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asparagus spacing

14 years ago


I'm planting a small asparagus bed this Spring and am uncertain as to spacing between plants. I use raised boxed beds throughout the garden and the bed available for asparagus is 4' X 4'. The customary spacing of 12"-18" between plants is, as you know, also supposed to be the spacing between the rows in an intensively planted garden.

I will be planting Jersey Knight asparagus, which I've read has medium-larger sized spears. Preferring "medium" sized spears, I've also read that to reduce spear size of varieties that produce large spears, reduce the distance between plants. Simple enough.

This is where it gets murky though ;-)

In addition to controlling spear size, I've read:

1) Close spacing between rows will reduce spear size

but that it will also "reduce the quality" of the

spears. If I were to plant Jersey Knight 10" apart in

the row to control spear size, how will that spacing

adversely affect spear quality?

2) Although the intensive gardening/square foot gardening

forums recommend a 12" spacing in all directions

between plants, the conventional gardening wisdom seems

to be that one needs 4 1/2' or more between rows as it

promotes rapid drying of the ferns to help prevent the

onset of fungus diseases. Is this a valid concern?

3) Does spacing closer than 12" to 18" between plants have

a longer term detrimental effect on the bed, as some

sites alluded to?

So---if there is an experienced intensive gadening type person available to answer this---keeping in mind that I prefer medium sized spears and I only have a 4' square bed to use---what spacing between plants and rows "should" I use?


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