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UPDATE: April showers bring May flowers

15 years ago

New thread time!

I am almost ready to mail. I really wish I had time to list more of my extras.

One last offer-I have these left over.

Dolichos biflorus, 5 seeds

Strophostyles helvula, Trailing Fuzzy Bean 10 seeds

Mirabilis longiflora, 6 seeds

Cuphea procumbens, Purple Star, 10-12 seeds.

Thanks, Alana

Comments (147)

  • 15 years ago

    May I please have these if they are still available:

    Mexican Sunflower
    Red Cypress Vine
    Black Beauty Zucchini

    Thanks! :)

  • 15 years ago

    I received growlikecrazy's package today.

    Just waiting on two

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    Comments (179)
    Amy, again, thanks for the great fun this month. You did a super job. I went from needing 8 words two days ago to needing only two for Bingo. With all the words that have been posted today, someone has to be lucky and have Bingo. It's been pretty warm here this past week but I am not complaining. It is hard for me to garden in the heat so I wait til after dinner and spend a couple hours a night outside completed needed tasks. Got the tomato and cucumber plants in today. I still need to weed and clean out so many gardens but I am keeping myself from getting overwhelmed by doing one project each night. So far, so good. We could use some rain so the weeding could be a little easier. Margo
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    April Showers Bring May Flowers


    Comments (3)
    So pretty, and a sweet memorial to your mom. I hope you are doing ok.
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  • 15 years ago

    Ok there are so many extra's sent in for people that dropped out that I am posting again.

    Also, please let me know if
    1) do u want to receive a handful of extra's even if they are not on your list
    2) should I just use them to post to some newbies

    Aster  White
    Aster- New England
    Aster- Purple
    Aster- Sea Star
    Astrer- purple
    Bachelor Button
    Ballon Flower Pink
    Bell Pepper- California Wonder
    BlackBerry Lily
    Blue Woodruff
    Burpee super sweet 100
    Bush snap- Blue Lake Bush
    Butterfly Pea Vine
    Canterbury Bells
    Canterbury Bells
    Cardinal Climber
    Cardinal Climber
    Celosia  Pompus Plume
    Celosia- Jewel Box
    Celosia Cockscomb
    Chinese Lantern ( 2)
    Chocolate Bell Pepper
    Cilantro ( 3)
    Cinnamon Basil
    Clematis Radar Love
    Columbine  Blue
    Columbine-> Nora Barlow
    Coneflower- TN
    Coneflower Magnus
    Cosmo  Seashell
    CupidÂs Dart
    Dahlia  Victoriana
    Dames Rocket-Violet
    Datura- Purple
    DayLily  StelladoroMG-> Star of Yelta
    Duranta Geisha Girl
    Eggplant - Plant Kermit
    Explosive Embers
    Flame Acanthus
    Gaillardia Fanfare
    Garden Huckleberry
    Garlic Chives
    Gloriosa Daisy
    Goats Beard
    Godetia-> Farewell to Spring
    Gompherna  Purple
    Green Beans- Blue Lake
    Hot Pepper Mix
    Italian Leaf Parsley (3)
    Jalaeno Pepper
    Kiss me over the garden gate
    Lamb's Ear
    Larkspur- Scarlet King
    Larspur  mixed
    Love in a Puff
    MG-> GrandPa Otts
    MG-> Heavenly Blue
    MG-> Rosita
    MG-> purple
    Marine Heliotrope
    Melampodium Melanie
    Mexcian Sunflower
    Mexican Sunflower
    Morning Glory  Scarlett OÂHara
    Morning Glory- Heavenly Blue
    Penta Ruby Red
    Pepper- Red Giant
    Pickling Cukes
    Pink Ballon Flower
    SHiberian Iris
    Salvia-May Night
    Shasta Daisy- Silver Princess
    Shasta Daisy Alaska
    Spaghetti Squash
    Striped Dahlia
    Striped Dahlia
    Sunflower- Mexican Torch(2)
    Sunflower-Teddy Bear
    Sweet Annie
    Sweet Basil ( 2)
    Sweet Italian Basil
    Sweet Pea- Mix
    Tomato- Large Cherry
    Tomato- Rio Grande
    Tomato rio grande
    Verbena Moss
    Wenk Yellow
    White Sweet Rocket
    Zinnia- Beverly
    Zinnia Giant Scarlet

  • 15 years ago

    you can always throw in a handful of extra for me...I have two friends that I'm helping with their gardens this year.."S"

  • 15 years ago

    Iwould like these, aquilegia valgans/ballon flower pink/cardinal climber/all 3 celosia/cupid's dart/ dahlia vatoriana/striped dahlia. thanks Toni

  • 15 years ago

    ooh may I PLEASE have the White Sweet Rocket!? That's on my list..lol I'd also love the Wenk Yellow, Striped Dahlia, Penta Ruby Red, Larkspur- Scarlet King, MG Rosita, Dahlia Victoriana, Clematis Radar Love. I, too am 'schooling' a neighbor and I *KNOW* she would love those!!

    I am so excited about this swap!! We all must post pics of our wonderful gardens later this summer! :)


  • 15 years ago

    Dahlia  Victoriana
    Shasta Daisy- Silver Princess
    Pickling Cukes

    Connie I would like these if advailable....Thanks

  • 15 years ago

    Lol wendy we posted right at the same time too funny...:)

  • 15 years ago

    Hi Connie!

    I would love to have the following, if they are still available:

    Cardinal Climber
    Larkspur 'Scarlet King'
    Melampodium 'Melanie'
    Zinnia 'Giant Scarlet'

    I don't mind extras not on my list, but I prefer not to receive pink, purple or blue flowers. I know I'm being picky, so if that's too much trouble, no worries, just pass them on to someone else.


  • 15 years ago

    Connie - If still available I would like the
    Garden Huckleberry,
    Eggplant Kermit
    Chocolate Bell Pepper

    Thanks so much.

  • 15 years ago

    I'd love to have extras - whatever I don't grow myself, I can use as gifts/trades.

    If any of these are still available, I'd love some:
    Striped dahlia
    pink balloon flower
    flame acanthus
    Love in a Puff
    Thanks, Nik

  • 15 years ago

    Connie please feel free to share those Dahlia Victorianas with Barb / Rosepedal ! I don't mind a bit sharing! :)


  • 15 years ago

    If these are still available can I have them?

    Chinese Lantern
    Clematis Radar Love
    Duranta Geisha Girl
    Love in a Puff


  • 15 years ago

    well I can not seem to find the Dahlia Victorianas so someone got them.. not sure who :) it will be the surprise seed package. whoever got it will need to share with everyone next year :)

    Now I understand what people mean about dreaming about seeds. They have taken over my computer room.

  • 15 years ago

    I would enjoy these, only if not previously claimed:
    Aster, Seastar
    Salvia, May Night
    Garden Huckleberry


  • 15 years ago

    If I could get even a few (3 or 4) seeds of the garden huckleberry . I would love any extras you throw in my pack. Others I saw that I likd if they are still available were dahlia-victoria, dahlia-striped, gomphrna-purple, salvia may night, teddy bear sunflower, pink balloon fl, columbine-blue or nora barlow, chocolate bell pepper, seashell cosmos, and magnus coneflower. I listed a lot b/c I knew some were gone already.

    Thanks. Hope the seeds don't take over :) LOL


  • 15 years ago

    I would love

    chinese lanterns
    any dahlias
    Marine Heliotrope
    Melampodium Melanie

    If they are still up for grabs!
    Thanks, Vic : )

  • 15 years ago

    waiting on just one more package..

    any leftovers I will divide between those people who have room left in their bags/postage.
    Let me know if you want anything specific

    Aster  White
    Aster- New England
    Aster- Purple
    Astrer- purple
    Bell Pepper- California Wonder
    BlackBerry Lily
    Blue Woodruff
    Burpee super sweet 100
    Bush snap- Blue Lake Bush
    Butterfly Pea Vine
    Canterbury Bells
    Celosia Cockscomb
    Cilantro ( 3)
    Cinnamon Basil
    Columbine  Blue
    Coneflower- TN
    Coneflower Magnus
    Dames Rocket-Violet
    Datura- Purple
    DayLily  Stelladoro

    MG-> Star of Yelta

    echinacia Magnus
    Eggplant - Plant Kermit
    Explosive Embers
    Flame Acanthus
    Gaillardia Fanfare
    Garlic Chives
    Gloriosa Daisy
    Goats Beard
    Godetia-> Farewell to Spring
    Gompherna  Purple
    Green Beans- Blue Lake
    Hot Pepper Mix
    Italian Leaf Parsley (3)
    Jalaeno Pepper
    Kiss me over the garden gate
    Lamb's Ear
    Larspur  mixed
    Love in a Puff
    MG-> GrandPa Otts
    MG-> Heavenly Blue
    MG-> Rosita
    MG-> purple
    Mexcian Sunflower
    Mexican Sunflower
    Morning Glory  Scarlett OÂHara
    Morning Glory- Heavenly Blue
    Pepper- Red Giant
    Pickling Cukes
    SHiberian Iris
    Shasta Daisy Alaska
    Spaghetti Squash
    Sunflower- Mexican Torch(2)
    Sweet Annie
    Sweet Basil ( 2)
    Sweet Italian Basil
    Sweet Pea- Mix
    Tomato- Large Cherry
    Tomato- Rio Grande
    Tomato rio grande
    Verbena Moss

  • 15 years ago

    If there is anymore MG Rosita, I would like a few seeds.
    This one is about over-it has been a fun swap!

  • 15 years ago

    Connie let me know if you need help on postage..Yes it has been fun..:) Barb

  • 15 years ago

    if any of these are available, I'd like them...thank you!
    BlackBerry Lily
    Blue Woodruff
    Coneflower Magnus
    Gompherna  Purple
    SHiberian Iris
    Verbena Moss

  • 15 years ago

    Connie, I would love some red pepper, goats beard, KMOGG, purple and/or New Englnad asters, love in a puff ,scarlett o hara and/or grandpa otts MGs if they are still available ! Thanks ! I have been planting seeds like crazy, some of my wintersown seeds have started to sprout ;-)


  • 15 years ago

    Hi Connie, If still available I would like:
    Aster- New England
    Butterfly Pea Vine
    Tomato- Rio Grande

    Thanks so much.

  • 15 years ago

    All packages that do not involve a stop at the post office will go out tomorrow. The post office ones will go out Thursday afternoon as that is the first time that I can get there. I hope everyone enjoys their seeds. For those with limited and/or specific seeds I tried to match seeds to your list the best that I could.

  • 15 years ago

    I'm sure you did a FANTASTIC job Connie! Thanks so much!

  • 15 years ago

    Thanks Connie for all your hard work and thanks everybody for sharing your seeds..:) Barb

  • 15 years ago

    I'm sure you did just fine Connie, Thanks for all the hard work and time you put into the swap. :)

  • 15 years ago

    Thanks Connie. I appreciate your time and effort!

  • 15 years ago

    Connie,I rec'd my enve today and it is wonderful. So many pcks and such a selection. Thank you so much for your time and attention.

    Thank you everyone for the seeds. It is greatly appreciated. Can't wait to plant them.

    Have a nice Easter.


  • 15 years ago

    I received my seeds today! What a wonderful selection. My daughter was alomost late for work because I had "to see just one more pack".."L". Thank you to everyone who sent me seeds and thanks Connie for a great job!

  • 15 years ago

    I recieved my seed yesterday,thanks everyone for the seed i appreciated them, thanks Connie , great job,

  • 15 years ago

    I have Hairy balls! seeds yippee yahoo...I have never grown hairy balls before..Lol

    There are such wonderful seeds here from all you wonderful people..I cant tell you how happy I am :))) Thanks you Connie for putting this great swap together...Thanks to each of you for the wonderful seeds.... Connie can you put me down for next year too...Happy easter everybody!!!! Barb

  • 15 years ago

    ooohh I hope mine arrive tomorrow!!!! :)


  • 15 years ago

    Hi everyone, I received my seeds today !! Thank you all so much for them, I will be planting to my hearts content tomorrow even if it rains ;-)

    Connie, thanks so much for hosting ! We all appreciate it very much !!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and a Happy Easter !


  • 15 years ago

    I thought I was through sowing for this season until I got my envelope of seeds this afternoon. Some of them were just too good to hold for next year.
    Thanks everyone and happy gardening!

  • 15 years ago

    Oh Happy Day! As if you couldn't tell, my envy arrived. And a big thank you to all my generous gardening buddies! This will be the best year ever for gardening. So excited!

    Happy gardening everyone :)
    La Donna

  • 15 years ago

    Grolike crazy Thank you for the artwork on my seed pack that brought a huge smile! :))))

    Jaynine thank you for the abuliton back Lol

    Ladonna love your stick dance...hahhah Happy easter everyone....New family member today a maltese she needed a home....Barb

  • 15 years ago


  • 15 years ago

    I received my seeds yesterday! WOOT! I am so excited!!! I can't wait to get some of these started and in the garden. Thanks to everyone that shared with me. :)

    Thanks so much Connie!!! :)

    ~Kathy :)

  • 15 years ago


    I also received my nice seed package a few days back, and I truly loved everything! There were so many sweet peas, lupines, and nasturtiums, which are items that I don't ususally receive that many of in other group swaps. I've sown some already...very exciting to start!

    Happy Easter and Happy Spring!
    With big thanks from Jodi B. (threeshyacres)

    : )

  • 15 years ago

    Hope everyone had a great Easter!

    I received my package on Saturday, but was so busy with Easter activities that I haven't had a chance to post. There were several beans and tomatoes I've been hoping for, along with lots of red flowers from my wishlist, so I am very pleased.

    Great job, Connie!


  • 15 years ago

    aww still haven't seen my pkg yet... argghh! lol Maybe the mailman is hoarding it...

    Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! I will be on and off for the next 2 wks so if I don't post soon, that's why.. I will try to get online whenever my pkg arrives tho to let you know!

    Thanks again Connie!

  • 15 years ago

    I got my package today and am very, very happy with everything. Thanks to everyone and thank you Connie! You did a great job!

  • 15 years ago

    Sorry Wendy, yours was one of the 4 that were the last to get mailed.. I needed to verify the postage.. the good news is that you had a STUFFED envelope so hopefully the wait will be worth it. I would expect you should get this by Thursday.. if not then I would question the mailman and all his new seeds :) ha-ha

  • 15 years ago

    oh no that's FINE Connie!! lol I'm thrilled, I was just worried it was lost. Thanks for letting me know!


  • 15 years ago

    Ha Wendy, Looks like the Georgia mail carriers have gotten together on this seed swiping business. Mine are out there too:) Just kidding, I'm sure they are on the way. Nik

  • 15 years ago

    *ear out for the sound of the mail truck today... didn't come yesterday.. *fingers crossed! lol :P

    Nikki ~ I can vouch totally for MY local p.o. having a vendetta on my seed swapping! lol


  • 15 years ago

    I finally got my package on Saturday, actually today cuz yesterday we were at a Renaissance festival all day..

    but WOW!!!!!!!!!!!

    it was TOTALLY worth the wait!! I am sooooooooooooooooooooo absolutely THRILLED with my seeds, ty so very much Connie and to everyone else that shared seeds as well! I am gonna be BUSY this week sowing seeds!!!!!!!

    THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • 15 years ago

    Yahoo! Mine finally came in this weekend also! I was so excited. Thanks everyone for thinking of me. I enjoyed the selection and I'm still looking up seeds! Nik

  • 15 years ago

    Connie, this is late in comming, sorry.
    I did receive my envie and am VERY happy! Thanks so much everyone! And you too Connie for all your hard work!