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pre-Fall '07 MTPS - anyone want some [insert plant name here]?

17 years ago

I know this is "premature", but in preparation for the Fall swap and WHILE I am actually taking out/up some plants or otherwise thinking ahead, I wanted to find out if anyone would be interested in some Wild Virginia Mountain Mint? This is a wild but true mint that I collected while hiking up in the mountains years ago, and have brought with me through gosh... I guess close to a half-dozen moves/relocations. If anyone is interested in acquiring some, I'd like to go ahead and pot up what I am removing from various areas, so that it has time to establish or re-establish a good new root system in containment for easy transplanting later by whomever gets some.

I titled this post as I did because I figure there's going to be other things between now and then that I will want to pre-list and sort out how many or how much I should have in containers - rather than digging plants up at the last minute. And I thought others might do the same.

This mint is really, really nice crushed on ice and used in a variety of drinks that call for fresh mint - including iced tea. It's also good for poultices, mint tea (fresh or dried), etc on its own. It will grow "tall" or conform happily to being mowed and does equally well from full sun to full shade. It can be contained or allowed to naturalize or work its way through a lawn. It's great to walk on and is a good filler between stepping stones even while taking the "abuse" of heavy foot-traffic. The animals here (and those in the past) have enjoyed this mint immensely - from rolling in it to eating it when they had upset tummies, and I've used it in all-natural dog biscuits as well.

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