your money if you can. With all the problems I don't know if she can pull this one out. I don't want to see any of you lose your money. Paul, help, here is my baby's bloom what is her name ? hugs carol{{gwi:1287962}}

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning everyone!

    I took off this entire week and am on vacation! Well, not really, lol. I still have tons of work to do. I just wanted to be available 24/7 for my neice's arrival. She's due Friday! My sis told me yesterday that "nothing's happening". We're all just waiting patiently. My luck, she will come next Monday at 6am when I am back on the golf course.

    Carol, Brugmansia seedlings are not true to parent plants with the exception of true species crosses such as arborea. Where did you get your seed? I'm really excited about your seedling......thanks for sharing pics. I'd really like to see a pic today if you can post it. And tomorrow too. Could you also show one of the entire plant? Most seedlings end up turning out white, so you may be really lucky. : ) Also, when did you start your seed?

    I have an almost 3 year old Brug. seedling that i've been waiting to see bloom. It's a really nice plant with lovely, serrated leaves.......but *sigh*, is taking so long to put out it's first flush. I'm hoping this Fall. Normally, they can take about 2 years so it's not unusual...i'm just impatient.

    Beautiful pics, Shirley. I grow C. 'Cleopatra' too. It's such a fun plant.

    Jo, sorry you had to cancel your swap. I really would love it if we did an Iris swap next year. I have tons to trade.
    I've been frequenting JoAnn's quite a bit lately.....between the baby shower and my other sis's wedding (Sept. 9), there's been alot of stuff to do. I was there yesterday looking at filler greenery for some vases she is doing for the church. Basically red & white roses with a few sprigs of smaller white flowers (baby's breath), but we need something else. Too much stem showing.

    I made her some wrappers for Tic Tacs yesterday and they turned out really cute. I make custom candy wrappers for special occasions or advertising, etc. Hoping to put up some of my designs on Ebay as soon as I get a minute. I can custom wrap almost any kind of candy.

    Marea, great swap box you got there. Did Herb get that truck packed yet? ; ) And when is the official moving day? Do you have one?
    I loved "Fargo". One of the best movies ever.

    Well, all you Hosta enablers, my Hosta collecion has become enormous and I am so excited about my new Hosta garden at the new place. I was so excited that I forgot to take pictures yesterday, lol. Will do so later today. I've been working on clearing out this patch of woods:

    Right up beyond the Bobcat is where the house will be. I wanted the Hosta garden to be visible on the way in and out.

    Cut out a few trees and cleaned up sticks, raked leaves, etc. Yesterday I began to lay out some paths and hopefully by the end of the week I will have added a compost/soil mix to the beds. I have over 200 Hosta to plant and need to get moving. I really think it's going to be neat when i'm done. If I have the room in that particular area, I will also add my Pulmonaria's, some Ferns, and toad lilies too.
    It is so great to finally have shade. Opens up a whole new world of gardening for me.

    Today is a big day for us.....our blueprints are finally complete and I meet with the inspector at noon. Designing the entire house from top to bottom and drawing the blueprints ourselves wasn't easy and I sure give my DH alot of credit. I am very proud of him. I can't wait to see our design come to life! Keep your fingers crossed that the inspector okay's the prints and gives us our building permit. We are so behind and need to get started right away if we want to have the house under roof by the time the bad weather arrives. We only have about 2 good months.

    I have a metting at 4pm today with a garage door company. Hopefully we can get the doors on the garage soon.

    Barb, Lisa, & Carmen......I am thinking of you all and hope you are feeling really great today.

    MaryB, thanks! And yes, I cannot believe it's time for baby already either! She could arrive at any moment and we are all so anxious, nervous, and excited.

    Shirley, I say yes to blacktulip. : )

    Angie, sorry you're losing plants. Such a mess we are all in. : (

    Well, I better get moving. I have to run to Kinko's to get copies of my prints made before my big meeting.

    Hi MamaG, Anita, Debbie, Paul, Cody, Cindy, Dianne, MaryS, Rebecca, Nancy, and anyone else I may have missed.
    Hugs, hugs, and more hugs,
    ~Dawn (mamabirrd)

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The only brug I have that turns from yellow to pink is Pink Beauty... but you say it's a seedling? I heard about 95% of any seedling turns out to be white (no matter the parent) so it's rather rare to have a seedling other than white. If so, you cannot call it a Pink Beauty... you may have to come up with a name of your own :-).

    Great to hear from you. I was beginning to worry about you. My hopes and prayers are with your family. Such a relief to know you like your "daylilies."

    Take care everyone...

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks all for admitting me to the group! I traded briefly on GW about 1 1/2 to 2 years ago but then my computer went down and I only got back into things a couple of months ago.

    I am a single woman living in west central Wisconsin, have a small house and an acre of land. I'm half an hour from the Minnesota border and work in the Twin Cities. Daylilies are my favorites (my acre has become a daylily jungle) but I also grow all kinds of irises, peonies, tree peonies, hostas, roses and various perennials. Spider and UF daylilies are the top of the list with me though I am sure everyone guessed that...lol!

    Looking forward to the next trade. Does anyone have some great spiders to swap? :)

    aka Blacktulip

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Bambi, and WELCOME to the Traveling Daylilies!!

    It's nice to have you and i'm sure we all look forward to getting to know you better. Not only do we have a great time trading, but the friendships made here are even better. Feel free to jump in anytime. : )

    I've always wanted to visit Wisconsin and Minnesota. I almost made a trip to the Mall of America once, but ended up going south instead.

    A little about myself.....I live in Pennsylvania, just 30 or so miles southeast of Pittsburgh. I am a greenskeeper and the former gardener of The Madison Club golf course, the Administrator of our Masonry Company, and I was also running a small lawn & landscape business called Dawn's Lawns until just a few months ago. I had to give it up because we are building a house and I just didn't have enough time to squeeze it all in anymore, lol.
    I'm married w/ no children...yet. We're working on it. I am about to become an Aunt for the first time any day now...my sister is due on Friday.
    I love birds and have several that are our "children".
    Besides Daylilies, I love to grow Hosta (my current obsession), Brugmansia, tropicals, variegates, and pretty much everything else. I NEED one of everything, lol.
    Love ponding and have many fish. I'm also a long-distance runner and love to get up real early to get a few miles in.

    Unfortunately, the only spiders I have are black and furry and I don't think you would want to trade for them. ; )

    I'm excited that you like Spiders and UF's......I do too. Just don't have any yet.

    Well, hope you have fun here with us!

    ~Dawn (mamabirrd)

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you so much Dawn! I have alot of those black and furry kind also...I really don't need anymore of those guys at the moment. However, if anyone is interested in trading for some delightful Boxelder bugs, please email me: I have a limitless supply!


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Welcome Bambi, You all have me wondering if maybe my brug is from a cutting, I have 2 one didn't bloom this year it is probably the seedling, I also picked up a cutting at a local swap. here is the whole plant, will get a pic of it today, it is huge.Little guy next to him must be the seedling.{{gwi:1287966}}

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    why don't we all send bambi an email telling her a little about ourselves?

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    WELCOME Bambi, glad too see you jumping right in.

    ive been collecting daylilies for almost 10 years now. Right now my passion is on the hybridizing side, although i remain directionless and probably will. i love all kinds. kindof light on spuf's though. I have very little shade but have also been bitten by the hosta bug of late. :)

    Carol - your brug is beautiful.

    Dawn, wow, your new hosta garden is going to be awesome.

    Jo is in. :). She fought a long hard battle of about 30 seconds....love her. Jo has also kindly agreed to help me a bit since this is my first time, so forward all complaints directly there. lol. Just kidding Jo. TAKING SIGNUPS ONLY UNTIL THURS. Pairings will be posted Fri as those in the North need to send and receive pretty quickly. Max ship date is 9/6. Anyone else?

    Cindy O/namso

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    It is so gorgeous out there this AM, I am fit to bust.
    Just wanted to stop in quickly and wish everyone a very happy Wednesday (over the hump day y'all) Lots to do, so have to get moving.


    I live in the Finger Lakes region of NY state, beautiful country here. Mother of 3 (all grown) grandmother of 4 with the 5th on the way. DD's first due on Oct 27. we are very excited. I love spiders too, have several, with many more on my wish list. We will have to check it out to see if we can do a trade. We live on 2 acres, working on making most of it into gardens(grins) I have a large collection of perennials, lean heavily towards plants that are uncommon. Love brugs(have over 20) 2 largest in bloom now. Have a large watergarden, a tub garden, an urn water feature, and a small, but natural looking creek in the middle of my "family garden". I also have a bog garden and i have several LA iris in there along with several Japanese Iris, Astilbes, marsh marigolds and 5 different sarracenias(pitcher plants)
    We have 4 small dogs, one very old cat, 3 cockatiels and assorted fish in the watergarden.


    Beautiful brug. Love the color.

    Your place is looking good. Keep posting those pics.

    What a wonderful gift. Can't wait till Deni gets a pic posted.

    Well, hope I didn't miss anyone, if I did, I am sorry. But, the sunshine and gardens are calling, and i must answer.

    hugs to all,

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    6 AM on a perfect August day. See the cat gazing at the sunrise, trying to go blind?

    Welcome welcome Blacktulip!!! i like UF's and spiders, too. I live on 80+ acres in the rolling Amish area of OH, with my DH, 2 Cairn Terriers and an Italian greyhound (who rule our lives) plus 4 cats. Our 4 daughters are grown and gone and we have a 14 mo. old granddaughter, who lives way too far away in MN.

    My garden is coming along as fast as my very patient DH can dig and plant, but we're not as far along as we'd like because of a series of spinal surgeries I had over the last years. We keep a woodsy feel, and I can't ask DH to support an excessive collection of plants for me, so my gardens are modest but satisfying. I start a lot from seed, and this year blooming bushes and trees were my focus.

    Maybe I have a daylily odd form you'd like to trade for one of yours.

    I love native and woodland plants.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh my gosh Barb!!!! Why haven't you shown us that spendid view before????? I'm not sure if i'm looking at a deck or a meandering boardwalk through the woods, but I LOVE IT! Just fabulous! Looks like a nice, little slice of Heaven.
    Guess I didn't realize you lived on 80+ acres, either. Wow-wee....that's alot of gardening space, LOL.

    Thank you Cindy and Jo. : )

    Carol, I would bet that the small one is the seedling. Cuttings can bloom the first year....i've had many that have done so. But seedlings usually take a bit longer, although it's not unheard of. Keep me posted on the little one.......i'd love to see it's first bloom.

    I got a big load of a nice, soil/compost mix delivered today up at the new place. I am ready to spread it into my new Hosta beds and will be planting soon. I can't wait. Another box of Hosta arrived today from a co-op....how am I ever going to plant over 200 Hosta??? I guess I must be crazy.

    My meeting with the inspector went okay last night and we are one step closer to getting the building permit so we can start on the darn house already. I did run into a few hurdles today which turned the good mood I was in after getting that stinky soil delivered to a much more aggravated mood. I hope tomorrow brings more positive feelings.

    Just picked up my bridesmaid dress for Sis' wedding. Looks really nice. We worked on flowers for the church again this morning...things are coming together.

    Other Sis is still pregnant. Should be any minute now....

    I took a few pics and will show you when I get them loaded in.

    Time to eat.....

    ~Dawn (mamabirrd)

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Bambi-Yeah...welcome to our group. So glad you wanted to be a part of this group. I have two grown children, a daughter and a son. My daughter has our only two grandchildren, Brittney (16 yrs) and Dawson (2 years). They live beside me and I love it. A white fence separates our homes and my DH says once Dawson passes through the fence its sanctuary to him (no spankings on our side). AS you know I LOVE SPIDERS. How many times did I change my mind as to which ones I wanted to trade for? You had too many that I wanted. I live close to the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. I work at Zickgraf Hardwood Company, they make hardwood floors. I am in the purchasing department, I along with two others help buy the wood that makes the hardwood floors. Been there 24 years next February.

    Dawn-Loved your recent update it's really coming along now.
    200 hostas? I say you must love them. We need pictures when you get done planting all those.

    Barb-What a beautiful scene. When I first looked at it I thought someone had retaken a picture out of a magazine. Just beautiful and so peaceful looking. 80 acres? I want to come and live with you, you want even know that I am there. My 3 acres is almost full already. I visted Ohio 10 years ago. Went to see the Amish. Gosh I love the way those folks live. I could really get into that.

    Jo- I hope to work on our trade this week-end. Weed pulling and digging is just about to do me in. They grow wheather it rains or not. Volleyball has started back also. I can't believe I am playing this year. I got a brace for my ankle and I tighten it very tight and off I go. My DH said if I damage it worse than it already is he does not want to hear about it. I had two girls that can not play this year so I could not let the team down by quitting too.

    Bambi-Let Cindy know if you want to be in on this swap. Thursday is the deadline to sign up. I sent you the rules of the group.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you so much for the very kind welcome!! I intended to post yesterday but I suddenly had the chance to apply for a much better paying job and I have been completely distracted by it.

    Please sign me up for the daylily/hosta swap. It might have to be all daylilies with me though, because I'm currently not growing any cool hosta varieites...just the standard
    ones. I've been collecting daylilies like crazy but haven't done the same with hostas...well not yet anyway. :)


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning everyone.:) Just popped in to say hi to all of you that I have missed gabbing and trading with. Glad to see everyone still here and well. Sherri

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Everyone,
    just popped in real quick to say hi.

    Hello right back, great to "see" you.big hugs

    How beautiful. So serene and peaceful looking. You lucky girl.

    Hang in there, I know you, you will bounce right back into a good mood. You are an optimist. big hugs for you too.
    BTW, saw your team on a NFL special,getting ready for the season. Hope they do well this year. GO STEELERS!

    okie dokie. Please be careful of that ankle. My oldest DS severely injured his ankle(hyperflexed it)when he was in cross country. The orthopedic surgeon told him if he reinjured it ever again, he would have to have surgery and it would never be the same. They have to pull up and shorten the tendons, and tie them of, it makes it quite stiff, even with PT. So, you take care. Hope your team is awesome this year.

    take care everyone,
    hugs to all,

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yaaayyyy Sherri - So nice to see you post. Miss you. Please come back????.........

    Welcome Bambi! What is that I hear you say? No cool hostas? WELL! I could fix you up with that real quick. You will probably come to know me as the group's hosta enabler. They are my #1 love and I'm always happy to help others appreciate their beauty too. Daylilies run a very close second to the hostas for me. I'm also getting quite a collection of iris and am loving coleus and hydrangeas this year. I am married with 3 kids - 2 boys and 1 girl, ages 11, 12 and 13, daughter being the youngest. One dog - a 6 yr. old Yellow Lab. We've been in our current house for about 4 years. I have 8 acres so lots of room to plant, but the soil isn't the greatest so it's been a slow go amending before planting. I live in New York state near Rochester only about 5 minutes from Lake Ontario. This is an awesome group of people you will quickly come to love. Thanks for jumping in and posting so quickly - you will fit right in!

    Cindy, as far as the hosta/daylily swap, you can partner me up with someone that either wants a mix or someone that wants all hostas back. I'll take either a mix or all daylilies. Thanks for taking this on - hope we get some more sign-ups today.

    Jo, you are just like me - so weak when someone uses those two words in the same sentence - hostas and daylilies. How about this gorgeous weather we're having? Sunny and cooler - just like I like it. Only wish I had more time right now to get outside.

    Dawn, can't wait to see pics of the new hosta bed that will be going in soon. Any baby news?

    Shirley, do please take care of that ankle. As Jo said, sometimes they are never the same when you re-injure.

    G., what's the countdown to the wedding? What's the actual date?

    Better run and get something done. Been one of those days...

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    alright fine, cindy sign me up too.

    jo are you ignoring me...i do only have that one feeling left, you're awful close to stomping on it!

    about me. i'm 24, been growing daylililes for about 12 years, hybridizing for 3. i have somewhere around 500 cultivars. i also collect, orchids, semps, sedums, roses, hydrangea, peonies herbaceous/tree, hostas, heuchera/heucherella/tiarella, iris bearded/siberian,japanese, ornamental grasses and japanese maples and now epiphyllums (thanks paul). we have a small attached greenhouse where we grow in the winter. i live about 10 minutes from lake michigan and we have about 2 acres of garden. i also raise unusual chickens. maybe we can do a trade in the near future. i really like the spiders.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    BARB !!! Your deck, I'm guessing, at Sunrise is Magazine Cover Breath Taking!! So happy for you - stunning beauty ALL around you! That silly cat's meditation IS odd, isn't it?

    BAMBI - a big welcome from me. too! I live in Oregon with my DH & 6 cats, 300 daylilies (but only 3 spiders so far) and 36 hostas, which are mostly from our own MaryB and MaryS, the OTHER Hosta enabler. Grow lots of bulbs & succulents & roses etc, too - I love experimenting with new species, and this generous group certainly gives me lots of chances!
    I grew up in the Twin Cities, and lived in the Eau Claire WI area after college - traveling thru your neck of the woods often. I wanted to buy a place in Stillwater, but ended up married to an Oregonian & moved out here instead in the early '70's...

    Sister Jo, what a happy making mood you're in! Hurrah!

    I have one Brug - a variegated 'Maya' cutting that Canna sent me - it is growing and branching but no flowers yet, I need to remember to fertilize it.

    and dearest Dawn, thank you very much for keeping us up to date - I am so excited for you about your niece!! And praying for a miracle for you with the planning commission - those hoops to jump strain saints, I'm sure.

    Back to packing boxes - will be completely moved by end of Sept now OR BUST! ~marea

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    WOO HOO---Do I see some matchmaking that I could do here?
    Bambi...single Cody single.... Both love daylilies and other plants. Let's see how far apart they are.

    Bambi-You will see we have lots of fun here. Cody and Meghan actually had a bet going last year as to who was the prettiest. Wellllllll it was a toss up. Cody was so handsome and Meghan so beautiful we could not choose.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Marea, this is too just too funny--I am orignally from Altoona, Wisconsin, the little town right next door to Eau Claire and I work in Stillwater. Stillwater itself is a lovely town but almost all of the farmland is gone and it's fast becoming a suburb of St. Paul.

    Jo, Hi again! The lemon lilies I received from you bloomed for the first time this year and were quite lovely. Perfect old-fashioned daylilies.

    Barb, I would love to trade for one of your odd form daylilies - in fact I would like to trade for three of them. :)

    Sherri, Hi again! Did you receive your daylilies yet?

    MaryB, You are so right...I do need cool hostas!! The more the merrier. Love Pat is my favorite.

    Cody, Hi and thanks for the welcome! I would love to trade spiders with you.

    Shirley, I am looking for a RICH, RICH man and then I won't have to work anymore!

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Right on Bambi....You can learn to love them right. Gosh wish I had a rich husband, just think I could buy all the daylilies, irises, and hostas that I want and let a gardener take care of them.


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