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new: obf march: eggs-ceptional ladies, eggs-ceptional luck

11 years ago

OBF March Swap: Eggs-ceptional Ladies, Eggs-ceptional Luck

Our Bloomin’ Friends requires that you be a member of OBF in order to participate in this swap. If you would like more information about membership, contact Shirley or Carol.

I am going to combine 3 fun parts of March into one swap called Eggs-ceptional Ladies, Eggs-ceptional Luck. We need to sign up and move along with this quickly so I made this an easy swap to complete and simple on the pocketbook, too. You can even work on it with your children or grandchildren if you like.

Please sign up by the end of the day March 10. I will announce partners on March 11 and you will be asked to mail by March 13. Depending on the mail service, the hope is you package will arrive by March 16 so your swap partner will have it for St. Patrick’s Day.

The tight time frame means you should start to get your package ready even before you know to whom you are sending! If you have it ready to go by March 11-13, this may work out as planned. If you choose what you send carefully this should be okay in a padded envelope; or if a box is needed, it should be light enough for first class.

What are we focusing on that’s special in March?
St. Patrick’s Day: You will send a greeting card (homemade or store bought) that has an Irish Blessing, a 4-leaf clover, or some other representation of St. Patrick’s Day or Irish luck. A handmade substitute for a card is fine, too, if you want to send a list of Irish Blessings or St. Patty’s’ Day jokes or a word game on a sheet of paper. Just don’t forget the St. Patty’s Day part when you mail!
Easter: You will send 3 “eggs” each containing seeds. Remember to label what the seeds are either inside or outside your eggs. The eggs can be those store bought plastic ones that snap together or you can make your own - any way you like. It can be a flat egg which will be easy to mail. Just think egg shaped and if you cut it out of two sheets of paper or two layers of fabric with an inside space to include your seeds, that’s great. Use scrapbook paper, fabric, pieces of paper bag and glue, tape, or sew them together - anything you like, but we are also going to “decorate” the eggs just a little for the third part of this...
Women’s History Month: Each of your eggs needs to be decorated for Women’s History Month. This can be as simple as putting a label on it with the name of a famous women in history or something special about women’s history. For example you could type out “Clara Barton” or “Clara Barton & the Red Cross” and glue or stitch that to the egg or use it like a gift tag and attach it to the egg. Handwritten, scrabble tiles, letter stickers, any way you like is fine. (Can anyone be so creative as to have the famous woman and the seeds relate to each other: rose seeds labeled with “Rosie the Riveter” for example?)
When you receive your package, list the 3 special women or women’s events that were featured on your eggs.

So signups start now!!!

I should be able to come up with at least one game based on the 3 special parts to the swap this month.

I'm signing up. Who else?


This post was edited by sandlapper_rose on Wed, Mar 6, 13 at 14:16

Comments (60)

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Shirley...I sent you back an email a couple days ago. Would love to join in =)

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Mellen, I am so very sorry to hear about your dad. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your mom.

    Shirley, that's a wonderful fire pit! How talented your son and his co-workers are!

    It looks like it may be a small swap group this month, but maybe not - you have until the end of the day Sunday to sign up and I suspect most people find time to get on GardenWeb during the weekend.


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    Wow, we have this swap wrapped up already! Way to go, GIRLS!! :o) Ya'll are awesome, as usual! Theresa~ Great box, I know you'll enjoy every bit of it! Sounds like it was good timing, too. Dottie~ "And bamboo is so ungrateful! Every time I helped one up, it slapped me in the face." ROFL!! Oh, goodness...I can't help it....I'm still wiping tears from my eyes. That is some "liberated" bamboo! *giggle* It reminds me of when my brother held a door open for a "liberated" woman! She slapped his face & told him she wasn't helpless. Good grief! I told him to not let it bother him, she probably just wasn't used to southern hospitality. That's how we raise 'em down here- you ALWAYS open doors for ladies (and even a few gents now & then, if you're first in line). Now he asks before he opens doors.."Uh, are you liberated or southern?" LOL! So I hope that DH replenished your wine supply for you. Sounds like you had quite the day & you certainly need some relaxation! Laura~ The bird watching sounds like a great activity for the family. We have TONS of birds here- chickadees, titmice, cardinals (hundreds of these!!), wrens, bluebirds (funny time of year for them!)...so we will definitely have much to report! :o) The weekend is almost here! YAY!!! ******** MARGARET sends to CAROL~ received CAROL sends to HEIDI~ received HEIDI sends to THERESA~ received THERESA sends to LAURA~ received LAURA sends to MELISSA~ received MELISSA sends to MARGARET~ received ********
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    Comments (150)
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  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Count me in! I am headed out of town for a few days but will be back Monday evening or Tuesday Morning....so I can pull this off....lovely idea!

    Mellen, thoughts and prayers!!

    Happy Saturday!


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jeanne-Jayeanne pinkiris will be joining in this month....She will be our newest member.

    Welcome Jayeanne from RI


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    There's still a little time left to join in. So far on the swapping list I have:


    Welcome, Jayeanne! So nice to have you as a member.
    This group is lots of fun.

    Please keep the swaps simple this month. That was the intent with the quick turnaroud time. I didn't want people to be stressed.

    I'll check the thread early in the morning and assign partners. I'll also be posting a game early in the week.

    Meanwhile, we have had a really pretty weekend here weather-wise. I was so ready for it!


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi, Lovely Ladies-I am not able to join this month but hoping you that can enjoy this neat swap. Thanks, Jeanne, for hosting. Your ideas look like so much fun. Will be checking in to see how it is going.Blessings, Margaret

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks for checking in with us, Margaret. Sorry you can't join in this month, but come back to post again.

    So, our swap partners are:
    Jeanne will send to Shirley
    Shirley will send to Jayeanne
    Jayeanne will send to Ruth
    Ruth will send to Annie
    Annie will send to Jeanne.

    Thanks for joining in, ladies. It will be great if you can mail out your "package" by the middle of the week because Saturday will be the last delivery day before St. Patrick's Day. Of course, everyone will understand if the post office doesn't quite make it on time - we can only do so much! Remember to post when you receive and also tell us about the ladies who were featured on your Women's History eggs and what seeds you receive.

    If you need addresses, please contact each other by e-mail and don't post your address here. I don't have all the member addresses so I can't be much help. (Shirley, I have your address.)


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My eggs are stuffed and decorated.
    My women's history is depicted.
    There's a card for St. Patty's Day luck -
    Off goes my padded envelop heading to Shirley!


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My package is on it's way to Annie.

    mellen, sorry for your loss.
    Shirley, love the firepit.

    This post was edited by ruthz on Tue, Mar 12, 13 at 13:12

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Your bubbler of "extraordinary female" eggs and Irish blessings are now headed your way.

    Thanks so much for hosting!


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ruth sent you a email need your addy for mailing please, its ready to go =)

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sorry Jayeanne , I thought I sent the address on Monday.
    Don't know what happened, but just resent it.
    Please let me know if you get it.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It looks like we are off to a strong start with our mailings! I got a bit delayed in thinking of a game, but I'll have one here by the weekend so watch for it in a day or two and everyone in the OBF group is welcome to play, not just those who are swapping this month.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My inspiration came to me, so here is our game!
    If you are in OBF, you can play. Post your answers here. I will stop in at least once a day to say which answers are correctl You can guess 1 time per day. The first person to get all the answers right wins and I will send a prize. (Notice that some of the questions have 2 parts so if they do, guess both parts.)
    Good luck!

    1. On St. Patty's Day I always make cupcakes. What color is the cake batter when I pour it into the muffin pans?
    2. One year my daughter made a plastic canvas windmill for me for my birthday. It is also a music box. I love her surprise. What are the two colors on the windmill?
    3. Another year for my birthday my husband gave me a wooden windmill that is in my garden. It has been painted two colors, both times with a white trim - one color, then another color for awhile and then back to the original color. What were the colors that it was painted in addition to white?
    4. When I was a teenager I thought I had a great Easter outfit. The coat was white. Guess what color the hat, purse, and shoes were.
    5. Did I ever have a horse who had a name based on it's color (yes or no) and if so, what color was it?
    6. What color are my house slippers?
    7. There is a pastel color in the pattern on our everyday dishes. What color is it? Hint: You must guess a pastel color for this answer!
    8. When my husband and I first got married, we painted our bathroom an unusual color. What was it?
    9. One year we got a pet on St. Patrick's Day. Guess what kind it was and the pet's name.
    10. The first car I had got repainted while I owned it. It went from Champagne Beige to the other color. What was the new color?

    Okay, I hope you have fun guessing these. I got incentive for the game thinking about dyeing Easter eggs, which I still do even though there are only adults at our house now.

    Have fun.

    This post was edited by sandlapper_rose on Wed, Mar 13, 13 at 14:47

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. On St. Patty's Day I always make cupcakes. What color is the cake batter when I pour it into the muffin pans? Golden yellow
    2. One year my daughter made a plastic canvas windmill for me for my birthday. It is also a music box. I love her surprise. What are the two colors on the windmill? Red and yellow
    3. Another year for my birthday my husband gave me a wooden windmill that is in my garden. It has been painted two colors, both times with a white trim - one color, then another color for awhile and then back to the original color. What were the colors that it was painted in addition to white? Blue and green
    4. When I was a teenager I thought I had a great Easter outfit. The coat was white. Guess what color the hat, purse, and shoes were. pink
    5. Did I ever have a horse who had a name based on it's color (yes or no) and if so, what color was it? Yes, Brindle
    7. There is a pastel color in the pattern on our everyday dishes. What color is it? Hint: You must guess a pastel color for this answer! peach
    8. When my husband and I first got married, we painted our bathroom an unusual color. What was it? Light purple/violet
    9. One year we got a pet on St. Patrick's Day. Guess what kind it was and the pet's name. a dog named Lucky
    10. The first car I had got repainted while I owned it. It went from Champagne Beige to the other color. What was the new color? Red

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Did NOT get your email please try again thank you! Your package is here and ready to go! =)

    I checked spam nothing

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ruth has the game off to a good start.

    She has these right:
    2. Yellow is one of the colors
    3. Blue is one of the colors
    7. Yes, it's peach - I thought that would be a really hard one to guess!
    8. Lavender or light purple - again, what a good guesser you are!

    Everyone can keep guessing. Ruth, one guess per day so you can post a new list with guesses tomorrow.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. On St. Patty's Day I always make cupcakes. What color is the cake batter when I pour it into the muffin pans? Green

    2. One year my daughter made a plastic canvas windmill for me for my birthday. It is also a music box. I love her surprise. What are the two colors on the windmill? purple and yellow

    3. Another year for my birthday my husband gave me a wooden windmill that is in my garden. It has been painted two colors, both times with a white trim - one color, then another color for awhile and then back to the original color. What were the colors that it was painted in addition to white? Blue and green

    4. When I was a teenager I thought I had a great Easter outfit. The coat was white. Guess what color the hat, purse, and shoes were. blue

    5. Did I ever have a horse who had a name based on it's color (yes or no) and if so, what color was it? Yes, Blackie

    7. There is a pastel color in the pattern on our everyday dishes. What color is it? Hint: You must guess a pastel color for this answer! peach

    1. When my husband and I first got married, we painted our bathroom an unusual color. What was it? Lavender

    9. One year we got a pet on St. Patrick's Day. Guess what kind it was and the pet's name. turtle/green

    10. The first car I had got repainted while I owned it. It went from Champagne Beige to the other color. What was the new color? blue

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    6. What color are my house slippers? brown

    WHoops left this one off


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks for guessing, Shirley!
    Sorry, when I copied, I missed number 6. Brown is not right though so it still needs to be guessed.

    We have correct guesses for number:
    1. green
    2. half guessed with one color being yellow
    3. half guessed with one color being blue
    7. correct - peach
    8. correct - lavender

    (Remember to keep adding 2 and 3 to the list because they are not fully guessed)

    Keep the guesses coming. You have done really well so far. Remember you can guess once a day and watch to see what is marked correct or incorrect and it will help you with your guesses.

    Have a great day.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I will take a crack at this!

    1. On St. Patty's Day I always make cupcakes. What color is the cake batter when I pour it into the muffin pans? GREEN

    2. One year my daughter made a plastic canvas windmill for me for my birthday. It is also a music box. I love her surprise. What are the two colors on the windmill?

    3. Another year for my birthday my husband gave me a wooden windmill that is in my garden. It has been painted two colors, both times with a white trim - one color, then another color for awhile and then back to the original color. What were the colors that it was painted in addition to white?
    BLUE and RED

    4. When I was a teenager I thought I had a great Easter outfit. The coat was white. Guess what color the hat, purse, and shoes were.

    5. Did I ever have a horse who had a name based on it's color (yes or no) and if so, what color was it? WHITE

    6. What color are my house slippers?

    7. There is a pastel color in the pattern on our everyday dishes. What color is it? Hint: You must guess a pastel color for this answer! PEACH

    8. When my husband and I first got married, we painted our bathroom an unusual color. What was it? LAVENDER

    9. One year we got a pet on St. Patrick's Day. Guess what kind it was and the pet's name. CAT named SHAMROCK

    10. The first car I had got repainted while I owned it. It went from Champagne Beige to the other color. What was the new color? GOLD

    Happy Day!!


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You gave us one more correct answer:
    When I was a teenager I thought I had a great Easter outfit. The coat was white. Guess what color the hat, purse, and shoes were.

    I thought that outfit was so great! If I can find a picture, I will post it. I doubt I have any idea where the pictures from that long ago are though. LOL


    This post was edited by sandlapper_rose on Thu, Mar 14, 13 at 22:41

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I had the best Irish surprise in my mailbox today! Wow!!

    My 3 special women on my eggs were

    Elizabeth Ann Seton
    Lucy Hobbs
    Anne Catherine Hoof Green

    Thank you so much Shirley for all the Irish blessings and fabulous box full of goodies!!

    Ruth - got your email and your Irish package is on its way =) I have DC if needed.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. On St. Patty's Day I always make cupcakes. What color is the cake batter when I pour it into the muffin pans? GREEN

    2. One year my daughter made a plastic canvas windmill for me for my birthday. It is also a music box. I love her surprise. What are the two colors on the windmill? YELLOW/GREEN

    3. Another year for my birthday my husband gave me a wooden windmill that is in my garden. It has been painted two colors, both times with a white trim - one color, then another color for awhile and then back to the original color. What were the colors that it was painted in addition to white? BLUE/YELLOW

    4. When I was a teenager I thought I had a great Easter outfit. The coat was white. Guess what color the hat, purse, and shoes were. ORANGE

    5. Did I ever have a horse who had a name based on it's color (yes or no) and if so, what color was it? NO

    6. What color are my house slippers? WHITE

    7. There is a pastel color in the pattern on our everyday dishes. What color is it? Hint: You must guess a pastel color for this answer! PEACH

    8. When my husband and I first got married, we painted our bathroom an unusual color. What was it? LAVENDER

    9. One year we got a pet on St. Patrick's Day. Guess what kind it was and the pet's name. BIRD/PATRICK

    10. The first car I had got repainted while I owned it. It went from Champagne Beige to the other color. What was the new color? BLACK

    Jayeanne-Glad you liked your Irish/Easter box. I enjoyed putting it together for you. We always welcome new members to our group.

    It's almost Friday.....Yeah...one more day to go and the week-end is here.


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. On St. Patty's Day I always make cupcakes. What color is the cake batter when I pour it into the muffin pans? Green
    2. One year my daughter made a plastic canvas windmill for me for my birthday. It is also a music box. I love her surprise. What are the two colors on the windmill? Yellow & white
    3. Another year for my birthday my husband gave me a wooden windmill that is in my garden. It has been painted two colors, both times with a white trim - one color, then another color for awhile and then back to the original color. What were the colors that it was painted in addition to white? Blue & yellow
    4. When I was a teenager I thought I had a great Easter outfit. The coat was white. Guess what color the hat, purse, and shoes were. Orange
    5. Did I ever have a horse who had a name based on it's color (yes or no) and if so, what color was it? Yes, brown
    6. What color are my house slippers? Black
    7. There is a pastel color in the pattern on our everyday dishes. What color is it? Hint: You must guess a pastel color for this answer! Peach
    8. When my husband and I first got married, we painted our bathroom an unusual color. What was it? Lavender
    9. One year we got a pet on St. Patrick's Day. Guess what kind it was and the pet's name. bird named paddy
    10. The first car I had got repainted while I owned it. It went from Champagne Beige to the other color. What was the new color? Blue

    This post was edited by ruthz on Thu, Mar 14, 13 at 22:19

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow, a package already received. I need to look up Anne Catherine Hoof Green!

    I will make a list of who has sent and received tomorrow.

    Just thought I would pop in and check the game. Ruth provided more help for all of you.
    The following are correct.
    1. green
    2. yellow & white
    3. blue & yellow
    4. orange
    7. peach
    8. lavender

    I'll be back to check to see how it goes tomorrow.
    Anyone in OBF can guess one time each day and obviously you can build on earlier guesses.
    Great effort.


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. On St. Patty's Day I always make cupcakes. What color is the cake batter when I pour it into the muffin pans? GREEN
    2. One year my daughter made a plastic canvas windmill for me for my birthday. It is also a music box. I love her surprise. What are the two colors on the windmill? YELLOW WHITE
    3. Another year for my birthday my husband gave me a wooden windmill that is in my garden. It has been painted two colors, both times with a white trim - one color, then another color for awhile and then back to the original color. What were the colors that it was painted in addition to white? BLUE YELLOW
    4. When I was a teenager I thought I had a great Easter outfit. The coat was white. Guess what color the hat, purse, and shoes were. ORANGE
    5. Did I ever have a horse who had a name based on it's color (yes or no) and if so, what color was it? NO
    6. What color are my house slippers? PINK
    7. There is a pastel color in the pattern on our everyday dishes. What color is it? Hint: You must guess a pastel color for this answer! PEACH
    8. When my husband and I first got married, we painted our bathroom an unusual color. What was it? LAVENDER
    9. One year we got a pet on St. Patrick's Day. Guess what kind it was and the pet's name. HAMSTER - PATRICK
    10. The first car I had got repainted while I owned it. It went from Champagne Beige to the other color. What was the new color? RED

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning to all of you egg-ceptional OBF'ERS,

    Opened late last night......

    Ruth sent me a card...... KISS ME I'M IRISH and of course, that POT OF GOLD with a RAINBOW!

    Inside it says....

    Wishing you a rainbow
    For sunlight after showers
    Miles and miles of Irish smiles
    For golden happy hours
    Shamrocks at your doorway
    For luck and laughter too
    And a host of friends that never ends
    Each day your whole life through

    Ruth sent me three colorful and unique eggs (pink, yellow, blue, white and glittery too). Each beautiful egg has a picture of her chosen egg-ceptional lady. And on the back of each egg was information about the incredible womans contribution to our American history. Seeds were chosen for each lady.

    And the three egg-ceptional ladies are....

    Maya Ying Lin...American architectural designer and artist known for her work in sculpture and landscape art. Maya designed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in D.C. And she is a youngster born in 1959. The seeds are a perfect match.....Maya Rudebeckia......how perfect is that!!!

    Daisy Lee Gatson Bates...American civil rights leader, publisher, journalist and author. Daisy was quite active with the NAACP and known for her work with the "Little Rock Nine"....the first nine black students to enroll in Little Rock High School and end racial segregation their. The seeds are Painted Daisy Robinson's Blend....Daisy would love your selection!

    Virginia Apgar...American obstetrical anesthesiologist known for developing the Apgar score, which is a method of assessing the health of newborn babies. The seeds...Virginia Stock! I do remember well learning about Dr. Virginia Apgar and her Apgar Score while in Nursing school....quite a woman!

    And for each woman, I found a Cadberry Cream Egg. Unfortunatley, a man consumed them....my husband enjoyed them...LOL!.

    And this is so cute....votive holder with a motif of pretty and colorful eggs...toothpicks would work in it too.

    Ruth, thank you so much. I so appreciate the ladies you chose....Incredible women! You sent me an egg-ceptional package!


    This post was edited by canyonwind on Fri, Mar 15, 13 at 14:11

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ruth, you did a wonderful job finding seeds that related to famous women. I knew about the Apgar score but would have figured Apgar was a male doctor... silly me! And I remember hearing that a woman designed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. It's fun seeing which women people selected.
    Jayeanne must have been one of my friends duing my early life. She guessed some of the remaining ones correctly. All that are correct or partially correct are listed below. The newly guessed ones are in bold.

    1. On St. Patty's Day I always make cupcakes. What color is the cake batter when I pour it into the muffin pans? GREEN
    2. One year my daughter made a plastic canvas windmill for me for my birthday. It is also a music box. I love her surprise. What are the two colors on the windmill? YELLOW WHITE
    3. Another year for my birthday my husband gave me a wooden windmill that is in my garden. It has been painted two colors, both times with a white trim - one color, then another color for awhile and then back to the original color. What were the colors that it was painted in addition to white? BLUE YELLOW
    4. When I was a teenager I thought I had a great Easter outfit. The coat was white. Guess what color the hat, purse, and shoes were. ORANGE
    5. Did I ever have a horse who had a name based on it's color (yes or no) and if so, what color was it? NO
    6. What color are my house slippers? PINK
    7. There is a pastel color in the pattern on our everyday dishes. What color is it? Hint: You must guess a pastel color for this answer! PEACH
    8. When my husband and I first got married, we painted our bathroom an unusual color. What was it? LAVENDER
    9. One year we got a pet on St. Patrick's Day. Guess what kind it was and the pet's name. HAMSTER - PATRICK
    Patrick is correct but he was not a hamster.

    Not much left to go! You are a group of good guessers.
    If you're curious, my horses were Shiloh (bay), Sugar (who was chestnut and not white), Lyric (chestnut) and now Piper who is moslty black. Sugar came to me with that name and I should have changed it right away because I never thought it suited her, but you know how it is once you start using a name - it's hard to switch.

    Beautiful weather here. I will update our sent and received list tomorrow. Have a good weekend!


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Annie, I'm happy that you like the package.
    My husband was in Vietnam and the Memorial means a lot to him, and my daughter works in a hospital and she said the Apgar score saves a lot of babies lives.

    Jeanne, before I do today's guesses, I wanted to be sure you saw Shirley's answers for yesterday.
    She had No for #5 and BIRD/PATRICK for # 9.
    So we're still guessing on 1 part # 9 and # 10, correct.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Okay, I'll assume it's not a bird and post my guesses for today.

    1. On St. Patty's Day I always make cupcakes. What color is the cake batter when I pour it into the muffin pans? Green
    2. One year my daughter made a plastic canvas windmill for me for my birthday. It is also a music box. I love her surprise. What are the two colors on the windmill? Yellow & white
    3. Another year for my birthday my husband gave me a wooden windmill that is in my garden. It has been painted two colors, both times with a white trim - one color, then another color for awhile and then back to the original color. What were the colors that it was painted in addition to white? Blue & yellow
    4. When I was a teenager I thought I had a great Easter outfit. The coat was white. Guess what color the hat, purse, and shoes were. Orange
    5. Did I ever have a horse who had a name based on it's color (yes or no) and if so, what color was it? No
    6. What color are my house slippers? pink
    7. There is a pastel color in the pattern on our everyday dishes. What color is it? Hint: You must guess a pastel color for this answer! Peach
    8. When my husband and I first got married, we painted our bathroom an unusual color. What was it? Lavender
    9. One year we got a pet on St. Patrick's Day. Guess what kind it was and the pet's name. bunny named Patrick
    10. The first car I had got repainted while I owned it. It went from Champagne Beige to the other color. What was the new color? yellow

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm a little confused on that to Ruth but will guess this again:
    1. On St. Patty's Day I always make cupcakes. What color is the cake batter when I pour it into the muffin pans? GREEN

    2. One year my daughter made a plastic canvas windmill for me for my birthday. It is also a music box. I love her surprise. What are the two colors on the windmill? YELLOW/WHITE

    3. Another year for my birthday my husband gave me a wooden windmill that is in my garden. It has been painted two colors, both times with a white trim - one color, then another color for awhile and then back to the original color. What were the colors that it was painted in addition to white? BLUE/YELLOW

    4. When I was a teenager I thought I had a great Easter outfit. The coat was white. Guess what color the hat, purse, and shoes were. ORANGE

    5. Did I ever have a horse who had a name based on it's color (yes or no) and if so, what color was it? NO

    6. What color are my house slippers? PINK

    7. There is a pastel color in the pattern on our everyday dishes. What color is it? Hint: You must guess a pastel color for this answer! PEACH

    8. When my husband and I first got married, we painted our bathroom an unusual color. What was it? LAVENDER

    9. One year we got a pet on St. Patrick's Day. Guess what kind it was and the pet's name. ROOSTER/PATRICK

    10. The first car I had got repainted while I owned it. It went from Champagne Beige to the other color. What was the new color? WHITE

    Beautiful day here in the Mtns. it's going to be in the 60's tomorrow..woo hoo Spring is on its way.

    Jeanne-I received your wonderful package today. The eggs you made were beautiful. I can tell you like to make craftie things, you even made the St. Patrick's Day card wishing me Lots o' Irish luck and love and laughter.

    My 3 egg-ceptional ladies are:
    Annie Oakley-Sharpshooter, Performer in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. A woman who made her way into male dominated sports and entertainment.
    The seeds in this egg-Forget-Me-Not

    Marie Sklodowska Curie-Woman scientist famous for her work with radioactivity and 2 time winner of the Nobel Prize for discovery of Polonium and Radium.
    The seeds in this egg-Cosmos

    Elizabeth Cady Stanton-Activist for Women's Rights: Stanton was for many years the architect and author of the movement's most important strategies and documents.
    The seeds in this egg-Salvia

    Thank you Jeanne for a most memorable and fun swap. I hope to plant some seeds tomorrow. I really hated to tear the beautiful eggs open to get to the seeds.


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I just popped on here for a minute before going to bed.
    The answer to #9 is a bunny named Patrick. I don't know if I spotted it in the right order or not, but it looks like the only one left to be guessed is #10. Someone will win soon, I'm sure.
    So glad you liked your package Shirley. I had fun making the eggs. I received a wonderful package from Annie today. I want to do it justice when I list what she sent, so I will do that tomorrow. The seeds are wonderful and came packed with eggs and glitter and all sorts of fun. Annie was able to relate the seeds she sent with the famous women, a feat I sure didn't manage. Anyway, I will list more about what she sent tomorrow. I think it's about time for bed here.
    Thanks so much, Annie. You surprised me almost much as if the Easter Bunny had shown up!

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here's the update on our swap.
    Shirley received her swap from Jeanne.
    Jeanne received her swap from Annie.
    Jayeanne received her swap from Shirley.
    Jayeanne has sent to Ruth.
    Annie received her swap from Ruth.

    Great job getting those packages together and mailed in a hurry!

    Now to give more details about my swap from Annie. She created three special eggs that went with each special woman and they all had sparkles, glitter, and curling ribbon inside the packet which was bright tissue paper and a decorated plastic Easter bag. Very festive! I took a picture after I opened them so you could see. She also sent me some pretty flowers which I think are soap - they look handmade and smell lovelyl.

    The three ladies:
    Meryl Streep who Annie called "the golden tigress" and Annie sent Roughwod Gold Tiger tomato seeds
    and also "illuminated the screen" and Annie included Zinnia Illumination. The egg is golden with red and white decorations.

    Condolesa Rice
    Annie says Condolesa Rice's favorite color is blue so she included Sleeping Beauty Commelina (that word reminds me of Condolesa - did you plan that?) and Sublime Blue Bicolor Larkspur.
    The egg is bight gold and textured. I have been trying to decide how you made it. Will you tell?

    Now this is really special. Annie's mother's name was Rosemary and she included fresh rosemary and decorated the egg so it had fresh rosemary and red hearts on it. She said her mother loved to cook so she included fenugeek seeds and also that her mother loved red so she included Love in a Mist Persian Red and that her mother loved snapdragons so she included Snapdragon Appleblossom. What a special tribute to your mother!

    My St. Patrick's Day card which Annie made has a clover on it and says:
    Dance as though no one is watching.
    Love as though you have never loved before.
    Sing as though no one can hear you.
    Live as though heaven is on Earth.

    A great and very thoughtful swap! Thanks so much, Annie.


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    I am glad you enjoyed your your little package of eggs!

    Yes, the rose and heart are soaps, handmade by a "MAN", yes, I said a "MAN", from Idyllwild, which is here in Southern California.......all natural indredients, most of which he grows himself.

    Jeanne, I thought for sure you would know what I used to make the Condie Rice egg........an very appropriate texture I must say.....................RICE...LOL......brown rice to be specific, mixed well with Elmers glue.. I allowed it to dry somewhat and then sprayed it with 24K gold paint.

    This swap has been fun and interesting....from your game questions to the women the OBF'ERS have chosen as egg-ceptional. Thanks so much!

    Speaking of questions, I think only #10 has not been picked correctly....I will take another crack at this.

    1. On St. Patty's Day I always make cupcakes. What color is the cake batter when I pour it into the muffin pans? GREEN

    2. One year my daughter made a plastic canvas windmill for me for my birthday. It is also a music box. I love her surprise. What are the two colors on the windmill? YELLOW/WHITE

    3. Another year for my birthday my husband gave me a wooden windmill that is in my garden. It has been painted two colors, both times with a white trim - one color, then another color for awhile and then back to the original color. What were the colors that it was painted in addition to white? BLUE/YELLOW

    4. When I was a teenager I thought I had a great Easter outfit. The coat was white. Guess what color the hat, purse, and shoes were. ORANGE

    5. Did I ever have a horse who had a name based on it's color (yes or no) and if so, what color was it? NO

    6. What color are my house slippers? PINK

    7. There is a pastel color in the pattern on our everyday dishes. What color is it? Hint: You must guess a pastel color for this answer! PEACH

    8. When my husband and I first got married, we painted our bathroom an unusual color. What was it? LAVENDER

    9. One year we got a pet on St. Patrick's Day. Guess what kind it was and the pet's name. A BUNNY named PATRICK

    10. The first car I had got repainted while I owned it. It went from Champagne Beige to the other color. What was the new color? GREEN

    Happy Saturday!


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I've had trouble posting messages today so maybe some of the rest in the group have, too.
    Annie won the game by building on the good guesses many of you had earlier . Yes, when my first car was repainted, it was repainted GREEN. I thought that fit right in with St. Patrick's Day for our answers.
    Congratulations, Annie. I'll mail out your little prize some time next week.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Mellen, so sorry for your loss. prayers are with you

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. On St. Patty's Day I always make cupcakes. What color is the cake batter when I pour it into the muffin pans? GREEN
    2. One year my daughter made a plastic canvas windmill for me for my birthday. It is also a music box. I love her surprise. What are the two colors on the windmill? YELLOW WHITE
    3. Another year for my birthday my husband gave me a wooden windmill that is in my garden. It has been painted two colors, both times with a white trim - one color, then another color for awhile and then back to the original color. What were the colors that it was painted in addition to white? BLUE YELLOW
    4. When I was a teenager I thought I had a great Easter outfit. The coat was white. Guess what color the hat, purse, and shoes were. ORANGE
    5. Did I ever have a horse who had a name based on it's color (yes or no) and if so, what color was it? NO
    6. What color are my house slippers? PINK
    7. There is a pastel color in the pattern on our everyday dishes. What color is it? Hint: You must guess a pastel color for this answer! PEACH
    8. When my husband and I first got married, we painted our bathroom an unusual color. What was it? LAVENDER
    9. One year we got a pet on St. Patrick's Day. Guess what kind it was and the pet's name. BUNNY - PATRICK
    10. The first car I had got repainted while I owned it. It went from Champagne Beige to the other color. What was the new color? SILVER

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The game was won by Annie yesterday.
    Happy St. Patty's Day, everyone!

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    I do not feel deserving.....collecting a prize when I only got two answers correct. So I would like it if you gave the prize to the OBF'ER who answered the most correct...pretty please!!! I think that would be Shirley, Jayeanne or Ruth.
    I should have refrained from answering yesterday...of course, I was not thinking...LOL!

    Happy St.. Patrick's to all!!!!! May the LUCK of the IRISH be with you all!


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You are so thoughtful, Annie. Actually I had two little things I was going to send as a prize. I will send one to you and the other to the person who guessed the most correct answers on her own if I can determine that when I go back to check on the postings.
    You were right to keep guessing though. Everyone was welcome to do that and I'm glad you finally got the GREEN answer.
    Time to check on dinner. GardenWeb is posting at a really s-l-o-w speed for me today so that's all for now.


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Cupcakes for everyone... and yes, the batter is green!
    It's fun being the March hostess.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yum Jeanne those sure look good...my mouth is watering.


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Received and opened today

    a cute card for eggs-ceptional luck
    that says Happy St. Patrick's Day inside

    My eggs-ceptional ladies

    a pink egg
    a blue egg
    a green egg

    First lady Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962), wife of Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), the U.S. president from 1933 to 1945, was a leader in her own right and involved in numerous humanitarian causes throughout her life. The niece of President Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), Eleanor was born into a wealthy New York family. She married Franklin Roosevelt, her fifth cousin once removed, in 1905. By the 1920s, Roosevelt, who raised five children, was involved in Democratic Party politics and numerous social reform organizations. In the White House, she was one of the most active first ladies in history and worked for political, racial and social justice. After President Roosevelt’s death, Eleanor was a delegate to the United Nations and continued to serve as an advocate for a wide range of human rights issues. She remained active in Democratic causes and was a prolific writer until her death at age 78.
    Unwin’s Striped Sweet pea seeds inside

    Born on Feb. 15, 1820, in Adams, Mass., Susan B. Anthony was a pioneer crusader for the woman suffrage movement in the United States and president (1892-1900) of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Her work helped pave the way for the Nineteenth Amendment (1920) to the Constitution, giving women the right to vote.
    Scarlet Runner Bean seeds inside

    Pocahontas contributed significantly to the early survival of the Jamestown colony and played a brief but dramatic role in English imperial propaganda. Her untimely death in 1617 cut short her successful mediation between the Powhatan Indians and the colony. Both before her intercession and long after her death, Jamestown--the first permanent English outpost in North America--was precarious, largely because of Indian hostility to the colony and its expansion.
    Mini Red Turban squash seeds inside

    4 packs of extra seeds
    Queen mix cleome
    convolvulus Enchantment Mix
    Buttercrunch lettuce
    Nantes carrots
    and a sweet treat - Russell stover chocolate mini bunnies

    Thank you so much JayeAnne for a sweet and thoughtful

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sorry everyone. I started having problems posting here again. I can read, but not post. Thankfully everyone did so well this month and our swaps are complete. Wonderful packages, so much creativity, and it has been fun! Prizes will get mailed out soon.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jeanne...Thanks so much for an egg-ceptional March swap covering St. Patrick's Day and Easter and, of course, egg-ceptional ladies in history!!!!

    I to am still having issues with GW....pages will not come up or they take a few minutes to show up....hit and miss!

    OBF'ERS, I will be posting the OBF April ???????????? Swap some time in the next week!

    Happy Wednesday!!!


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'll be waiting to see what you have in store for us in April, Annie.

    Prizes went out today:
    to Ruth for the most correct guesses
    to Annie for having the entire list of correct answers.

    Just a little something, ladies, but Happy Easter and thanks for playing the game.


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Received a cute little puzzle book. Reminds me of my mama. She loved that type of puzzle book and I was always sending her some.
    Thank you Jeanne. I enjoyed the swap and the game.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Thanks so much!! I received my prize WHICH I DID NOT DESERVE.....A darling Easter notepad!!!!! CUTE...CUTE...CUTE!

    Happy Easter to you and yours!


  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Glad to hear the prizes got there okay and thanks for posting. I'm still having problems posting here on GardenWeb. It's very annoying. Anyway, a windy day here today after a very rainy and cool weekend.
    So ready for it to look like Spring!

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