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looking for affordable tomato seeds.....

The only real requirement I have regarding the tomatoes is that for paste types they're small-medium in size. For types that are suitable for using in cooking and making sauce, I just request that they're medium in size. I don't plan to use tomatoes raw, as I don't care for them raw.

NOTE WITH VARIETIES: These are the list I'm looking to find with the tomato seeds, because they're what were recommended to me. If there are other varieties suitable for growing that are determinate suitable for making into sauce and using in cooking PLEASE LET ME KNOW. If there are other paste tomatoes that are determinate and are considered paste tomatoes, please let me know.

I few days ago, I posted a message looking for which variety of tomatoes to grow. I basically wanted a paste tomato, and a tomato suitable for using in cooking and for making sauce.

I received numerous recommendations for determinate varieties, which are bush type plants and compact. I also received numerous recommendations for the paste type varieties, which I also want as determinate.

The problem I'm having is finding varieties of these seeds for paste tomatoes and bush type tomato seeds that aren't ridiculous with cost. While the cost of the tomato seeds themselves are reasonable at $1.50-2.50 per packet, I end up paying two-three times as much in shipping costs. I haven't purchased any yet, but I can't afford to pay $4-$7 in shipping costs. Does anybody know of a site where they don't rip you off with shipping costs?

These are the types I'm looking for with tomato seeds.....

Determinate, bush-type compact varieties; these are ideal for making sauce, dicing up and using in cooking, etc.







Determinate, bush type compact varieties, good for making tomato paste:

Martino's roma

San Marzano


NOTE WITH VARIETIES: These are the list I'm looking to find with the tomato seeds, because they're what were recommended to me. If there are other varieties suitable for growing that are determinate suitable for making into sauce and using in cooking PLEASE LET ME KNOW. If there are other paste tomatoes that are determinate and are considered paste tomatoes, please let me know.

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