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What is happening to my poor tomatoes?

Becka Sentman
10 years ago

I have seven varieties of tomatoes that I started as seeds about 2 months ago, transplanted into individual smart pots about 3 weeks ago. Were growing well until recently, then several of them including Sungold, Paul Robeson, Polish Dwarf, and my tomatillos, are developing flat, irregular, almost shiny bronze patches on both sides of the leaves. No powdery or sticky feel, no bugs. It's been raining like the dickens here for several days and I only noticed the bronzing a few days ago--finally got some sun yesterday. Mostly affects the newer upper leaves. I used potting mix like Miracle Grow in the pots. It doesn't look quite like anything I can find on Google images of tomato plant diseases. Could it be a nutritional deficiency? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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