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new: april - fotess activity

10 years ago

FOTESS April Activity - Flat Farmer McGregor

You must be a member of FOTESS in order to participate. This stands for Friends of the Earth Simple Swaps. If you want more information, please get in touch with me or Shirley.

Our April Activity:
Many of you have probably heard of or had your children participate in Flat Stanley. That involves school children mailing a 2 dimensional Flat Stanley to other locations and tracking his travels on a map. It's based on a 1964 children's book written by Jeff Brown. A summary: Stanley Lambchop and his younger brother Arthur are given a big bulletin board by their father to display pictures and posters. He hangs it on the wall over Stanley's bed. During the night the board falls from the wall, flattening Stanley in his sleep. He survives and makes the best of his altered state. One special advantage is that Flat Stanley can now visit his friends by being mailed in an envelope.

We will be doing our own version of this and it will be Flat Farmer McGregor (from the Peter Rabbit stories) who will come to visit you if you sign up. I'm posting this early because I want his travels to begin on April 1. Please sign up by the end of the day March 27 so I will have time to get the list together, etc.

If you want to participate, here's what you will need to do.

1. Post on our board when you receive Flat McGregor.

2. Within 2 - 3 days, sign the card that is in the envelope with your name, city, and state... and while Flat McGregor is visiting you take a picture of him in your graden or with your seed stash or however you like. Those who can post on the internet, please post the picture for us. You can be in it if you like, but it's not required. Then - also within those 2 -3 days - mail Flat McGregor to the next person on the list. (The list with names and addresses and the order in which to mail Flat McGregor will be included in the envelope. You will leave the card and list in the envelope to travel to the next person. Don't tell who receives him next. We want it to be a surprise.)

3. Post to the board that you have mailed Flat McGregor.

That's it. Fun but simple. There is nothing to send in terms of a gift or surpise - just Flat McGregor, the card, and the list. You probably will need to supply a new envelope. I'm going to make sure he fits in a size 8 x 10" or smaller. I'll let you know the size when I first mail him so you can have the right size on hand. It will be interesting to see how he looks. I'm no artist!

I am going to jump ahead one more time. I'm hostess for the swap in June and I would like to have a plant and cutting swap. You will send to one person like usual, but if you have plants to divide or want to try to root some cuttings for the swap, I thought I would give you advanced notice. Unrooted cuttings will be fine, too. We will need to mail priority for that swap and mail early in the week so the box doesn't have a delayed delivery. I'm looking forward to that one, too, but we won't begin signing up until I post the June swap.)

Sign ups for Flat Farmer McGregor:
Let's start with me!
Happy First Day of Spring to all in FOTESS.


Comments (150)

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning ladies! I am loving all the pics! Jeanne and Sharon, I too have those daffodils, but think I bought mine. Heidi, love the poetry with the map! Very talented in that area!
    So glad we didn't get the freeze as bad as they said! My flowers aren't dead this morning. Been gone for a week and amazing the things blooming and popping up in just a week. I would have cried had there been snow! But was hard to go from 70's down to 30's.
    I'm sending my bunny names in a minute! Let me know if you don't get them! So much fun!
    Have a great day all!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    So sad to see that snow on the daffodils! I hope they recover. An extended stretch of weird weather.

    Did anyone see the "blood moon" or "pink moon"? I figured it was too cloudy two nights ago so I didn't try to find the blood moon. Last night I looked hoping to see the pink moon, but the moon was very bright and the sky was very clear and not a bit of pink visible! I never heard of a pink moon before so I was disappointed not to see it.

    I have bunny guesses that recently arrived from:

    Peggy, I've looked the for e-mail with yours and nothing has come through yet. Perhaps you should send it again if that's possible.

    Well, time to get some things done around here. Eatser will show up before we know it.


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    March/April FOTESS Round Robin Poetry Swap!


    Comments (150)
    Evening All! It was the same here, Tuesday, Margo, overcast and windy but the wind wasn't bitterly cold, which was a welcome change. My mini daffs are starting to bloom! The crocuses are still going strong. And I too am still tired. Bummer! I was reading back thro the posts on this thread and way back at the beginning of this swap, I promised to keep the Robin's flight plan posted. You may have noticed, I haven't done that! So here it is, a little late, and I'll try my best to keep it updated! I sent to Peggy in Washington; Peggy sent it on to Heidi in Nebraska; Heidi mailed it on to Annie in California; Annie mailed it to Ruth in Texas; Ruth sent it flying to Melinda in Arkansas; Melinda just sent it to Diane/Moonfire; Diane sends it to Jeanne/sandlapper_rose in South Carolina; Jeanne sends it to Alana/poisondartfrog in Kentucky; Alana sends it to Robin in Virginia; Robin sends it to Vina/flowergirl134 in New York; Vina sends it to Janine/Jaynine in Connecticut; Janine sends it to Suzanne/hibiscusfan in Ohio; Suzanne sends it to Margo/smitties in Ohio; and Margo will send it to Katie in Mississippi, who will send the completed poem back to me! Hope I didn't skip anyone! Have a great day tomorrow! Shirley!
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    Comments (74)
    We are back from the wedding. It was a beautiful outdoor wedding-about 55 degrees with sun filtering through the newly opened oak trees in Missouri. It was at a lodge. They had chandeliers handing from trees, lanterns, white xmas lights in the trees as it turned dark.. It just fit the couple and was so pretty and eclectic. It was 4 days of crazy and a lot of driving, but it was fun. I got my package today (Monday), Annie. You get an A+! She sent me all kinds of seeds, a Reese, a set of rose stickers, a knife (I can't spell it) and a lizard for my flower bed. I never thought of a knife, but you're right, newlyweds get new cutlery! You're right, I don't want that lizard in my bed, but it sure is cute! Pic 1: wedding couple who got married 2. Annie's package 3. My allium. Blooming earlier than usual this year. Don't know why, but I won't complain! Heidi
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    Comments (227)
    Your welcome!! Prizes - As you can see, Melinda got her prize for first place (it was looking obvious she was going to win). Thanks for all the pictures Melinda, they help keep the month interesting for everyone! Runner-up prizes to Emily (2nd place Thank you for sharing so many photos too!) and to Beth who got the 6 points for keeping (mostly) to this month's swap (one set of towels, two packets of seeds, card - there was an extra of a chocolate bar - but she was closest to the simple swap guidelines). Susan - your package shows out for delivery. Hope you're not disappointed as I keep to the simple swap and only send listed items (I do put it on my profile so folks know that about me!). Thanks for sharing about the vinegar. I have a pressure washer that's clogged - I'll try that! Looked at the split cupped and double narcissus at Van Engelen and and didn't see yours. The American Daffodil Society has a DAFFSEEK link to photo database if you feel like trolling about there Heidi - beautiful tulips and that phlox is going to be gorgeous when it fills in! TODAY is National Honesty Day (so honestly, I have too much stuff!!!)
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    February FOTESS Activity - Herbs and Spice and Everything Nice


    Comments (194)
    Susan ... OMG osh ... THANK YOU very much for all the FUN gifties you sent my way ... You did not need to send all those, but I really appreciate the thoughtfulness and generosity, very much appreciated! a lovely card and note ....LOVE the beautiful FLAMINGO hand towels, those are already out and hanging, the fantastic assortment of seeds in the cutest little bag, wow! I plan to get these sown probably Monday ... seasoning, flamingo luggage tag, journal, crossword puzzle book, trident gum, handcream, lip gloss set, honey vanilla chamomile tea bags - cant wait to try this! THANK YOU so much Susan .... I had lots of FUN with your herbs and spice swap Susan and enjoyed learning from your postings!
    ...See More
  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Shirley, my daffodils looked just like that yesterday but they will recover.

    I am sending my bunny list as soon as I sign off.


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    When I got home today, I found Flat Farmer MacGregor two waiting in the driveway. After some refreshment, he asked to look around the gardens and greenhouse.
    First he checked on some plants in the greenhouse that will be set out this weekend for the hummingbirds. He expressed a preference for the Ruellia elegans and bright orange-red Snapdragons. He likes bright colors, does MacGregor.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Outside he was partial to late Tulip 'Bright Parrot'.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    He offered to stick around tomorrow and operate the tiller for me before taking off for parts unknown. We just have to figure out how to get his legs long enough to get his feet on the ground.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Cute pictures, Alana. I love the tulips! Do tulips rebloom for you there? They won't here in SC (well, only the species tulips) so I seldom plant them even though I love all the varieties and colors. Our daffodils reappear so I get my "fix" on daffodils.

    In case some of your are wondering why I only put the clear contact paper on the back of Flat Farmer McGregor, it was so we wouldn't get a lot of glare when taking pictures. The pictures are great and he seems to be holding up. He'a a tough old fellow!

    Speaking of daffodils, Shirley in Michigan posted that snow picture yesterday and I responded, but what I forgot to do was to check my calendar in the drawer near the computer. Yesterday was Shirley's birthday!

    Shirley, I am so sorry to be late with your birthday wishes. I hope that other than the snow, you had a wonderful day. May the whole year be good to you!

    Well, I need to get a few more things done around here so that's it for now. Happy Travels, Flat McGregor!


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jeanne, I used the mail address listed on your GW Member page. I don't show that the email didn't go through. Do you have another email address?

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happy Belated Birthday Shirley. Hope it was all you wanted it to be.

    Alana-Great pictures....and you got some work out of Flat Farmer McGregor. I received a lot of tulips for my Birthday and planted them and have fell in love with them. They are so many choices in tulips now. That Tulip Bright Parrot is to die for.

    Vina-I love your pond picture. I told DH last week that is our next priority...the pond. We really need to re-landscape, move rocks and fix it. Your daffodils are so bright and pretty, thanks for sharing with us.


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you Jeanne. Most tulips are really only good for one year, but I try to plant a few every fall.
    Thanks Shirley. I used to be all about pastel tulips, but lately I've been focused on the brightest I can find.
    I've enjoyed everyone's photos-hope there is lot's more to come.
    Flattie is on the sofa, snoring. He won't be leaving for the airport until evening, when he will be on his way to his next hostess.
    Have a nice day and fantastic weekend, everyone.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happy Belated Birthday to you Shirley! So hope you had a great day!
    I'm patiently waiting for Flat Farmer McGregor!
    Hope everyone has a ncie day! Melinda

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happy Belated Birthday Shirley! Hope you had a wonderful day!

    Thanks Shirley, it's taken a couple of days in hip waders to get it that clean. It seems like every fall every single leaf in the whole area blows into the pond and makes a slurry of yuck. Then in spring I get in and scoop it all out. One good thing is I put it in the wheelbarrow and haul it over to the veggie garden. Its great for the horrible clay soil we have.

    Alana, I love your pictures. Everything in your greenhouse is so "flowery" (technical term, lol) already. Love your tulips!! That looks like one that I purchased a few years ago. Planted it and it never flowered, lol. Went to check out the problem and some little critter had a winter feast on my tulip bulbs. They were all gone. Now I stick to daffodils, lol.

    As my little Billy has been telling me every morning this week...only 4 more days till Easter!! He's so excited!! He's been singing Peter Cottontail all week :D

    Have a great Thursday!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This is so much fun seeing everyone's flowers. My daffodils came through last week's snow. I have a couple dozen blooming. I love that tulips and daffodils come back year after year and they are up and blooming before other plants have even set their alarm clock. I'm still on the frugal side so while I like parrot tulips, I haven't bought any. I keep buying on clearance. I planted in parks, too, so everyone can enjoy. I want MacGregor to come, but I want him to wait so something is blooming when he shows up!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Flat is certainly having a good time with you guys on his journey across the country. FUNNY...FUNNY!!

    Shirley.....I hope your birthday was the best. Happy, Happy Birthday!

    Very few of my Daffodils even bloomed this warm. Daffodils are so darn them!

    Happy Day to all!


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    While taking a mini vacation with my niece last week, one of the many beautiful sights we encountered included this blooming tulip field. Tulips are a big industry in Washington State. According to history, Mary Brown Stewart started growing tulips in 1906 with bulbs from Holland. In 1926 her son Sam Stewart started the Tulip Grange Bulb Farm near LaConner. Marinus Lefeber, a friend of Sam Stewart, moved their Whatcom County operation down to a farm along Memorial Highway near Mount Vernon. The farm was in business until 2002. Other bulb growers joined them after 1945. Here is a link that provides more information:

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I came home to find the envelope from Vina and decided to open it outside as it is a beautiful day here. Old McGregor took off running around the back off the house. I noticed my garden shed door was ajar and I found him hiding in the rafters among my ornaments. Silly man then jumped down and ran back outside.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I turned around and found him hiding in a tuft of ornamental grass. He is quite anxious to get started on his next journey. He thinks this part of Ohio is too flat but does like the blooming daffodils. I promised him he'll be in the mail again tomorrow. Margo

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks for all the B-Day wishes, it was a good day, despite the snow!

    Love seeing all the pics of Flat and his travels. He has had some interesting times! Margo, if he doesn't like "flat" Ohio, he sure won't like "flat" Michigan! He would have to go far to find some hills in this neck of the woods!

    Close to 60 here today, but as they say, once bitten, twice shy, so I can't get over the feeling that it's going to snow again tomorrow! On the other hand, the mini daffs that were buried are back to their beautiful little selves, crazy!

    Have a great Friday, All!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Flat MacGregor in Ohio, what did you there?
    You frightened the pants off Margo's derriere!
    Now back into the envelope you go.
    Be a good MacGregor or you may arrive in snow!

    This post was edited by xiangirl on Sat, Apr 19, 14 at 21:30

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Margo-Too where you live and such a neat garage shed.

    So excited to have a three day holidays.
    I hope everyone has a fun filled Good Friday.


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Another great poem! However, on the map, you missed Vina in New York State (the visit before Ohio). Hope that helps. Also Flat #2 has traveled from my house to Kentucky. We will all have our heads spinning with all the travels and two of them!

    Peggy, that tulip field is gorgeous! We saw places like that in Holland. Margo, great pictures of Flat McGregor's visit there. I'm glad no one got hurt when he decided on hiding in the garden shed. It probably reminded him of the Peter Rabbit story!

    Wishing a blessed and Happy Easter to everyone this weekend! if you travel, may they be safe travels. And, Flat, you behave yourself as you travel!


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yeah Margo he made it. That is one sneaky farmer running away from you like that. How could Flat not like a place thats flat? LOL! :D Love your pond and your grasses!

    Heidi, you missed me on your map. That's okay, It was too cold up here anyhow, lol.

    Peggy, THAT IS A TULIP FIELD!!! Amazing! Like what you see in calendars...simply amazing!

    Hope everyone has a terrific Good Friday!
    Off to dinner and some last minute bunny recon for the kids :D


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I don't know why some of my pictures end up sideways. I could swear the one of my shed was fine yesterday but on my computer today, it is sideways. I made sure my pic was far enough from the pond to not show it needs to be cleaned out. Another spring project. The three goldfish made it through another winter. It helps to have a heater. Darn heater cost me 40 dollars to keep three 25 cent goldfish alive. It is the second heater two. The first one never really worked right. I have had two of the fish for six years and the third one is their little one.

    Just realized three of my kitties can be seen in the background. One is rolling in the dirt path. I think McGregor must have been hiding from them.

    I sent him on his way to his next destination this morning. I hope he has a safe trip.


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Tomorrow I'll announce the winner of the 25 Rabbit Names Game. Have a Happy Easter!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I think I fixed it. Sorry everyone. Thank you for being forgiving! Didn't mean to leave you out Vina!
    Here's Map #2 (if I did it right)

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happy Easter dear ladies...what a beautiful Easter Sunday the Lord has given us.


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Lovely Easter message, Shirley ... and thanks for getting the maps together for us Heidi. I hope everyone has a lovely day!

    I am not a morning person, but I went to early services at church figuring they would be the least crowded .. still absolutely packed, but the message, music, flowers, etc. were beautiful and now I can sit here and sip my coffee and finish waking up.

    Here is the winner of our 25 Bunnies Game --- it's Margo with 19 matches compared to my list! Congratulations. I'll get a prize sent out to you this week. Everyone did a great job coming up with famous bunnies.

    In case you are curious about what was on my list, I had:

    The Energizer Bunny
    Trix Bunny
    Peter Rabbit
    Roger Rabbit
    The White Rabbit (Alice in Wonderland)
    Bugs Bunny
    The Easter Bunny
    Velveteen Rabbit
    March Hare
    Br'er Rabbit
    Benjamin Bunny
    Captain Carrot
    Honey Bunny
    The Cadbury Bunny
    Duracell Bunny
    Nesquick Bunny
    Playboy Bunny
    Mrs. Rabbit (Peter Rabbit story)
    Benny Bunny (Sesame Street)
    Tortoise and the HARE

    There were many, many more bunnies on the lists. Margo added (but didn't get credit for "Chocolate Bunny" - that was a great one, Margo, and I'll bet we were looking for him this morning.

    Well, folks --- that's all for now.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I didn't figure the Jackalope would be on your list, but I had to put it on my list! Congrats Margo! I am between Easter events. Went to church. My mother and I are starting a jail ministry this afternoon at 2 p.m. Then on to the family event in the afternoon. Happy Easter!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Margo, congrats on winning the bunny name game!
    Loved your pictures of Flat McGreggor!

    I got a kick reading all the names!

    Also, I'm a little confused is Flat a Mc or a Mac ... is he Irish or Scottish? LOL (I know there isn't a difference between the 2 in terms of ancestry)
    I see him listed as both in our posts. LOL


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Congrats to you, Margo! Way to go! Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! I had fabulous service at church at then come home and had big dinner! Enjoyed it all!
    Hope everyone did the same!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow, I won. It was fun to come up with bunny names and I couldn't forget my favorite chocolate bunny. LOL

    We had a low key Easter. Most of our kids were scattered about so my hubby and I went to our middle daughters and spent the afternoon with her and her husband. Watched our favorite baseball team, Detroit Tigers win their game. Watched the Detroit Red Wings get beat, :( and watched my husbands favorite hockey team, Canadiens win.

    We ordered pizza rather than make a meal for 4 of us and my daughter and I jogged a mile and a half so it was a successful day.


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yippee!! We finally got some April showers!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yesterday when I opened my mail box out jumped Flat Farmer McGregor and he said," Oh my goodness I'm still in the Ohio flatlands," so he climed up my Star Magnolia to see if there were any bunnies around. I told him I had seen some around the house in the daffodils but he didn't find any so he said I'm leaving in the morning and I asked where he was going but he wouldn't answer me.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This is one place I spotted him going through the daffodils and tulips.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    When I got home today, ole Flat #2 was waiting in my mailbox!

    First, he made a stop in the flowerbeds, and enjoyed smelling the rose vervains.

    But then he went to the greenhouse and visited the wren's nest that set up shop. I've been watching this nest for weeks, and in celebration of Earth Day today, the little chicks hatched! Ole Flat made a visit, and since they were not IN the garden, he behaved himself.

    Tomorrow, ole Flat #2 will be off on the next leg of his journey!

    Happy Earth Day, FOTESSettes!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm glad Flattie 2 found a nest to rest in! It seemed to take him a long time to get there. Both of them must be doing a little sight-seeing while traveling around. Peter and his friends are getting a nice vacation while he's gone.
    Great photos everyone!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This is one place I spotted him going through the daffodils and tulips.

    This post was edited by hibiscusfan on Wed, Apr 23, 14 at 9:30

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Beautiful Magnolia, Suzanne! Didn't realize you were that close to Margo and Me! Kind of like in between, I think.

    Katie, the Rose Vervain is beautiful, too, does it attract butterflies? Love the baby Wrens!

    We're having lots of sunshine here, but still very cold. I had to come back in this morning and grab my hat and mittens! But by the time I came home, it was much warmer.

    I've started working on my granddaughters quilts again, at the worse possible time of year. They started out as crib quilts, but the girls are 6 and 3 and long out of cribs. So now I'm making single bed quilts and hopefully will finish them before the girls get married, which would necessitate making queen size quilts - AAAGGGGHHH!!

    Waiting for Ole Flat to show up here in Michigan, somewhere!
    Have a great day tomorrow,

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I hope it's right. I think algebra was easier than this and I cried through algebra! lol

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good the maps.

    Katie-The baby wrens are so cute....

    Shirley-My Mother made all her Children, Grandchildren and a few of the Great Grandchildren quilts when they got married. Everyone treasures those quilts, it is almost a lost art. I wish I had been taught how to make them.


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Great pictures and great maps! Heidi, don't worry - unlike algebra - there won't be a test on the maps. We appreciate you doing them. It's making the month a lot more fun and you have a new addition to the maps with the GardenWeb names included on them. Love it!

    It seems I have lots of appointments scheduled this week so sorry if I don't drop in soon after you post. Today one of the garden groups that I belong to had a meeting and luncheon out of town so between the meeting, lunch, and travel - lots of my day was gone... not to mention I did a bit of snoozing in front of the TV when I got home! Lunch was so delicious though - it was worth the drive. Our speaker talked about roses and when I got home I walked around to check on my plants ... and yes, I had my first rose blossom of the year!


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Nice maps, Heidi! (don't cry!)

    Margo, congrats on the win!

    Shirley, yes the rose vervain is a nice nectar provider. The butterflies love it, especially right now before many of the summer flowers are blooming.

    I am missing so many posts to this thread via email... GW must be going through another glitchy spell, because I've only gotten half of the latest posts emailed to me. Hmmm

    I dropped Flatty #2 at the post office today in hopes of getting him to his next destination one day faster. Our tiny town is rural enough that it adds one extra day going and/or coming via the USPS.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Congratulations Margo!! I still can not believe there are so many famous bunnies! Jeanne, fun game!

    I keep laughing at how much FUN Flat and his twin are having with the FOTESSERS!!! Looking forward to his arrival in Southern California.

    Heidi, nice work on the maps!!

    Quilting, what an art!!! Sad, sad, sad to say, I do not know a soul here in Southern California that quilts. And my Mom and Mother-In-Law did not do it and none of their friends did it. When in Lancaster, Pa, I am amazed at the beautiful quilt work of the Amish!

    Happy Friday!


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Shirley, your quilt experience made me laugh. I started a cross stitch blanket when I was pregnant with my first child. I set it aside one day with intentions of finishing it. Well, the printed cross stitch pattern faded so it never was done.

    I also think that one day, those Gardenweb members who are in this area should meet somewhere and have a plant swap and day of fun. I think we could get a little group together.

    Heidi, I love the maps. It is neat to see where the old guy is traveling.

    Have a good day everyone. Raining and chilly here so won't be going in the gardens for a couple days. I will say though that there has been a robin outside behind the house that has been just singing its little heart out. Margo

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well, Flat made it into SE Michigan today, on a very cold, wet, drizzly type day, and after spending most of the day in my mailbox, he was damp and thoroughly disgruntled, as evidenced by his reaction to my backyard in April. It wasn't nice, Folks! I tried to explain that this is way it always looks in April, and if he would care to come back at the end of May, it would look 100% better.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    He wasn't really impressed with the Bleeding Hearts either.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    He stomped back inside and inspected the quilt project. I think I heard him mutter something about "women's work - hmmmpf". I could be wrong.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Flat did make an attempt at being civil, by trying to engage Vinnie and Willie in some conversation. Vinnie wasn't buying any of it, he ran upstairs and hid. Willie tolerated Flat, at best.

    Since ole Flat didn't seem to be enjoying himself all that much, I packed him up and will try to get him mailed back out again tomorrow. Hey, Cie La Guerre, Flat!!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ya know, Fotessers, we have a "real" quilter in our group - Jeanne! I think she has been quilting, and finishing quilts, for a long time. And I think she teaches quilt classes too.

    I couldn't find a quilting teacher here in Monroe County, so I'm mostly learning as I go. I have a great quilt book with instructions, so I'm not totally out here on my own! I'd like to do as much as I can by hand, but I'm sure I'll do machine sewing on the longer seams, just so I can have them done by Christmas. Or next Easter. I really enjoy putting the blocks together!

    Gotta go finish the laundry and eat.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Guess who showed up at my house! Finally, Flat Farmer McGregor arrived and had to check out my creeping phlox!