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Nashville and Chatt area -- nice bamboo varieties for sale -

15 years ago

I found this ad on Craigslist. Although the guy lives near Chattanooga, he'll be in the Nashville area in the next week or two. I'm going to buy some bamboo from him, and I thought some of y'all might like to get some as well. IMHO he has nice varieties and good prices. He has:

"Varieties include; black bamboo (p. nigra), yellow groove (p. aureasulcata), giant grey bamboo (p. nigra 'henon'), flute bamboo (p. rubromarginata), blue bamboo (p. glauca), shiroshima (hibanobambusa tranquilans 'Shiroshima') and bissetii (p. bissetii).


Conservation grade 5ft plant $10

Landscape grade 8ft-12ft multicane plant $20

Container Grown

#7 plant $15

#15 plant $20

#20 plant $25 "

If you're interested, just let me know so we can coordinate!

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