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New seed saver - question

17 years ago

This will be my first attempt at seed-saving through the winter. I have an extra fridge in which I can store seeds. The seeds I have collected are: wild dill seed, morning glory, pandorea vine, red trumpet flower, four o clocks, hyacinth bean vine, cant remember what else without going over there and looking, but my question is:

Can I store the seeds in little jars in the fridge or should I put them in envelopes? I would appreciate any advice ASAP so I can make sure I am properly storing my seeds and they will make it till spring. Then what do I do in the spring? Do they need to come out of the fridge and get to room temp for a certain period of time before I sow them? Thanks in advance for any help! I really am excited about trying plants this way.

Dina :)

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