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Tunneling varmints ate all my perennials this winter!

susanzone5 (NY)
19 years ago

I just checked my still frozen garden, since the snow has melted back a bit in some areas, and found those blasted voles/moles/whatever had eaten the roots off all my new perennials and chewed up some of the tops into a pile of clippings! @#$%^&* animals. Their tunnels were still frozen into the soil like concrete. I felt so helpless, and so angry!

Last summer I managed to trap one in a rat trap, but haven't had luck since then. Those buzzing mole stakes didn't work either, obviously, but the batteries have lasted 6 months and they still buzzed under the snow. Moles didn't care.

If anyone can help me out with suggestions, I'm all ears. I posted this on the pest forum and not much was offered. It's so heartbreaking...sometimes I don't know why I bother buying plants. I'm ready to just toss seeds and scratch them into the soil.

A herd of 10 deer just passed through my side yard...oh brother, here we go...

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