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UPDATE: Cleaning the Seed Box Swap post #2

16 years ago


the other post was getting full so I wanted to start a new one.

This will be a straight swap for all the seeds you just can't use.

please make sure all seeds are clearly marked, no older than 06 please, and packaged so they don't leak out.

no more that 3 of any one kind of seeds

send in a bubble envie with postage or $1 or $2 for return shipping depending on how much you send.

you will get back the same amount of seeds or more than you send. if you send bonus seeds to be donated please mark them.

sign ups will go till june 30, I would like seeds in by july 20th, or at least in the mail by then.

if you want to make sure you don't get back any seeds you sent please send a list of what seeds you are sending or mark each pack with your GW name.

please include your real name/GW name/ address in you envie.

if you have any questions please post them here.

thank you


Comments (94)

  • 16 years ago

    Hi Michelle,

    I mailed out my big envelope yesterday. There are only 46-48 seed packs in there, along with a gift for you for hosting what seems to be a huge swap.

    The DC number is
    0307 3330 0001 4284 7272

    Thanks for hosting this and I am looking forward to the package of seeds.


  • 16 years ago

    whoohoo more seeds comming in! michell i would love to be a fly on the wall seeing all those seeds! hope you have lots of room. i never been in a swap this big! so much fun!

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  • 16 years ago

    Thank you Michelle. Please print out a new copy of my member trade list (just updated it).

    Thank you bunches,

  • 16 years ago

    My seeds are in the mail and I'm constantly updating my trade list too. Thanks for organizing this swap. I can't imagine the mountain of seeds involved.

  • 16 years ago

    Michelle, I just realized I only sent you 2 packs of seeds. I left some out of the envelope.... So sorry!!!
    I will send more today!

  • 16 years ago

    Hi Michelle,

    I see your note that my seeds arrived! Yeah!

    If someone happens to send in any kind of millet, would you keep me in mind?


  • 16 years ago

    Hi Everyone,
    I hope everyone is safe and sound with all the bad weather we're having in different parts of the country. It's been pretty fair here after it rained and cooled down a bit.
    I think I forgot to add annuals to my list. Any type is fine, but I especially like marigolds, nasturtiums and sunflowers. I would like to have some unusual or not so commom types, but any kind would be appreciated. I am also looking for Alfalfa seeds and Horehound seeds. I know alot of you have sent your seeds in already (you guys are fast!!!LOL). Just thought I would post anyway. Michelle, I plan on sending my seeds out on Wednesday of next week. Hope everyone has a great day!...Marylee

  • 16 years ago

    I'll be sending my seeds out soon. Please no veggies or trees for me, I'm looking for vines and anything for zone 9-10-11.......but I'm easy to please!

    Sue G.

  • 16 years ago

    I still need your address.


  • 16 years ago

    did you get the postage I sent you yet?

  • 16 years ago

    My seeds are going to be mailed out tomorrow. Thanks, Amy

  • 16 years ago

    I hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend, we had lots of fun, fishing, BBQing, and detonating bunches of explosives.
    and I think it is time for another update.

    1. Micyrey/Michelle anything but trees **receved seeds**

    2. panchiro/Simone

    3. amybabyboy3/Amy veggies and flowers

    4. booberry85 (veggies) **receved seeds**

    5. sguanzon/sue no vegies no trees

    6. vic_zn5/Vic (flowers & veggies)

    7. kristlindgren/Kris **receved seeds**

    8. kmpsmom/Ann

    9. fcoffill/Frances flowers/foliage for hot/dry **receved seeds**

    1. evonnestoryteller (flowers) **receved seeds**

    2. sassybutterfly_2008/Wendy (flowers)

    3. mimib1/Brenda (any) **receved seeds**

    4. luvgardening2/Nancy (veggies)

    5. ravenwv - flowers

    6. esiuol/Louise **receved seeds**

    7. quiltingfox **receved seeds** (toss rose hips) will
      send more

    17 rbrady/Rhonda

    1. urbanhula/titiana **receved seeds**

    2. saleado/jonathan

    3. livingdedgrrl - flowers **receved seeds** no postage
      not here yet will post when it gets here

    4. ibartoo/linda flowers

    5. candycow/candy **receved seeds**

    6. astilbebstillz6a/ veggies/herbs/ some flowers annuals
      sunflowers, nastursums, alfalfa, horehound, marigolds

    7. daphne16/ veggies/herbs/eddibles **receved seeds**

    8. kalena67/ karen

    9. greensingh/ flowers/foliage/grass/tomatoes

    10. kandituft/ flowers/veggies

    11. metull/melonie flowers

    12. flowers1/amy

    13. chrizty/christy flowers **receved seeds**

    14. dorisl/doris **receved seeds** wants millet

    15. southern charm/not toxic **receved seeds** receved

    16. grove spirit/ non toxic

    17. christie199/christie flowers/herbs **receved seeds**

    18. uncgardener/kara veggies/flowers

    19. gnomey/Gerri flowers

    20. musicaldeity/ anything

    21. karendee/karen W. right? no GW web name in envie sO I want to be sure this is the right person. **receved seeds**

    22. momcat/ no trees no vegies address sent

    23. lillyjane/jan

    ok I think that is everything if I missed anything please let me know
    I'll check in later if I receved anything in the mail today

  • 16 years ago

    Sorry Michelle,
    Yes karendee is the same person as Karen W.

    I sent you another pack of seeds because I did not send enough the first time. So you have another packet coming from me. I added some more address labels for you to use as well. The envelope is a brown padded one that the second pack is coming in.

  • 16 years ago

    Finally put mine in the mail today. I hope they don't get there late. Sorry about the delay.


  • 16 years ago

    hey michelle
    just want o make sure you got my requests...i see everyone elses is on the list but not mine and i have posted 2 messages and sent you email :(
    could you just confirm for me please?
    -tatiana (not titania haha)

  • 16 years ago

    sorry titiana I was not trying to ignore you, but I have everything in my note book

    1. Micyrey/Michelle anything but trees **receved seeds**

    2. panchiro/Simone

    3. amybabyboy3/Amy veggies and flowers

    4. booberry85 (veggies) **receved seeds**

    5. sguanzon/sue no vegies no trees

    6. vic_zn5/Vic (flowers & veggies)

    7. kristlindgren/Kris **receved seeds**

    8. kmpsmom/Ann

    9. fcoffill/Frances flowers/foliage for hot/dry **receved seeds**

    1. evonnestoryteller (flowers) **receved seeds**

    2. sassybutterfly_2008/Wendy (flowers)

    3. mimib1/Brenda (any) **receved seeds**

    4. luvgardening2/Nancy (veggies)

    5. ravenwv - flowers

    6. esiuol/Louise **receved seeds**

    7. quiltingfox **receved seeds** (toss rose hips) will
      send more

    17 rbrady/Rhonda

    1. urbanhula/titiana **receved seeds** edibles(fruit, vegies, berries, herbs) no kale no chard

    2. saleado/jonathan

    3. livingdedgrrl - flowers **receved seeds** no postage
      not here yet will post when it gets here

    4. ibartoo/linda flowers

    5. candycow/candy **receved seeds**

    6. astilbebstillz6a/ veggies/herbs/ some flowers annuals
      sunflowers, nastursums, alfalfa, horehound, marigolds

    7. daphne16/ veggies/herbs/eddibles **receved seeds**

    8. kalena67/ karen

    9. greensingh/ flowers/foliage/grass/tomatoes

    10. kandituft/ flowers/veggies

    11. metull/melonie flowers

    12. flowers1/amy

    13. chrizty/christy flowers **receved seeds**

    14. dorisl/doris **receved seeds** wants millet

    15. southern charm/not toxic **receved seeds** receved

    16. grove spirit/ non toxic

    17. christie199/christie flowers/herbs **receved seeds**

    18. uncgardener/kara veggies/flowers

    19. gnomey/Gerri flowers

    20. musicaldeity/ anything

    21. karendee/karen W. right? no GW web name in envie sO I want to be sure this is the right person. **receved seeds**

    22. momcat/ no trees no vegies address sent

    23. lillyjane/jan

  • 16 years ago

    Hi Michelle, I will be sending my seeds out in the mail tomorrow. This is going to be a great swap! Thanks for hosting.


  • 16 years ago

    some of you have showed an interest in my system and what all the seeds envies look like so here ya go.

    in the blue box everyone has an envie with their name, number in the swap, number of seeds sent and number of seeds already in.

    in the huggies box(sorry about that but they rilly are the right size and shape) are the emvies sent in by players, with the seeds each player sent till they get sorted in to the envies they will go home with.

    and in the note book I have all the info posted/printed wants lists/# of seeds sent/ lists of seeds sent/postage/ address/and any other helpfull info.

    with 2 little boys I need to be as organized as possible, and keep the seeds and envies where they can't get messed with.

    I also wanted to say thanks to christie, it is a lovely gift

    1. Micyrey/Michelle anything but trees **receved seeds**

    2. panchiro/Simone

    3. amybabyboy3/Amy veggies and flowers

    4. booberry85 (veggies) **receved seeds**

    5. sguanzon/sue no vegies no trees

    6. vic_zn5/Vic (flowers & veggies)

    7. kristlindgren/Kris **receved seeds**

    8. kmpsmom/Ann

    9. fcoffill/Frances flowers/foliage for hot/dry **receved seeds**

    1. evonnestoryteller (flowers) **receved seeds**

    2. sassybutterfly_2008/Wendy (flowers)

    3. mimib1/Brenda (any) **receved seeds**

    4. luvgardening2/Nancy (veggies)

    5. ravenwv - flowers

    6. esiuol/Louise **receved seeds**

    7. quiltingfox **receved seeds** (toss rose hips) will
      send more

    17 rbrady/Rhonda

    1. urbanhula/titiana **receved seeds** edibles(fruit, vegies, berries, herbs) no kale no chard

    2. saleado/jonathan

    3. livingdedgrrl - flowers **receved seeds** no postage
      not here yet will post when it gets here

    4. ibartoo/linda flowers

    5. candycow/candy **receved seeds**

    6. astilbebstillz6a/ veggies/herbs/ some flowers annuals
      sunflowers, nastursums, alfalfa, horehound, marigolds

    7. daphne16/ veggies/herbs/eddibles **receved seeds**

    8. kalena67/ karen

    9. greensingh/ flowers/foliage/grass/tomatoes

    10. kandituft/ flowers/veggies

    11. metull/melonie flowers

    12. flowers1/amy

    13. chrizty/christy flowers **receved seeds**

    14. dorisl/doris **receved seeds** wants millet

    15. southern charm/not toxic **receved seeds** receved

    16. grove spirit/ non toxic

    17. christie199/christie flowers/herbs **receved seeds**

    18. uncgardener/kara veggies/flowers

    19. gnomey/Gerri flowers **receved seeds**

    20. musicaldeity/ anything

    21. karendee/karen **receved seeds**

    22. momcat/ no trees no vegies address sent

    23. lillyjane/jan

    well thats all for now see ya all later

  • 16 years ago

    alot neater than what i was thinking! i was seeing seeds scatterd all over the table lol, thats a good set up ya have michelle:)
    love your quilt, did you make that?

  • 16 years ago

    Was thinking the same thing! It's a beautiful quilt! :)

  • 16 years ago

    LOL, I was looking at the quilt too!

    Wow Michelle, you are VERY organized! I have been trying to get my seeds in order, so far I have some in an envie in the computer desk drawer (ones that got mixed up or no dates, there is also a big bag of corn seeds I got last yr in a trade, there is several diff ornamental and sweet corn var. in it. The box was packed very badly, the seeds were in little paper bags and then a couple plants were somewhat wrapped in newspaper thrown on top! by the time I got it the bags had all opened up and kernels were everywhere! And the names on the bags were long gone! If anyone wants a surprise bag of corn kernels LMK! LOL!) another envie, same drawer....can't remember off the top of my head whats in that one, some on my desk I've been going through, another envie in the kitchen drawer to sort, an envie on the kitchen table to sort, and I'm sure if I look in some other drawers I will find more! LOL They were all in one big envie till I started "organizing" them! I should have just closed my eyes, picked out some packets, and sent them! "making note to self NOT to host a seed swap!"

    BTW, can't we see the gifts your getting? would be fun to see!


  • 16 years ago

    hello y'all
    yes I made the quilt(blushing) I don't make them often, but want to start a new one soon. thanks for the complements.
    it is impossible to tell from the pick but it is a flower with 4 large yellow pettles with a purple background.
    I will post picks of all the gifts sent when I get all the envies in. but please don't feel you have to send one, I know some of us just don't have the extra money right now.

    I used to have my seeds all over the place too until my DH (was trying to help)tossed out a bunch of brand new burpee seeds I had just got in the mail. now every seed is saftly locked( not literaly) in a wooden trunk. and since I have started trading I have also alphabetized them so I can find them easyer.


  • 16 years ago

    Please let me know when you receive my 2nd envelope of seeds. Glad to meet another quilter, Michelle, hence my GW name. Such beautiful colors in your quilt. :-)

    Thanks a bunch and best to you,

  • 16 years ago

    hello again
    today I got the 2nd pack of seeds from quiltingfox, and the postage for livingdedgirl.


  • 16 years ago

    Beautiful quilt. I love looking at others work. I am working on a double Irish chain signature quilt for my best friends' wedding.
    It is so nice of you to be hosting this and you look very well organized.

  • 16 years ago

    awsome job on the quilt michelle!
    i made a few tops this winter but have yet to quilt them lol guess i better finish them if i want to use them this winter!

  • 16 years ago

    Hi All,
    Hope everyone is doing well. I didn't get to the post office as planned on Wednesday, but I did make it yesterday, so mine are on their way. By the way, love the quilt Michelle, and great seed setup!...Marylee

  • 16 years ago

    I was out of town for a couple days but I'm back.

    1. Micyrey/Michelle anything but trees **receved seeds**

    2. panchiro/Simone **receved seeds**

    3. amybabyboy3/Amy veggies and flowers **receved seeds**

    4. booberry85 (veggies) **receved seeds**

    5. sguanzon/sue no vegies no trees

    6. vic_zn5/Vic (flowers & veggies)

    7. kristlindgren/Kris **receved seeds**

    8. kmpsmom/Ann

    9. fcoffill/Frances flowers/foliage for hot/dry **receved seeds**

    1. evonnestoryteller (flowers) **receved seeds**

    2. sassybutterfly_2008/Wendy (flowers)

    3. mimib1/Brenda (any) **receved seeds**

    4. luvgardening2/Nancy (veggies)

    5. ravenwv - flowers

    6. esiuol/Louise **receved seeds**

    7. quiltingfox **receved seeds/2nd pack**(toss rose hips)

    17 rbrady/Rhonda

    1. urbanhula/titiana **receved seeds** edibles(fruit, vegies, berries, herbs) no kale no chard

    2. saleado/jonathan

    3. livingdedgrrl - flowers **receved seeds** got postage

    4. ibartoo/linda flowers

    5. candycow/candy **receved seeds**

    6. astilbebstillz6a/ veggies/herbs/ some flowers annuals
      sunflowers, nastursums, alfalfa, horehound, marigolds

    7. daphne16/ veggies/herbs/eddibles **receved seeds**

    8. kalena67/ karen

    9. greensingh/ flowers/foliage/grass/tomatoes

    10. kandituft/ flowers/veggies

    11. metull/melonie flowers

    12. flowers1/amy

    13. chrizty/christy flowers **receved seeds**

    14. dorisl/doris **receved seeds** wants millet

    15. southern charm/not toxic **receved seeds** receved

    16. grove spirit/ non toxic

    17. christie199/christie flowers/herbs **receved seeds**

    18. uncgardener/kara veggies/flowers

    19. gnomey/Gerri flowers **receved seeds**

    20. musicaldeity/ anything

    21. karendee/karen **receved seeds** **receved second pack*

    22. momcat/ no trees no vegies address sent

    23. lillyjane/jan

    ok with those in so far we have 1161 packs of seeds, I need to be organized or this would be a big mess.
    everyone still participating needs to get the seeds on the way at least by the 20th, I know somethimes you just get too buisy to keep up, so if you are not going to make it please post and let me know so I'm not holding things up waiting. we have 20 in and 20 still to get here. I'm hoping to have the seeds on their way back before the first of august, but it will depend on when I get them all in.

    I'll post again when I get more seeds in

  • 16 years ago

    Michelle can you pretty please print out my new trade list. LOL :-) Sorry just couldn't resist updating it. Hope it is not too much trouble to do. I promise this is my last revision of it for this Swap.

    Best to you and many thanks,

  • 16 years ago

    Lol. I update my trade list a lot too. I don't worry too much about it though! Seeds off the old list are still good--I will plant more for the next WS season! I figure there will be enough variety to get things I never noticed before.

  • 16 years ago

    Michelle, I will get my seeds out to you either Monday or Tuesday. I'm hoping to get them packaged up tonite. I'll let ya know when I send them. I have a lot of house work I wanted to do today, including shampooing the living room carpet, so I best get busy!


  • 16 years ago

    Hi Michelle, I haven't forgot ya "). I will go through seeds later tonight or early in the morning. You are a very brave lady, there is no way I could keep all this straight ! LOL
    Jan ")

  • 16 years ago

    20 in 20 to go yay were half way there:) holy cow thats alota of seeds!!:)

  • 16 years ago

    I got my seeds all packaged, they will go out in the mail tomorrow, and should hopefully reach you on Saturday. I've got 101!! I'm including a list of what I'm sending and what my preference is. I'm pretty easy to please!


  • 16 years ago

    Got mine almost ready! they will be in the mail later today or tomorrow! I don't want to be the last to send LOL! Mine should be pretty easy to do, I only have about 10 packs to send.

  • 16 years ago

    I sent my seeds today! Thanks for doing this swap.

  • 16 years ago

    Hey There! I mailed out my swap seeds today.
    Thanks, Kara

  • 16 years ago

    I'll get mine in the mail to you tomorrow - can you resend me your address just to make sure I wrote down the right one?

  • 16 years ago

    My seeds are on their way!


  • 16 years ago

    Mine are on their way!

  • 16 years ago

    Hi, I have my seeds ready now and will have them in the mail tomorrow.



  • 16 years ago

    my envelope is on it's way.


  • 16 years ago

    mine is on the way as well.

  • 16 years ago

    This is so exciting! Michelle, thanks for doing this. I can't wait to see what I get and I hope the people that get mine will enjoy them.

  • 16 years ago

    it's time for another update.

    1. Micyrey/Michelle anything but trees **receved seeds**

    2. panchiro/Simone **receved seeds**

    3. amybabyboy3/Amy veggies and flowers **receved seeds**

    4. booberry85 (veggies) **receved seeds**

    5. sguanzon/sue no vegies no trees >

    6. vic_zn5/Vic (flowers & veggies) **receved seeds**

    7. kristlindgren/Kris **receved seeds**

    8. kmpsmom/Ann

    9. fcoffill/Frances flowers/foliage for hot/dry **receved seeds**

    1. evonnestoryteller (flowers) **receved seeds**

    2. sassybutterfly_2008/Wendy (flowers)

    3. mimib1/Brenda (any) **receved seeds**

    4. luvgardening2/Nancy (veggies) >

    5. ravenwv - flowers

    6. esiuol/Louise **receved seeds**

    7. quiltingfox **receved seeds/2nd pack**(toss rose hips)

    17 rbrady/Rhonda **receved seeds**

    1. urbanhula/titiana **receved seeds** edibles(fruit, vegies, berries, herbs) no kale no chard

    2. saleado/jonathan

    3. livingdedgrrl - flowers **receved seeds** got postage

    4. ibartoo/linda flowers

    5. candycow/candy **receved seeds**

    6. astilbebstillz6a/ veggies/herbs/ **receved seeds**

    7. daphne16/ veggies/herbs/eddibles **receved seeds**

    8. kalena67/ karen **receved seeds**

    9. greensingh/ flowers/foliage/grass/tomatoes >

    10. kandituft/ flowers/veggies >

    11. metull/melonie flowers **receved seeds**

    12. flowers1/amy

    13. chrizty/christy flowers **receved seeds**

    14. dorisl/doris **receved seeds** wants millet

    15. southern charm/not toxic **receved seeds** receved

    16. grove spirit/ non toxic

    17. christie199/christie flowers/herbs **receved seeds**

    18. uncgardener/kara veggies/flowers **receved seeds**

    19. gnomey/Gerri flowers **receved seeds**

    20. musicaldeity/ anything

    21. karendee/karen **receved seeds** **receved second pack*

    22. momcat/ no trees no vegies >

    23. lillyjane/jan >

    ok I kinda forgot to check what day of the week the 20th was so I'll put the deadline at the 21st monday, please try and have your seeds in the mail monday. there are 8 people that have not posted that they have sent, one person e-mailed me saying they had to drop out but the computer dumped it before I had the chance to write down who. and there are usualy 1 or 2 no shows, but hopfully out of the 8 some will still send.
    I'm doing great on the sorting as they come in, and I have all the envies ready(labled and old postage removed) so I can get these back in the mail as fast as possible. it's great I have not gotten more than 2 envies a day so I go through those lists and what has been sent and devote about 30min or so looking through the seeds still avalable and adding new ones to peoples envies.

    well gotta get ready for dinner
    see ya all later(figuritivly)

  • 16 years ago

    Thank you for all the work you are putting into this. It is greatly appreciated.

    Best to you and many thanks,

  • 16 years ago

    Yes Thanks so much for hosting this! I give you many props! I'd surely be pulling *all* of my hair out by now with all those seed packets! LOL

  • 16 years ago

    Michelle.. I've updated my trading lists again so could you please print mine again? Thank you! Gerri

  • 16 years ago

    Hi Michelle, I just dropped my seeds off at the p.o. about an hour ago. Sorry for being so late & thanks for hosting this swap.
    Jan ")

  • 16 years ago

    1. Micyrey/Michelle anything but trees **receved seeds**

    2. panchiro/Simone **receved seeds**

    3. amybabyboy3/Amy veggies and flowers **receved seeds**

    4. booberry85 (veggies) **receved seeds**

    5. sguanzon/sue no vegies no trees

    6. vic_zn5/Vic (flowers & veggies) **receved seeds**

    7. kristlindgren/Kris **receved seeds**

    8. kmpsmom/Ann

    9. fcoffill/Frances flowers/foliage for hot/dry **receved seeds**

    1. evonnestoryteller (flowers) **receved seeds**

    2. sassybutterfly_2008/Wendy (flowers)

    3. mimib1/Brenda (any) **receved seeds**

    4. luvgardening2/Nancy (veggies) **receved seeds**

    5. ravenwv - flowers

    6. esiuol/Louise **receved seeds**

    7. quiltingfox **receved seeds/2nd pack**(toss rose hips)

    17 rbrady/Rhonda **receved seeds**

    1. urbanhula/titiana **receved seeds** edibles(fruit, vegies, berries, herbs) no kale no chard

    2. saleado/jonathan dropped out

    3. livingdedgrrl - flowers **receved seeds** got postage

    4. ibartoo/linda flowers dropped out

    5. candycow/candy **receved seeds**

    6. astilbebstillz6a/ veggies/herbs/ **receved seeds**

    7. daphne16/ veggies/herbs/eddibles **receved seeds**

    8. kalena67/ karen **receved seeds**

    9. greensingh/ flowers/foliage/grass/tomatoes **receved seeds**

    10. kandituft/ flowers/veggies **receved seeds**

    11. metull/melonie flowers **receved seeds**

    12. flowers1/amy on the way

    13. chrizty/christy flowers **receved seeds**

    14. dorisl/doris **receved seeds** wants millet

    15. southern charm/not toxic **receved seeds** receved

    16. grove spirit/ non toxic

    17. christie199/christie flowers/herbs **receved seeds**

    18. uncgardener/kara veggies/flowers **receved seeds**

    19. gnomey/Gerri flowers **receved seeds**

    20. musicaldeity/ anything

    21. karendee/karen **receved seeds** **receved second pack*

    22. momcat/ no trees no vegies **receved seeds**

    23. lillyjane/jan

    well we still have 3 on the way and 5 missing players I will give them a few days(Till I get the rest of the 3 on the way) If I have not heard from them by then I'll just finnish up sorting and start returning the envies. I would like to get them ready by sat so I can go to the PO wile my DH babysits for me. but if our MIA's still want to send please get them on the way soon, and let me know to wait for them.

    I will continue to post updates as I get envies but I think I need to start a new thread so I will start a new one for the next update.

    have a great night everyone


    ps luvgardening/nancy - we used to live in WC. my DH parents lived on Charvers when I met him. and I worked at Magan Med clinic. but I lived in Chino, the commute was killer. I hope you are not too hot, can you see the SB mountains today, I do miss seeing the mountains.

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