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Mystery plant that isn't chia

15 years ago

This spring at a garage sale I bought an old bag of chia seed, originally sold as health food. The bag seemed several years old, at least, but I planted the seed in a sunny garden here in central PA, and it sprouted very well. I expected it to be Salvia columbaria, which is rather short and has mainly basal leaves, I think. What grew were vigorous plants that may very well have been salvia of a different species. The tallest plants were up to more than 7 feet tall and were starting to produce flower spikes until they were apparently all frosted to death last night. The plants had medium sized leaves, square stems, and certainly seemed salvie-like, but not quite right for any salvia I have grown (I have grown quite a few). Has anyone grown chia seed sold as food, and what did you get? Anyone care to guess what I have been growing? The good part of guessing is that I'll never be able to prove you wrong!

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