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UPDATE: 7300 Traveling Daylilies- working on Valentine's swap

18 years ago

This round robin is an extention of a wonderful group of traders, the Traveling Daylilies, who when at all possible trade daylilies. We have the most awesome group of traders, proven, experienced, honest, giving, sharing and awesome loving people. The way into this group is to have traded and proven yourself honest. We are not snobs, we just want to protect each other and you from any game traders... should there be any. If you know any of us, email privately and they will be allowed to get you in on their recommendation. We'd love to have you!

We are working on the Valentines Day swap......XOXOXOXO

I started a new thread because we have had alot of requests for a Seahawk fight song. I know you loved mine, lol, but we need to be fair.

See next post......


~Dawn (mamabirrd)

Comments (102)

  • 18 years ago

    Hey, Canna. What's all that white stuff??? I think we'll hit 90 today. Nice orchids, btw.

    Earthly.. never saw Casablanca??? Why, that's just un-American... like never tasted apple pie or never been to a baseball game. Next you'll tell us you've never seen It's a Wonderful Life. Sheesh. :-)

    Cribs... well, we had one where the bottom could be raised and lowered. It was great since we can set it shallow when the kids were babies (saves your back), but lower it when they started standing up and trying to climb out. I'm happy to say we've had no incidents with the crib. Stairs is another story... LOL. Luckly God made them fairly durable.

    I'm in for the March swap. Thanks.

  • 18 years ago

    Ok, put me in for the March Swap!
    Love the Orchid pics Canna!

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    UPDATE: 9400 posts! traveling daylilies


    Comments (100)
    Good Afternoon Everyone! I think I am beginning to feel better because I no longer need my "friend the bucket." Sounds like everyone had a great time with the game on dogs . About the only one I got right on the first try was the color of collie........hehe I had one for 17 years! Happy belated birthday to anyone I missed. I wanted to share a picture of the wonderful box Carol sent me. Sorry it is dark, but see how well the picture of the wolves turned out. The card was beautiful carol, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm glad I don't have to go to work til tomorrow night at 11 then after my shift I'm off till Friday night. Dawn, I enjoyed seeing your baby collage. Isn't it the greatest feeling when baby is moving all around, and just think, it is a feeling we can only try to describe but I don't think there is a word that can describe it. Anita, Maleah is beautiful, and I love her red hair. Boys will be knocking down your door, and the phone will be ringing off the hook before you know it. I being lazy again today. I might sit and cross stitch for a while I've been working on a project called I LOVE ANTIQUES , COLLECTIBLES & COUNTRY THINGS. Now who else is having a baby? I hope I didn't miss anyone and if I did please forgive me. LIFE IS GOOD, Annie
    ...See More

    UPDATE: 11,600 Traveling Daylily Post


    Comments (36)
    Hi gang - thank you all again SO MUCH for your support!! Herb is walking again & gaining some strength, has nerve damage in his back so my giant of a man is puny right now, but walking!! I got a weekend job taking care of cats at a big boarding kennel nearby & actually get paid to pet cats. Healing. God is good. Paul, I truly loved seeing your photos - awesome, incredible & majestic Colorado tour you gave your boys AND us. I got to drive through CO once, all I saw was the admittedly fantastic & spiritual views from the interstate & a wonderful diner in Denver where I had the best Denver omelet of my life. Carol, I know you Washington people are used to cool & wet, but it was 110 degrees here the other day, and it hasn't rained here since the beginning of June, so you are actually lucky... I've been feeling very lucky with the daylilies this Summer - the heat has given me oodles of rebloom scapes so I'm going to get to enjoy flowers all this month, too, meaning I'm enjoying daylily blooms for 5 full months this year! AND I got several very promising seedlings, some gorgeous faces that appear to have good branching & bud counts. My favorite has to be an Awesome Blossom x Create Your Dream kid: lavender with purple flames & knobby purple edge. And my 2008 Linda Beck x Bobby Martin seedlings ALL bloomed, just 6 buds each, but they ALL looked like both parents - have high hopes for them. Melinda, our Sunkissed Temptation's registration is now pending & it is going to be introduced at the 2012 National Convention in Ohio. The fan I kept has increased to 5 fans since I mailed yours, sent up a rebloom scape AND has 3 proliferations growing on the first scape! Hope yours is doing as well. Hope all of you are well, cool & happy, Love Marea
    ...See More

    UPDATE: 8700+ Traveling Daylilies!


    Comments (100)
    Good Morning All, May I be the third in line to say a huge THANK YOU to our Ms. Shirley and to sing her praises? I received a GREAT last minute daylily/hosta swap box from her! I think she miscounted a little on the 6 only items and enclosed a note saying she hoped she wasn't in trouble with Cindy for over packing! Here's what she sent me: Daylilies: American Eagle Angelic Messenger (Ooooohhhhhh!!) Ballyhoo Double Breakthrough Frilly Bliss (Spider -Love this one!) Lavender Bonanza Spacecoast Sweet Eye (!) String Bikini (Another awesome spider) Louisiana Iris (Think these have become my favorite of the irises): Mr. Man (a pass on from our dearly missed Joey's garden) Voodoo Magic Canna 'Florence Vaughn' Hosta: 'Little Sunspot' (Almost just bought this last week! Very pretty!) 'Sitting pretty' Crocosmia 'Norwich Canary' (Love!) Iris 'Champagne Elegance' (2 fans) Shirley, Thanks again for always blessing your swap partner with a most awesome packed full box. Always love my trades with you! Cindy, GREAT box from Shirley! I agree with her- you are a special angel among us and so deserving to be honored with that! Always love your pictures, your shared wisdom, sense of humor and ofcourse your great daylilies! Marea, I agree with Sherri on the prolif info. I just snap mine off the scape and put it in just a very small amount of water - about 1/4" - just enough so the tip of the crown is sitting in. It will begin to grow roots in a matter of a few days. Very easy! Hope the move is going well for you - know you must be getting there! Diann, speaking of baby Ben - how about an updated picture? He must be growing like a weed since his newborn picture you posted. Debbie, please post and let us know how you're doing - it's been way too long. Have been wide awake since 2:00 a.m. so I guess I'd better go accomplish something constructive before work today. Hope you all have a good one! MaryB
    ...See More

    update: update: traveling daylilies (photos 11)


    Comments (45)
    You really lucked out Paul. Nice stuff! Those can't be current pics of your yard, are they? I thought you lived in WA or OR and had some frost by now. So, I'm juust a tad jealous if you can see that now! You know the one draw back with my elph camera is I frequently get the icon telling me my camera is shaking. Even if holding it very still. The high wind causes problems with focusing but they might make a similar model with some type of stabilizing feature to minimize this. I take many out of focus pics. The 2 below are examples as they were taken on horseback and the first with 12 X magnification as I was far away. Marea, Since you asked for a horse pic I went out in 39 degree weather for the first ride in a while. Shiloh was too full of energy and naughty. Here is the corn harvest here. Don't be fooled by the small size of these blue wagons. They are really big- 3 will fill a semi truck full of corn. and here if my hubby having the time of his life! If he wasn't so tired he might smile more. The combine is quite large also if you are standing up next to it. So- anyway- this should counts as a horse picture! BTW Marea, The lily garden idea with semps sounds groovy! You are the semp queen! I just found a photo/ art web place called Some lovely and some weird art there. A warm bubble bath sounds dreamy right about now... Karen
    ...See More
  • 18 years ago

    Yes I'm in also.
    Thanks Canna....Boy those are all beautiful.
    We got snow too.


  • 18 years ago

    I think I'll sit the March swap out. It sounds like lots of fun but I am having lots of medical tests done. I'll tell you about them when I get the results back. I'm still in on the dvd swap.

  • 18 years ago

    I think I'll sit the March swap out. It sounds like lots of fun but I am having lots of medical tests done. I'll tell you about them when I get the results back. I'm still in on the dvd swap.

  • 18 years ago

    Hi All,

    Count me in for the March swap. I am about to go relax in front of the tv for a short time, and then off to bed, I am beat.

    Those orchids are just beeeeeUtiful.

    Have a great nigh all,



  • 18 years ago

    put me in for the March swap, these are just so much fun.Anyone know where I can buy a cheap, good greenhouse ?
    I was gonna change a studio in my house into a sunroom but
    the wall I want the big window in is a load bearing wall, so very expensive to put a window in. 9x10 is a good size.

  • 18 years ago

    Earthly, if you ever get the chance see Casablanca on the big screen. Years ago a S-I-L bought us some tickets to see it on the "Really Big Screen" at the Fox Theater in Detroit. This is a theater where you go to see the big plays (ie. Cats). I was rolling my eyes at the price and the 'uppityness' of it but ... Wow, it was fantastic!

    Paul, are you and I partners for the March swap? Did you fill out the questionair from Deni? Could you please send me that questionair information?

    Gloria, can we have our partner substitute another name instead of ours for the flower/bulb part? I'm thinking of a family member name.


  • 18 years ago

    Carol-I was going to have your name and your husbands name put on the t-shirt but could not for the life of me remember your DH's name. I looked on your questionaire for the size but forgot to look for his name! duh
    I was trying to get out of the t-shirt shop in a hurry also. The owner was down on the president and all the worldly happenings and would not shut up. I hated to get in a confrontation so I ignored him and hurriedly left.
    They can make any t-shirt you want and have tons of pictures.

    Maryanne-Great you got the quarter. LMK if you ever need any other one.

    Gloria-March Swap!!!! Are we paired up this way?



  • 18 years ago

    I will be in the March swap, but someone needs to send me the details again. I cleared everything, and I mean everything out of my email the other day without thinking. Thanks Mareas and Diane for the addresses my valentine box would have been late. It went ups today.

    Well back to work


  • 18 years ago

    I see I posted twice above, now how did that happen????'s a receipe for your dessert section.

    Apple Cake
    4 C. apples (peeled and diced)
    1&1/2 C. oil
    2 C. sugar
    3 C. Self rising flour
    1 C. raisins,
    1 C. black walnuts
    1 C. pecans
    1 Tbsp. vanilla
    4 eggs

    Mix ingredients together and bake at 350' for 1&1/2 hour(s).

    1 C. brown sugar
    1 stick margarine
    1/4 C. milk.
    Bring to a boil. Pour/spoon over the cake and allow to harden.

    Although I generally don't like apple desserts, I can eat my weight in this cake.


  • 18 years ago

    I must be stupid I can't figure out who I have. help!!!Shirley I love my shirt. Dh says it is us. dh Greg

  • 18 years ago

    Can someone post the rules for the March swap? I finally cleaned out my emails (over 300, yikes), figured the rules were posted here. They're not.

    This is a paperwork weekend but I'd like to start thinking about the swap box.

    Jo, did I give you a recipe for Farina Cake? It's one of my family's all-time favorites.


  • 18 years ago

    Carol - you are now paired up with Angie/luvmybulbs - we are paired by posting sequence this time...
    Here are Gloria's rules for this month's swap:

    the first person will be partners with me... and then down the list we go....
    very easy

    we send as march box
    1. something green
    2 something that smells good
    3 something that is a flower/flower bulb/ of the persons name...
    4.something fun
    5 a garden magizine
    6. a surprize from you unnamed by me
    7. candy!!!!! gloria grins big!!!
    you must sign up on the your name to be in this swap..
    boxes out by march 15th


  • 18 years ago

    Morning everyone,
    Just a quick check in to say hi and wish everyone a very HAPPY SATURDAY. I have the weekend off so it is GREAT!!!

    Hope my Valentine got her box, she should have gotten it yesterday, I sent it out on the 8th.

    I have to go shopping for work clothes YUCK. The ones I have are getting a little rough, and that is just not good.

    No, I don't have that recipe, would love to add it.

    Great, thank you for the recipe.

    Here is the list of partners so far,


    Well, off to take my little gal outside. She is still working on the potty training thing. She will do really well, then we have an accident. But, we are making progress.

    Have a wonderful day everyone.


  • 18 years ago

    Contest time.....

    ding ding ding

    ok are yah ready..
    are yah set?

    the person who sends jo the most recipes this weekend only starting right now.... will win 12 peacocks shipped NOW!!! Postage paid for( wow thats major!!!!)
    or when jo tells us the winner....

    the recipes must go thru to jo on her emails... so we wont see whos sending in what.... tripple grins...

    TWO prizes....

    one for the most.. and one for the ?????????? grining big... love to drive yall nuts!!!

  • 18 years ago


    We just got back, and I had to come and thank my valentine, "Meghan" for the great box of goodies. It was loaded with wonderful things.

    On the top of the pile was an adorable card, that says, "a good friend is choclate for the soul". Too cute.
    Then came a large heart shaped box of chocolate, chamomile tea(love it) A small tin wall planter,with a new pair of hand pruners, an adorable magnet,and a bar of daffodil soap inside. 3 bags of bulbs, taro, sir winston churchill daffs.,and black jack glads. The cutest little ladybug with a spring tail and antennae that says "be my valentine", a cool hand tool, that looks just like a little hoe. This will come in very handy.A beautiful stained glass heart windchime. This will not be going outside, too pretty to be blown to bits in one of the windstorms we get up here on the hill, it will have a place of honor in one of my windows and will be more of a suncatcher. An absolutely gorgeous frame, it is soft yellow, with flowers and butterflies, and a sweet little angel in the bottom corner. I do believe one of my grandchildrens photos will be going in it.A new pair of garden gloves, and a nice garden apron. And last but not least, the most adorable birdhouse, it has a tin roof, scrollwork on the front, it is painted blue with little tulips all over it, and it has lots of little ladybugs in various places. It is just precious. I have seriously considering starting to collect bird houses to make an area of my garden "birdhouse lane". So, THANK YOU Meghan for getting me my very first one to go there.

    It is a fantastic box of goodies from my wonderful valentine. Thank you Meghan, I love everything. I hope I remembered everything.

    Jo (a very happy valentine)

  • 18 years ago

    Jo wait until you hear what Deni sent me in the Feb. swap. the Webster's sure send wonderful boxes loaded with surprises.

    First Deni had a very pretty and heart touching Valentine/Friendship Card.

    Then there was a hot pink birdhouse with a tin roof. This should attract only the elite of our avian friends.

    Then there were gardening items: Pruners, Garden Gloves, Bulb Planter, Garden Apron to hold tools, markers, baggies,etc.,Plus there were 2 taro roots,6 Black Jack Glads, and 4 Sir Winston Churchill glads/daffs???

    Also in the box was:
    A very fragrand bar of Maxam Lavender Soap.
    Friendship Ball with fragrant soap and scrubby inside.
    A cute jiggly Valentines day Lady Bug
    The cutest Fairy picture frame. I love fairies.
    A pretty valentines Glass Tealight Holder.
    and a tin of Hersheys Kisses that hubby insists I share.

    Thank you Deni, it was a wonderful box. I love it.

  • 18 years ago

    Hey, wait a minute... I thought we were not suppose to open the Valentine boxes until Valentine's Day.

    Here's two of my bonsai in progress. They still need to mature but you get the idea.


    This Chinese elm is just starting to wake up from dormancy.

  • 18 years ago

    I'm the newbie but Debbie really made me feel special, like one of the gang.
    She sent me a wonderful box of goodies. The big Russell Stover box of candy, a darling opal neckless (beautiful fire in it), a set of gardening must, labels, note pad and bags, a nice cactus with pink flowers, the sweetest music box that is an old wheelbarrow carrying a water globe, 3 types of bulbs(tubers)-the dahlia, peacock orchid and tuberose and last but far from least- a UK hat so I can root for those wildcats if I get a chance.
    Also since my birthday is the 13th, she sent me a special birthday card.
    I want to tell you thanks for allowing me to join you'll group and don't worry, Deni and Meghan will keep me straight.
    Betty (bettyboops)

  • 18 years ago

    Paul - those bonsai are starting to be magnificent already!! Just beautiful.
    Here's my version, taken this morning:
    Happy soon to be Spring all!
    Marea/mareas aka ~m'

  • 18 years ago

    Morning all,

    Wanted to see who was up, and what was going on this AM, obviously not too much. (big grins)

    Love your bonsai in progress, I think bonsai are just awesome. Thank you for posting them. Also, Do I remember someone saying you are a geologist? My DD is studying to be a geologist. Right now she has taken some time off to catch up on her college loans, but she wants to go back and finish her degree. She has been fascintated by rocks for many years, so I guess it was just natural to go into the field. She is undecided which college she wants to go to. Any guidence you might be able to give her?

    Good to see you posting,so glad our wonderful Debbie made you a wonderful first swap box.

    Off to get something done,
    Have a fantastic day,

  • 18 years ago

    My second amarillys bloom. Okay I understand now I have Angie, goody I haven't had her before, what do you collect Angie? My DH is going to build me a pvc greenhouse, how do you all heat yours ?I finally got Tiyli housebroken, now I can shampoo my carpets, I have crocus and a mini tulip blooming in my garden, spring is coming, yipee!!!Hugs to all Carol{{gwi:2103421}}

  • 18 years ago

    Hello everyone! Its been awhile since I checked in! I have had alot of things going on around here. Sounds like everyone is getting some pretty cool Valentine's boxes.

    I do want to sign up for the March swap, so count me in.

    Winter is back again after a record breaking warm January. I am getting spring fever even though I know it will be awhile here.

    I have a beautiful red and white amarallys blooming! Anita sent it to me in a swap last fall.

    I guess I need to get a recipe sent to JO! Better go do that! MaryS

  • 18 years ago

    Hey Canna, im getting your snow.... all day it been snowing... so cool... woops pun not intented,, grin

    Valentines just does not quit... carol sednt me more..
    a box of neat o bulbs that im not gonna tell cause i dont want to share..( grin) and our dear miss deni mae, may have something to have to do with that!!!! hummmm

    and she also got me... drum roll please...
    the dahlia kiwi GLORIA

    love that name
    love it love it!

    Jo how are we doing now on the contest for the most recipes submitted?

    jo a email is coming to you...

    dirtpig.... where are yah honey!???

    wait till you see my kittys.. i have been snapping photos all weekend and talking to yall!!! My son says im headed for the nursing home ( I say NOT untill he can afford a room with a window!) Ill have awhile!

    Dawn... birds have been eating theirseeds in a new window feeder we just hung up..... in the snow!!!! what a beaytiful site to see them feed with the background of snow..

    my fireplace roaring.. and my wee little body covered up with my panda bear furry blanket.... ( huss dianne! grin!!!)

    son took us, husband and i out to eat for valentines dinner.. kid is so sweet...

    back to fireplace.... burr...
    hugs g

  • 18 years ago

    Jo sent me a great box. There was hyacinth vases with the bulbs and all. A Gloxonia, I have never had one, but will pot it up and see if it will turn out as pretty as the picture. A very pretty sachet pillow that smells terrifice. A lil valentine bear, a pot with a heart, candy, a special homemade card. If I forgot something I am sorry Jo. It was indeed a special box, thank you so much.

    Today we went to a winery, so I am a little light headed :o).. And it is freezing here. I just need to move south, because I can not take the cold!!!!

    Take care all


  • 18 years ago

    good morning all.
    thanks for the crib information, much to know and i'll pass on the car set and stroller, dianne, and thanks for the heads up on those items!

    snow, snow and more snow. the new pup just loves it and it's hard to keep him inside.

    please sign me up for the march swap.

    be well all.

  • 18 years ago

    Morning all,

    I am here to post the names of those who sent me recipes.

    I now have 38 new ones to add to our book.



    a huge THANK YOU to all who sent me recipes.

    need next round of recipes
    more crock pot recipes, and appetizer recipes


    Those of you who wanted to do divider pages, I need them ASAP.

    If I do not receive them by e-mail by the end of the week, I will be doing them myself. I need to get this book moving to have it done for everyone before Christmas. I still have tons to do, and as I work so much, I need to get it going now, so I can have most of it done before it is time to work in my gardens.

    I really would like to have at least one recipe from everyone in our group,that is what I feel will make this book so wonderful, but, if you do not send me one, then please do not be upset when the book is finished and your name does not appear in it. Please take a moment and send me a recipe, "it can be for "ANY DISH",(cakes, cookies, main, appetizers, etc.)


    Off to get ready for work,

    big hugs to all,


  • 18 years ago

    Good Day All,
    Thought I would pop on & update my Daylily list for 2006,

    Glad to read some of you are seeing spring, VERY COLD Today!!!!!! We still have a good 3 months left of winter here in zone 5:(

    Thank you:) I will E-mail you.

    I know you have heard a fool & their money are soon parted, Well, you see I don't want to be that fool:) I will pass on that kind of shipping:)

    Congratulations on your win!!!

    Looking forward to sending you the March Swap Box!!!!!!

    Have a Great Day All

  • 18 years ago

    Oh my goodness I came home to the most wonderful Valentine Box from Paul. Paul you absolutely made my day.
    What wonderful treasures I found in my box.
    I was so tired when getting home. Worked 11 hours today. What a nice surprise to find this:
    Pink glass dish w/rose candle
    Welcome Spring plaque
    Disney assorted valentine chocolates
    Necco Sweetheart candy in a Valentine tin
    Lady bug on a leaf Bath & Body shower gel (said Be Mine)
    2 ink stamp pads (1) Fence with ivy on it (2)Flower Bouquet
    3 Calla lily Bulbs
    2 Watsonia Bulbs
    3 mixed iris bulbs
    Plumeria seeds
    Adenium Desert Rose seeds
    Coloring book w/activities
    Brugs(1)Cool Blush (2) equador Pink (3)Charles Grimaldi
    Precious Moment "Baby"
    Valentine Card(It sure did bring lots of joy & Happiness)

    Thank you so much Paul. I love ink stamp pads but only had Christmas ones. Now I can use these for all occasions.
    Can't wait to google and read up on the Watsonia bulbs. Never had any of those. Love Calla Lilies. I'm going to buy me some crayons and color every page in my coloring book. How cute is that. Can't believe how observant you are I just asked a few days ago for pink brugs if anyone had some and you sent me three. Can't wait to see those bloom. Will let you know when my seeds sprout. I aim to plant ASAP. The baby Precious Moment will go perfect in my collection. I have just the spot for it.



    Images by

  • 18 years ago


    This morning the kids and I had TONS of fun opening my 2 boxes of Valentine Goodies.

    First box was from Cathy and Julie:
    When I opened the box I was hit with a wonderful scent - lots of winter green lifesavers.
    A HUGE Whitmans Sampler
    3 star candles - going to save for 4th Of July at the cottage and put them in sand as a center piece.
    a Plant hanger which I will put on the pine tree in the back
    Box of Tea
    2 Chocolate Lip Animal Cards - my daughter confiscated these to give to her 2 best friends this morning. :o)
    'Falling in Love' perfume - very nice
    The cutest card ever ~ a cat card ~ and I love the way you signed the card with the same writing!
    And best of all a wonderful book - 'Practical Rock and Water Garden'
    Oh, and they owe me bulbs. I know how it is Cathy, it was very hard for me to find bulbs too. :o)

    Next box was from Betty - just loved your box!
    Betty - my camera ran out of juice after I took several pictures of Cathy's box and I couldn't find enough batteries ~ I needed 6 batteries! I'll try later today.

    A beautiful Birdhouse with Ladybugs and flowers on it.

    A Garden Coffee cup.

    A box of Tea.

    Box of xoxo chocolates - yum!

    3 kinds of bulbs - Black Jack Gladiolas - Winston Churchill Daffodils - Taro root.

    Heart shaped box skittles candy.

    Garden tool.

    Metal hanger that will go nicely in my garden shed.

    Hummingbird hanging - It is very pretty, but I'm afraid it broke. So I'm thinking of saving it and putting the pieces into a steppingstone. It should look great like that - thanks.

    Metal Pansy wall hanging/wind chime- this is sooo cute!

    A plant marker - maybe I will use it for the Taro Root. grin

    Green garden gloves - just a note - I have big hands - my grandmother always said the women in our family have 'working hands'. :o(
    I'm afraid my DD has them too. So the Ladies gloves that 'fit most' never fit me. :o(
    I go for Men's medium. But I'm sure I can find someone who can use these.

    Milk Soap - a first for me.

    A magic towel - place in water and watch it grow. LOL

    A very pretty garden picture frame.

    Thank you both so much for the Heart Felt Boxes!
    The kids and I had a blast this morning!
    I've got a bad cold and the boxes of Tea will be opened today.


  • 18 years ago

    I had to go look up the Watsonia bulbs too. Very pretty! Be sure to take pictures when they bloom and let us know how they grow in our climate - not that tropical climate of Pauls. lol

    Outragous collection of Precious Moments!

    Lots of great VD boxes!

    Paul, you were right, we were supposed to wait for VD before we opened them. I've had mine for 'several' days and part of the fun was the waiting. But I believe that was a last minute restriction so everyone didn't see it or didn't remembered it or JUST COULDN'T WAIT! LOL

    Want to know what I got for Valentine's Day from my hubby?
    We usually only get cards for each other, but this year he listened to one of my little wants ~ He got me a ring tone for my cell phone. I love it! It is a Scottish tune - Scotland the Brave. Very beautiful and distintive!


  • 18 years ago


    I just wanted to thank everyone for participating in the Jan. swap......I hope everyone had fun.

    I will be sending out the extra prize to the lucky winner today. It is in theme with the "give to the animals" swap and I hope the winner likes it.
    Thanks to Debbie for helping me pick the winner.

    The Valentine swap boxes look great!

    I am going to sit out one more month (March), but hope to be back in the April swap.

    Deni, I am sending along a package to you with some things to add for the "welcome" boxes you are preparing for new members.

    ~Dawn (mamabirrd)

  • 18 years ago

    Wonderfull Vd finally dh heard me, gave me a bag of bulbs from Lowes, 6 bags of dahlias boy are they full bags lots of big tubers in each bag 5.97 a bag. lowes are trying to get into better quality bulbs they sure did it with these dahlias, nice colors too also got lilly bulbs, check out lowes dahlias really nice big bags, you could share with 4 or 5 people or me since I told you about them

  • 18 years ago

    Happy Valentines Day, everyone.

    Shirley, I'm glad everything made it there okay. I was a bit worried about the brugs with the winter weather this week on the east coast and all. BTW, there's a chance that the brug marked Charles Grimaldi may actually be Pink Beauty. I cut those at the same time and... well... you know.



  • 18 years ago

    Paul-Yes everything looked great. I will make a note on the Charles Grimaldi brug and check it out when it blooms.
    Wish I could do the Dvd robin but I don't have but 2 dvd's.
    I started renting the movies from home so don't buy them.

    Carol-I got a dahlia from Lowe's for Valentines Day also.
    I got "Crazy Love". Also, the weeping pussy willow tree.
    Did your Lowe's have those? I told DH you get to Lowe's and get me one of those before they get gone. I had never seen a weeping one before.

    Sharon-I could not wait until Valentines Day to open. Wonder if anyone followed the rules????


  • 18 years ago


    Tana - I'm thinking of you every day and wishing you all good results from your surgery. It's over now, so it's all uphill from here, I hope. Gentle hugs.

    The Dupont hibiscus are beautiful! I had no idea hibiscus came in such lush colors and forms! Wish I could grow them outdoors.

    Maryanne - Laughed at your dog's antics - remember that each month of your pup's life roughly corresponds to 1 grade in school - see? so they act like kids til about 10 mos., then it's worse for a few mos., but by 12-18 mos., it's like a whole new dog. He'll be a GREAT dog! Just believe in him. He's cute as can be!

    On pets chewing things - Our white donkey Flapjack years ago picked up the harmonica that my daughter was playing up in the tree in his pasture and dropped (don't ask). As we rushed to get it from him, he chewed and felt it in his mouth and then we couldn't find it! So I tore in and called my vet, "The donkey ate a harmonica!" and he laughed and laughed and said not to worry. A few days later, we found the harmonica, intact, flat, on the ground! and it didn't play anymore...if only he had played a few notes first...

    Maryanne - Flap ate paper money, too!

    And I like Dancing with the Stars, too.

    Anita - So glad you have David in a safer situation and you can be with him more. Aren't babies so perfect!!!

    Help, anyone, advice on my Confederate rose? It's all leggy indoors in a big pot, budding! Do I prune it down? When? Should it be in a cool or dark place?

    Cody - We kept fancy chickens, geese, ducks and guineas. We had owls, foxes and raccoons get after them, and a crazy neighbor who ran over some, even wayyyy out in the country. We hatched lots in the incubator, and we loved the little ones a lot - it hurt when we lost any. I like the farm type fowl. We kept a beautiful flock of Speckled Sussex for years. You'll have better luck as you keep at it. Sorry it's been so hard on you...

    Canna - Your orchids!!!Wow, fabulous!

    Jean- 16 Dorothy Benedicts up so far!

    It's fun to see all the great boxes you all come up with!


  • 18 years ago

    Jo - a recipe for you...

    Marinated Garbanzo Beans
    from the Back Cafe, Venice, CA, 1964

    3 C canned or cooked garbanzos, drained
    1/3 C good olive oil
    1/8 C salad vinegar
    1/8 C lemon juice
    1 clove garlic, finely chopped
    1/8 tsp oregano
    pinch thyme
    pinch rosemary
    1/2 C green bell pepper, cut bite size
    1/4 C purple onion, thin sliced
    1/4 C fresh flat leaf parsley, chopped
    salt and white pepper to taste

    In heavy pan, heat olive oil until bit of garlic dropped in just begins to sizzle. Then add rest of garlic, oregano, thyme and rosemary. Just as garlic barely starts to brown, remove from heat and add garbanzos, stir, and let cool to room temp.

    Add vinegar and lemon juice, stir in. Add pepper, onion and parsley. Toss. Chill a few hours or overnight, stirring once or twice to mix marinade over beans and veggies.

    Serve as appetizer, munchie or side vegetable. A few cherry tomatoes, or artichoke hearts are nice in there, too.


    PS Dawn - Your dream house!!!!!!!How beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 18 years ago

    Happy Valentines Day.

    Cindy, MaryB miss you, hope everything is ok.

    Betty-Happy Belated Birthday to you. Hope it was a good one.

    Debbie-Have you got test results back yet?

    Tana-Hope you are getting better after surgery.

    Take care.


  • 18 years ago


    Please check your email for information about Frappr. If you don't have this email from me, let me know.


  • 18 years ago

    Appetizer Recipe
    Bacon Wrapped Smokies
    1 pkg lil smokies
    1 pkg bacon
    1/2-3/4 cup of brown sugar

    Cut bacon strips in 3rds, wrap around smokies put a toothpick in to hold. Put in skillet sprinkle brown sugar on top and fry until bacon is crisp.

    You can also cook in a crock pot but the bacon will not be as crisp and it takes a couple of hours.

    On the brown sugar you can use more or less, I have never measured I just pour some in the pan!!!!

  • 18 years ago

    I thought we should have at least one picture of a daylily in all of these posts.

    How about a spider DL now.

    Here is Purple Many Faces. For some reason I kept thinking it was a tet and kept trying to pollinate it. Two seed pods formed, but not on ones that I had pollinated ... imagine that!

    I gave those PMF x Unknown away ....
    Close to PMF is a large unknown red dip and Fairy Tale Pink.

    I sat here for a while trying to figure out the blue background of this picture. It is my picture and no way did I have that blue sky or background .... the blue is my blue Delphiniums.

    Oh, PMF has a very high bud count, it did bloom very nicely for me last summer. It is a diploid.



  • 18 years ago

    {{gwi:1243485}}I'm so sad.
    I sent out 2 Valentine's Day Boxes ...
    Didn't you guys like the boxes I sent?


  • 18 years ago

    Angie-I make those bacon wrapped smokies all the time. Love them and always get requests for the receipe.

    Sharon-Love your DL Purple Many Faces. Love Spiders and Doubles.


  • 18 years ago

    I'm enjoying all the photos.
    CANNA your snow kissed tropicals where especilaly pretty. Hope the weather didn't kill em! The stuff that just came down here in IL looks like snow cone! Almost an inch of it. I wanted to go to a garden class tonight. I wonder if they will cancel due to the weather now...sigh....

    I'm going to pass on the DVD swap and the March swap too.
    Netflix is sooo excellent. We get all the movies/ tv series we can handle that way.

    On RECIPES- get all you want on Love the site. Had to look for some dishes to pass for a person with a no gluten diet last week- NO problem- they have many at that site! I go for the 4-5 star rated ones.

    Garden talk- potted up my sprekelia inside for some lovely blooms this spring. They are way better than forcing daffodils or most spring bulbs IMHO

    Well just checking in...I don't get over here much so if you need something don't hesistate to ring my email!

    Have a good one all!

  • 18 years ago

    Sharon, I sent mine out last Friday, I haven't heard a word either! Hope they are not lost in postal land. And I love the daylily. I did not like spidery ones at first, but now have a couple.

    I will pass on the DVD thing, I do the blockbuster online thingy. The only ones I own are Cartoons.

    And is only people that are on the DVD robin supposed to sign up for FRAPPR Map??

    Jo Another Appetize

    Cream Cheese Ball

    2 small blocks of cream cheese
    1/2 small onion chopped
    2 pkg of Budding Lunch Meat (pastrami or beef)
    1 package cut into small squares about 1/2"
    1 package cut into 1 inch squares
    2 Tbs. Worcheshire Sauce
    1/4 tsp. seasoning salt

    Large bowl combine cream cheese, worcheshire sauce, seasoning salt and the 1/2" squares of meat. Mix well. Form into a ball. Take the Large square meat and dab around the cheese ball.

    Serve with Crackers

    This takes like 5 min. to do. And all my friends love it!

  • 18 years ago

    Hello all, It looks like everyone had a great valentine swap. Great boxes everyone. My surgery went well and I am recovering quickly. Still not allowed to do much. The doc said you can return to your normal routine but don't push, pull, or pick up any thing over 5 pounds so hey, whats left. Normal????? I am trying desperately to be good. I am doing mostly computer work at the nursery trying to get my website and ebay store ready for opening soon. I have a friend that is helping me with heavy labor and I am getting to boss him around so that is nice :O) LOL. I got in a huge order of plants today and had to get them all ready for the cold snap, so I have been busier than I wanted to but all is going well. The hardest part will be not over doing it before time. Thanks for all the inquiry's.

    One thing I wanted to mention was the fact that a couple days ago I came home and found a box in my front yard. It was from our sweetheart Jo. She said that I had the most votes from those that chose to vote for the best xmas box. I was floored when I opened it. It contained the most beautiful throw. It is made of fleece material and is reversible with red daylilies on one side and a beige/green fleece on the backside. It is sooooo cool as it is not sewn but cut on the edges and tied together every inch or so. Never seen one made like it and it is sooooo warm and cozy, and soooo pretty. My yorkie has been fighting me for it ever since it came! Also in the box was a beautiful hand made (of course from Jo) angel. It is sitting on my mantle right now. She also included a nice corn bag. Just pop in the microwave and place on a sore or tired muscle for instant relief. Very nice. It has been quite handy the last couple days for my abdomen. Thanks sooooo much Jo. My camera stuff is still at work so I haven't taken pics yet but I will and I will show everyone the wonderful suprise gifts that I recieved. Thanks so much Jo for your generosity and thoughtfullness and thank you all for the votes that I never expected. It was a beautiful surprise.

    I also gave my notice to my job. My last day will be the 28th officially even though I can't really return anyway for atleast 6 weeks. I have left my position to focus full time on getting the nursery open. My open date is still March 18th. Hope I can recover and get everything done in that amount of time. It will be close enough what ever I get done. My career has changed, I am now an unemployed/self employed nursery owner. I finally got my license and all the other paperwork done and I am on a new road.

    Anyway guess that catches me up. I am guessing that I will be out of the corner in april so I hope to get back in the loop then. Take care Tanarae

  • 18 years ago

    Appetizer: Armadillo Eggs

    2 dozen mild jalepenos whole
    1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
    1 package uncooked bacon

    Slit jalepenos length wise from tip to stem but not through the stem. Gently open and remove the seeds. Fill the cavity with shredded cheddar cheese and close. Wrap the stuffed jalepeno with 1/2 a piece of bacon and pin closed with a toothpick. Place on baking sheet in center of oven and broil, turning once until bacon is done. About 15 minutes. Serve hot with ranch dressing for dipping. Can also be done on the grill (great this way) cooked on foil until the bacon is crisp.

  • 18 years ago

    Tana - glad you're back. Your recipe sounds very tasty! Must make some!
    Today I got a surprise bix from Dawn. Seems it was for my Jan. box for the animals! She sent a pretty bird feeder that sticks on my window and a BIG bag of top quality bird seed! That'll be fun to watch when I'm lying around, which I
    do a lot of now that I have to be so careful of my back. Thank you, Dawn!

    BTW the next step for me is a delightful new full body brace, and hopefully, a little personal and housekeeping help. Still, I am so relieved to not have surgery looming over me. It sounded awful, and extremely dangerous.

    Karen - Looked up your Sprekelia - want one. My red orphan Amaryllis (end of season cheapo) is blooming as it has for a decade. I couldn't ask for a more perfect blossom, or deeper crimson.

    Baby hostas are looking good - several dozen Dorothy Benedicts are up.


  • 18 years ago

    Barb, thanks and I am so glad that you are not now facing the surgery which sounded horrible. Hopefully you will be okay without it. I bet you will enjoy the birdhouse on the window. Sounds like fun to watch them like that. Are your hostas from seed??