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DONA tomato - back by popular demand?

14 years ago

Yesterday, I posted a question about germinating some "old" Dona seeds. (and had some good answers)

Now today, it seems possible that may not be necessary.

By way of history, almost everything you will see or can buy is NOT the Dona tomato, especially anything associated with Tomatofest. I have found no open pollinated "Dona" that compares with the original F1 hybrid discontinued by Vilmorin around 2007 or so.

Reimer Seeds sells some they bill as the original F1 and I believe this to be accurate but they are by necessity old and my experience with germinating them is not "perfect".

Just out of curiosity, about a half hour ago, I decided to check the Vilmorin site to see what is there. Lo and behold, I find Dona listed. It wasn't before. It seems that Vilmorin has resurrected the Dona variety but maybe only in France. Here is a link to the "fiche produit":;intFinPlantation=0amp;intDebFloraison=0amp;intFinFloraison=0amp;type=2&gencode=3211500008428

Now to figure out how to buy some directly from France, which seems the only current possibility. Any suggestions?

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