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NEW: I.E. 3rd Annual Spring Fling Swap

13 years ago

Welcome to the 3rd Annual Incredible Edibles Spring Fling Swap

This is a partner swap. Once sign ups are over, I will pair you up with someone, and you will contact one another, learn a little bit about each other's likes, and dislikes, check out one another's seed wishlists, and try to send something that will brighten their day.

This swap is a celebration of spring, and the Incredible Edibles that are grown this time of year. The seeds should include things that can be planted in the spring, such as lettuce, carrots, radishes, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, etc., and can also include items related to Easter, such as pastel colored veggies, Easter Egg radishes, Jelly Bean tomatoes, etc. Have fun with it, and use your imagination, but also try to pick things from your partners wishlist if possible.

In the past, this swap included an Easter basket or other gardening related container, but since there is already an Easter basket swap going on now, we will modify the format this year. Instead of a container, lets include some gardening related extra, things like plant markers, gloves, your favorite gardener's hand creme, etc.

So here are the swap rules:

* Sign ups will run through April 1.

* Deadline for mailing your partner's package out - April 11. Please use delivery confirmation.

* Please send your partner the equivalent of 6 full packets of seeds. If you are sending partial packs, you may need to include more than 6.

* Please include a gardening related extra.

* Since Easter is only a month away, I think some candy is in order : )

So that's it! I love this swap, because it's like a grown up version of an Easter basket. It's one of my favorite swaps! I hope you will join me!


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