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WANTED: Trade Lists Ft Worth Autumn Swap November 1 2014

10 years ago

I know that the weather is, as the song says, hotter than a two dollar pistol, but maybe that's the best time to start thinking about dividing, taking cuttings, planting seeds, stacking up extra pots{{gwi:807}}, making some garden art...

I am thrilled to tell y'all that I took 3 cuttings from a neighbor's fig tree, & at least 2 of them show new growth!

Since I don't eat{{gwi:807}} figs (is that the mark of OCD? you have to grow things whether you can use them or not?), I'll bring them to the swap.


flame acanthus

datura, plain old-fashioned white

tall purple/blue salvia and/or a white one

light red salvia greggii

teeny weeny red yuccas grown from seed this spring
(I finally found the secret: clip off the tip of the seed!)

tall purple Mexican petunias

pigeon berry if wanted

I *may* have purple/blue vitex babies{{gwi:807}} if the cuttings take.
(getting worried; this is sounding more & more OCD!)

Shasta daisies if someone wants them

crinums, maybe, if I make it over to help a friend divide hers.

orange trumpet vine if someone wants it:
this is a house-eating, barn-devouring, fence-cloaking maniac plant, but its sheer exuberance makes you feel good{{gwi:807}}, & hummers & butterflies love it, so if you have a big area from which it cannot escape, let me know!
My neighbor is getting ready to to replace his fence, & the trumpet vine will likely be torn up, so let me know asap.

Virginia Creeper/oak-leaf ivy:
a deciduous vine with beautiful{{gwi:807}} red autumn color.
Does this make up for disappearing in the winter?
Only you can judge.

Rose cuttings- if you want:
Old Blush (I never have had luck growing these, but don't know if it's the rose or if it's me!)
Martha Gonzales (have had success with this rose)
nice pink climber, don't know name but looks "david austin-ish"

I have a tropical amaryllis, can't remember the color, that I'd like to trade for something that doesn't have to come in for the winter;
I do not seem to have the indoor plant gene!

I can bring some miscellaneous nursery pots & plastic mini-blind labels, & I may have some craft things.


loquat, 1 or 2

crabapple, 1 or 2


irises, especially the oldies

roses (plants or cuttings):
Belinda's Dream
Mrs B R Cant
Duchesse de Brabant

This post was edited by sylviatexas on Sat, Aug 30, 14 at 10:59

Comments (135)

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    I'd be grateful for all you can spare after you've taken care of everyone else who has asked for one/some.

    talked to my cousin today, & she's got 2 more weeks of 5-days-a-week radiation remaining.

    Her son did get her a big container of the clear aloe gel, but she says it doesn't work as well as the stuff from the actual plants.

    She's used up her own aloe plants, & I took her my last 2 aloes today, so this will be a lifesaver!

    Thanks so much!

    forgot to say:

    Please let me know what you'd like in return:
    Although I'm out of aloes, I have lots of other things & would be very happy to bring you multiples of multiple items!

    This post was edited by sylviatexas on Sun, Oct 26, 14 at 21:17

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yay! I'm going to be able to go the the swap! I have plenty of seeds and I'll try to make a list of some of the plants I can bring tonight.

    Hi Darlene; I'm interested in your red hot poker if one is not spoken for. I can't remember if there was something from the last swap that you wanted that I said I had more of and could dig?

    I'm interested in the following if not spoken for
    Albizia Julibriss Silk Tree
    Mountain Ebony
    Sickle Bush
    Yellow trumpet tree
    Koolaid bush
    I love trying new things especially if they have pretty flowers

    In return I could bring you some buckets of compost (just had a truck load delivered) or if you prefer I could buy some bags of soil from HD and/or Miracle Grow? Just let me know which you prefer and what would be fair to you.
    Like you I run through pots like crazy so never have any spares.

    Anyone have any interest in pond plants? I haven't divided any yet and won't take the time to do so right now if no interest.

    Brug cuttings
    Confederate rose
    tx natives/drought tolerant plants

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    Comments (92)
    Hi All, I know I've been MIA for a few weeks. Work has been taking over lately. I just posted my trade list on the FTW Garden swap site. I added my pre-trades as I culled them from this page. Please review to see if I'm still on track. I'm going to try to accommodate everyone's rain lily requests. If I don't have enough of the yellow rain lily seeds to go around, I may be able to entice you with some minima seeds. Minimas are the most adorable tiny pale pink rain lilies. The flowers are less than a half inch in diameter. As a bonus, they go from seed to blooming in one year! I have about a dozen minima seed pods in my pots right now. I'll try to harvest some before the swap. Looking forward to meeting you all, JK
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    HAVE: Post 'Em Here: Your Haves & Wants for Ft Worth Autumn Swap


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    Darlene, I'd love elephant ear if you still have some (or one). Here's my list that I hope is correct; if not, please let me know. for cheryl 5 roses & an apple mint from cheryl pots & maybe a hydrangea or cutting for brenda cashmere bouquet & chocolate mint for armbarangel I found a hot pink salvia greggi. from armbarangel century plants for darlene, cashmere bouquet & mints from darlene st john's wort & elephant ear if you have enough for ruth salvia black & blue from ruth cannas for running gardener 4 o'clocks & pigeonberry from running gardener bay tree & boneset for mike pigeonberry from mike daffs & iris for dorothy ornamental grass from dorothy red yucca for sigrid? from sigrid brownies & lavender iris for butterflyfan 4 o'clocks, apple mint, turk's cap, salvia B&B from butterflyfan frogfruit, fennel, passionflower, rue I hit the jackpot on ornamental grasses & will bring some of those as well as the phlox, Indian Chief irises, lemon mint, peppermint, apple mint, & miscellaneous stuff. will bring a "prize", hope we have enough participation! (but if we don't, I got stuff I like!) Get your plants watered & sorted & go to bed early tonight so you'll be bright-eyed tomorrow, & remember your Sharpies, notepads, & your little red wagon if you have one!
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    If I could add one suggestion. For the traders that come after you get there, they are trying to unload and set up, please give them a chance to set up and get their mind together before you attack. You could hep them by helping them unload and then give them a few minutes to enjoy before the trading begins and not everyone hit them at once. Just a suggestion I hope helps. Mike
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  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Another updated list for this weekend:

    Olive Tree
    If you have just a little soil that would be great. Otherwise just glad to find it a good home. They do really well here acutally, but just don't like ice like from freezing rain. My parents have one up in Decatur, 7b, that dies to a couple inches above the ground and comes back every year for the last 4-5 years. They have horrid wind conditions up there though.
    I am actually going to try to grow my parents another one. My mother got seeds from a trip to Israel at Gethsemane (Mount of Olives). Olives have a terrible germination rate, and I am not going to try until next summer, so we'll see.

    - 5x Laburnum Anagyroides - Golden Chain Trees (6-8")
    - 3x Acer Buergerianum - Trident Maple (4-6")
    - 3x Brachychiton Bidwillii - Australian Little Kurrajong (possibly zone 8a). Showy orange-ish flowers in spring.
    - 1x Albizia Julibrissin - Summer Chocolate Silk Tree (5")
    - 10x Kunzea Baxteri - Baxter’s Kunzea (4"-6") Has similar fuzzy red flowers like the bottle brush tree/shrub, listed as zones 7-9.
    - 2x Cussonia Paniculata - Mountain Cabbage Tree (4") Zone 9, needs to be in a pot. Popular bonsai tree.

    - 1x Albizia Julibrissin - Silk Tree (4-6") Only 1 now, daughter pulled one up out of the pot, broke at roots. :(
    - 2x Bauhinia Hookeri - Mountain Ebony (9b - needs to be in a pot) Lovely white flowers in spring and tiny leaves.
    - 2x Dichrostachys Cinerea - Sickle Bush (12") Listed as zone 8, small leaves, beautiful lantern-like flowers in spring, has thorns. I have mine in a large pot, over 5 ft. tall just this season.
    - 2x Tecoma Stans - Yellow Trumpet Tree (2'-3') These are supposed to be the small tree variant (Tecoma stans var. angustata??) and not the shrub.
    - 1x Psoralea Pinnata - Kool Aid Bush (10") Zone 9, needs to be in a pot. Have read that it will regrow from ground each year if frost hits it.

    Any soils are appreciated.

    Others I have available:

    - 1x Vitex Agnus - Chaste Tree (8")
    - 2x Cordyline Australis - Giant Dracaena - Spikes Cornish Palm
    - 1x Eucalyptus Gunnii - Cider Gum (12"+)
    - 1x Eucalyptus Globulus - Tasmanian Blue Gum (24")
    - 4x Pinus Pinea - Italian Stone Pine (6"-10") Listed as 8b.
    - 1x Quercus Robur Fastigiata - Upright English Oak Tree (8")
    - 2x Pinus thunbergii - Japanese Black Pine (4-6")
    - 1x Cupressus Cashmeriana - Kashmir Cypress (Listed as 8b)
    - 2x Sabal Palmetto - Cabbage Palmetto
    - 1x Jubaea Chilensis - Chilean Wine Palm
    - Phoenix Sylvestris - Silver Date Palm (Listed as 8b)
    - 2x Ribbon Palm
    -1x Mystery Palm - really, I have no idea what it is. The seed casing is still in the pot, but I no longer have any other seeds that resemble it. They take such a ridiculously long time to germinate (one of the reasons I won't be growing anymore palms) that I think I threw all of the others away out of impatience.


    This post was edited by VoidWarhammer on Mon, Oct 27, 14 at 11:42

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I walked around last night and here's a list of things I could dig if interested.
    1 Beauty Berry
    2 Mexican Plum trees
    Brazilan Rock rose
    1 tiny TX Mt laurel
    1 small Boston fern
    Mexican Hydrangea
    willow tree
    inland sea oats
    fall obedient plants
    lyre leaf sage
    dragon fruit cuttings
    2 small oak trees
    Mexican Buckeye
    Bush Morning Glory 1 tiny plant or cuttings
    red cannas
    2 diffferent bromeliads
    pink skullcap cuttings
    1 cholla cutting
    Century plant babies
    pencil cactus cutting
    Native purple clematis plant or seeds
    Dutchman's pipe plant or seeds
    purple snapdragon vine
    rootbeer plant Hoja Santa
    fig cuttings

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ok, here's what I have down:


    Aloes (I'm donating these to your cousin)


    Potting Soil
    Seed Starting Mix
    Nursery Pots


    Assorted cactus/cactus pads


    Red Hot Poker

    Would love either the tiny plant or cuttings of your bush morning glory

    Looking forward to Saturday!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I would love to speak up for your Beauty Berry and a piece of Ironweed.

    Is there anything on my list that you'd like? I too have pond plants, blue taro, green taro, horsetail rush, lizard tail, Black Gamecock Iris, Colorado water lily and some unknown iris and water lilies (yellow).

    I also have scads of ajuga, blue spruce sedum and a couple of nicely rooted forsythias. I could dig red or pink turk's cap also if you want some of that.


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here's my list.
    Please let me know if I've missed someone/something:

    Marti wants pigeonberry, red spider lily.
    Marti has hymenocallis, plumbago
    (I know I haven't asked for these before, so if they're not available, nobody's fault but mine!)

    Pam wants pigeonberry, needs to ask for something else!
    Pam has water lily, taro, La iris.

    Cheryl wants seed flats, fig.
    Cheryl has aloe (thank you!), red buds.

    Darlene wants Shasta daisy, rose cuttings.
    Darlene has daylily, aloe (thank you!).

    voidwarhammer wants pots, soil.
    voidwarhammer has olive tree.

    I can bring you a flame acanthus & a soft red salvia greggii & would like a century plant or so, or maybe some compost.

    bringing these 'extras':
    mixed historic irises
    canna rhizomes: bronze/burgundy/green leaves, small species-type red flower
    daylilies that are probably yellow
    purple irises
    lemon mint
    Virginia creeper
    Cashmere Bouquet (shade plant that has a boring mauve shaggy-chrysanthemum-looking flower & that spreads like a rumor: butterflies go crazy over it!)
    Greg's blue mistflower
    1 blue & 1 white salva sharing a pot
    white datura.

    I'm looking forward to seeing everyone!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    ok adding to my list to bring

    voidwarhammer - compost
    Darlene - Bush Morning Glory, I'll bring both the plant and cuttings.
    getting red hot poker
    Sylvia - Century plants
    salvia greggi sounds great
    Pam - Beauty Berry and Ironweed
    would like Gamecock iris and pink turks cap

    You don't have any pickerelweed do you? Last winter is the first year I've completely lost mine.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My neighbor has pickerel weed, I bet I can get a piece :-)

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Can I please have some of your lemon mint? Please!


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Since we have pond folks on here I decided to start working on my ponds to see what I could get done.
    1 Star of Siam Tropical water lily
    2 orangish miniature water lilies
    several pink water lilies(have no idea of name)
    sweet flag

    That's as far as I got today after work .

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    abarbie4me2, I may be interested in one of the mini orange water lilies, have to ask the wife though.
    I will have a few pond questions for people, as we have a small goldfish pond that has had plants for a few years, and they have never bloomed. :(
    Some type of Louisiana purple water Iris. Gets a lot of brown on it all year long. I put water plant pellets in it's soil, I add potassium and other minerals directly to the water (Seachem products), but nothing seems to keep it green, or make it bloom. :(

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi y'all. Looks like everyone has been busy getting ready. I've been sick as a dog and didn't know if I was going to be able to come. But I started feeling better Tuesday and if that continues, I'll be there.

    Pam, I've got to run some errands today. If I still feel good when I get home, I'll see if I can get that lily out of the pond. I've also got a Rhonda Kay which is a tropical lily, blue, but overwinters for me just fine. It's blooming now so I know which one it is, if you want one.

    I'm not sure what you got from Cheryl, but it sounds interesting. Spring obedient plant looks exactly like fall obedient plant.

    Seamommy, if no one else has claimed it, I'd like a cardinal plant. I've got some black plastic pots for trade.

    dcarpenter, can I plant a Texas Star Hibiscus seed now and it will grow? Or would it have to be started in a pot? I'll trade for Mexican Poinsettia. If we get a frost between now and Saturday, the plants will die, but I'll bring lots of seeds.

    Here's what I have down for sure:

    To Sylvia:
    Day lily, plumbago and white bog spider lilies for pigeonberry & red spider lily

    To Pam/pkponder:
    Texas Dawn (if I can get it out) for spring obedient plant

    To dcarpenter/Darlene:
    Mexican poinsettia for Texas Star hibiscus seeds.

    I'll bring a couple of six packs of bottled water, and bananas.

    And the other stuff I still have and will bring:
    Land plants:
    Two blue vitex seedlings
    Small plumbago
    Two good sized confetti lantana (they didn't like being dug up)
    One Texas ash seedling
    Chinese star jasmine (Jasminum polyanthum), white bloom
    Pond & bog plants:
    White Spider lily (Hymenocallis liriosme)
    Bog sage (Salvia uliginosa)
    Butterfly blue pincushion plant (Scabiosa)
    Liatris, if anyone is interested. They are hard to grow from seed, at least for me, yet I've had a couple of seedlings pop up around it.
    Mexican poinsettia if anyone is interested
    Purple coneflower if anyone is interested

    Want list:
    Blackfoot daisy
    Bluebonnet seeds

    This post was edited by marti8a on Fri, Oct 31, 14 at 16:57

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Marti, I didn't find seeds on the spring blooming obedient plant, but I'll bring some red spider lilies for you. I'm fine with or without the Texas Dawn or Rhonda Kay. I think I have RK (or another fragrant blue tropical) but mine didn't bloom this summer.

    Everyone, the signs will be bright yellow and I'll try to make the arrows point the way :-)

    abarbie4me, my neighbor has been gone all day and I didn't get the pickerel weed. I hope she will be home tomorrow when I get home from work.

    I forgot that I have hardy plumbago, a nice shady spot ground cover. I'll dig some last minute and bring it along.

    My grandkids and daughter may come with me, which means that I won't be able to take much back home. I hope that there are some new gardeners to take the 'leftovers' LOL!

    Seamommy, I just dug the white brug, it has more roots than I thought and will need to be potted up soon. I put it in a 3 gallon pot, but you know how big those roots get in sand. It is crowded.

    See y'all on Saturday

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Pam, don't worry about the spider lilies, Sylvia is giving me some. I never did get the Texas Dawn out. I pulled on the pot and of course it wanted to bring everything at that end of the pond. If you don't mind waiting, I plan on pulling everything out next spring and repotting it all. I'll put a marker in the pot tomorrow so I'll know which one it is.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sylvia, Pam's post made me look to see if I specified what kind of plumbago I have, and it too is the ground cover variety I think. It's never gotten more than 4 inches tall. Do you still want it?

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    That's what I was thinking it was!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    I have so many seeds that you can try it both ways!


    If no one speaks up for the Star of Siam lily, may I please have it? I will try and look around this afternoon and see if I can come up with something else for you. Are you looking for anything specific?


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Seamommy, do you have a manfreda (false aloe)? I bought one this summer, babied it through the summer and it looked fine, and now it looks like it's a goner.

    abarbie4me, I have quite a few Texas natives. Is there anything in particular you want? I don't want to dig up stuff no one wants.
    Salvia greggii, fall aster, blue mist, columbine and now I'm drawing a blank. Oh, and I noticed some teeny flame acanthus in the pot. Sylvia's are probably bigger.

    This post was edited by marti8a on Fri, Oct 31, 14 at 16:30

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Darlene, if it's not too late for you, I'd like to have a red hot poker.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Marti8a,
    I have most of those. What I'm missing are
    standing Cypress
    Baptisia bracteata laevicaulis or leucophaea
    Aristolochia erecta/longiflora pipevine
    Matelea biflora Purple Star Milkweed Vine
    Mountain pink
    Mentzelia decapetala
    Talinum calycidum - fameflower
    calico vine
    claret cup cactus
    strawberry cactus
    Barbaras buttons
    blue eyed grass
    the native verbena
    prairie hycanth

    oh and i'm trying to find a red passion vine.

    I know all of these are a long shot :-)

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Trying to get stuff in the greenhouse tonight. So not ready to do that

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Whew! Everything's in the truck and I mean it's full!

    I added the Star of Siam water lily for Darlene
    Orangish water lily for voidwarhammer

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Marti, all I have is regular aloe, but you're welcome to a few. I was looking at the weather and it looks like it'll be chilly tonight (37°) but things should be OK to stay out of the greenhouse. Im not looking to get a bunch of stuff in trade i just need to downsize a bit. I'll see y'all tomorrow.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm all happy anticipating seeing everyone again & meeting new friends.

    Bring your jackets!

    see y'all tomorrow!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    abarbie4me, not a longshot at all. It's the wrong time of year for some of those, but next spring give me a shout and you can come get standing cypress and blue-eyed grass, I may have some prairie verbena blooming right now. I'll try to remember to look tomorrow before I leave and if so, I'll dig up one if Sylvia won't mind a later start.

    Link me to the native hyacinth you want. I might have it.

    seamommy, thanks but I don't have house plants because of dh. Any idea how I can save this one?

    What time is everyone planning on arriving tomorrow?

    This post was edited by marti8a on Fri, Oct 31, 14 at 21:20

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have a weak spot for passionvines and have many different types. Currently growing 2 different types of red.
    Passiflora Coccinea - even though it says zone 10 mine had been in ground for 4 years. Comes back from root every year, grows to about 20 ft. but hardly ever blooms.
    Passiflora Vitifolia 'Scarlet Flame' - this is the one I would suggest. Most passionvines don't bloom much in heat, but this did quite well. Bloomed steady in the summer, and going nuts right now. I grew this from seed this last winter in my greenhouse, so I have no idea if it will regrow from the roots if planted outside. This will be mines first season. I will bring a fresh cutting in a rockwool cube.

    I am only able to come for a few hours tomorrow morning. Should be there about 930ish to about 11 or noon.
    I better get out there tonight and load the car up!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm a very excited first timer and have a few plants to offer for swapping. Does anyone know the name of the image attached? I have plenty of those to offer. Also some Red Yucca seeds I planted a few weeks ago are sprouting (about 2 inches tall now). I also have English and Pothos Ivy cuttings.

    I would love to have some Eucalyptus Gunnii

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    I have one large one left. I already had it packed up in my car to bring if anyone wanted it, but will have your name on it.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you so much VoidWarHammer :-) I'm so excited about it. I was just about to order starter seeds for it. Have you ever seen it flower?

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Marti, I have a manfreda for you.

    I'm feeling under the weather this morning, so I'll see you all at 10 and I don't think I'll hang out for the potluck.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yikes, Pam, I hope you get to feeling peppier!

    Note to "Swappers":

    Directional signs won't be up til Pam gets to the swap, so just turn east into the park across from the entrance to the Japanese gardens/rose gardens, & follow the little road until you see us!

    If you get lost, please call 2one4nine80fivefour96.

    See ya in the park!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Trinity park is closed for a marathon or something so stand by

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We are parked in the botanical gardens at the glass building until sylvia gets here. Main gate or 2nd left into botanical gardens

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Abarbie4me2. I'm here. I just drove to the side of the barricade. Lots of people in the parking lot. Cops didn't say anything to me.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Or u can come in through the will Rodgers road on down from the botanical gardens.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Go past trinity park and take a right on crestline 2nd light. Go left into the school parking lot. The is a heritage event at the bg so we moved to here.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Golly, what a great day!

    Many many thanks to Darlene for setting up in "our" regular spot!

    We had a really good mixture of "charter members" & newcomers, & we even highjacked a bicyclist & gave her a bunch of plants.

    I know my cousin will be thrilled with the aloes, & I'll find out what Nazzi (sp?) can do for Sydney, the woman who donated the daylilies & irises.

    Although Sydney didn't ask for anything but a good home for her plants, Nazzi kindly, thoughtfully, & generously offered to knit something for her!

    Thanks to all who came, & I look forward to seeing you all, Jill (bicyclist) included, in the spring!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sorry about all of the confusion this morning, but we all found each other and had a great time. I came home with some wonderful plants and other stuff AND gave away most of what I brought,so John was happy.

    And You bet I'm gonna baby that red Passion vine cutting!


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks for setting it up Sylvia. I've been out for the last hour or so planting things. Now if it will just stay nice for a little while and let them get started.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I just came in the house. I'm so tired. Cynthia, Auggie and I had a great time. Loved meeting new people. I definitely came home with a truckload of goodies. Thank u John and nice man in the park for helping us load up. Can't wait for the spring swap.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    That was a lot of fun. Now that I have a place to find homes for plants, I can plan on what to germinate for the next one! Time to break out the seed trays and warming mats!

    abarbie4me2 - I forgot to tell you, keep the cuttings warm and in bright shade, not direct sunlight, until they get their roots in. Direct sun will cause them to wilt too fast before they have a chance to come in.

    Thanks again everyone!


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I had a great time! Thank you again Sylvia for organizing the swap :-)

    It is great to see all of our new swappers. I will bring more plants to the spring swap to help fill up those new gardens.

    Phil, about the Louisiana Iris that is yellowing, how deep are the rhizomes located? I keep mine with wet 'feet' or rhizomes and dry 'shoulders' or fans. I use a lot of cinderblocks as plant stands in the ponds to raise the plants. It's pretty normal to have some die off of the older leaves. They will look pretty ragged by the time spring rolls around. Just cut or pull off anything past it's prime that you don't want to look at. It will push up new leaves, green and fresh.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Did anyone take pictures? I was going to and then completely forgot.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Not me, I left my phone in the car. I also intended to get pictures!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Maybe mine are too deep in the water. The rhizomes are about 4-6 inches below the surface. It's mainly just the tips, about 2 inches, of the leaves that turn brown, like all of them. It's on a cinderblock already, but maybe I need to put something else under it to raise it up a bit more.
    Can't hurt to try.

    One more question, whats a good media to use for repoting pond plants? I know both of mine came with the "sludge" type stuff in the pots but I don't recall seeing that type for sale anywhere. Any places around Ft. Worth that sell it? Or just the technical name of it so I can google around. Or maybe there's something better to use?

    Thanks again,

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Phil, I use pea gravel or ordinary garden soil, clay is the best, topped off with gravel or larger rocks for aesthetic reasons. If the tips are browning, it could be overfertilization. You did mention a lot of fertilizers. They sound as if they are too deep, raise them a bit so that the roots are in the water and the leaves are above.

    Don't overlook the power of our hot sun...sometimes plants just crisp up because they are as unhappy in the heat as we are :-) I always like the fall 'renewal' when temps cool down and we get a burst of healthy green growth.

  • 9 years ago

    So good to hear from you, Nazi!

    The Ft Worth Spring Swap is next Saturday, April 18, 2015, at Trinity Park.

    Hope to see you there!
