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XP: Help! Serviceberry not leafing out??

19 years ago

About three weeks ago, I recieved 2 bareroot serviceberries (Amelanchier canadiensis). I planted them the day after they arrived. Being new to tree planting, I followed the instructions carefully...but now one of the two plants is leafing out quite beautifully and the other is not. They are planted on either side of a sidewalk and recieve the same amount of sunlight and precipitation. The soil was amended the same for both plants (the soil is pretty clayey). The non-leafing serviceberry has plenty of buds and does not appear dead; but neither is it putting out new growth like the other seems to be doing...

Is it possible that it is still dormant? Or is it dying? What can I do to help it along?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts, suggestions, etc. I posted this on the Trees forum, but I've been lurking here for quite a bit and finally garnered the courage to post--thought one of y'all might have some ideas. Thanks! :)

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