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ideas for an urban/small space gardening event

17 years ago

Our historic, urban neighborhood is looking at putting on an urban/small space gardening HOAs here, so we have to come up with ideas to raise our own funds! This is kind of reminiscent of the Garden in a City event in Chicago this past year, but on a much smaller scale.

Some ideas so far are:

- putting existing neighborhood gardens on display

- asking local designers to create show taking neighboring balconies, patios, porches, etc. and having different designers create unique visions for each space

- hosting a plant swap

- having presentations by landscape architects, gardeners, city foresters, etc. on topics relevant to urban and/or small space gardening

- nursery plant sales, maybe somewhat themed in conjunction with presentations (like build your own container, vines, edibles, trees, heirloom seeds)

So, I'm brainstorming and looking for more ideas and constructive feedback.

If you were going to attend such an event, what topics would you like to learn about? Any ideas for other offerings?

Conversely, if you're in the landscape design/gardening/nursery professions, what would entice you to participate...or not participate?

Any and all ideas and suggestions are welcome!

Here is a link that might be useful: Chicago's Garden in a City

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