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Growing Sansevierias: subtleties

17 years ago

I got my first Sansevieria around Jan 2005, a S. trifasciata 'Laurentii', of course, and placed my first order with a specialist spring of the following year. So I have a definite interest in Sansevierias, but after the better part of three years, I have more questions than answers about their cultivation, and I suspect I have a lot of company. I'm wondering if they aren't plants that require more 'Fingerspitzengefuehl'--'fingertip sense', a German word for intuition--than most, a lighter touch. So far I've only killed one plant, S. ballyi, a variety I'm assured is unkillable. But my 'Bantel's Sensation' is okay.

So here are some of my thoughts, absolutely not guaranteed to be correct. The first is that it may be worth dividing Sansevierias into two groups, the desert-y ones and the jungly ones. The ones in the first group have cylindrical leaves with spiny tips and rough skins: they would accept more sun and be more susceptible to rot through overwatering. The jungle tribe have broader, flatter leaves, are greener (fewer blues and grays), and don't prick you. They would require less sun and do better with some moisture in the atmosphere. Variegated forms are botanical freaks with their own particular needs. All this is just a hypothesis with I plan on keeping in mind, and I'd appreciate feedback if anyone has any thoughts on it.

My second thought is that subtle factors may greatly influence whether Sansevierias live or perish, thrive or mope. For example. When I got home after two months in the U.S., I found that my S. trifasciata 'Moonshine' (I think it is) had its pot broken and roots exposed, and was dying but not beyond hope. I repotted and watered it and it began to recover. It didn't return to full health, however, until a rainy spell came along. Then 'Moonshine' plumped out and began to put out new growth, and has been fine ever since. We have dry summers here, a factor I already know affects plants, my roses for example rarely getting black spot. Most of the eastern and central U.S. has humid summers, while parts of the West are quite dry. It could make a difference.

Then, temperatures. I have my Sans outside at present and have been watching the thermometer nervously as the lows lately have been around 50F and the days are getting short. I just shifted several from their spot under the pergola and the densely leafy persimmon to a place close to the southfacing house wall and under a roof for protection in case it rains. The house is masonry, that wall is over a foot thick, and the weather is sunny and dry. The wall is undoubtedly soaking up a good deal of heat during the day and releasing it at night; also they'll get a little sun there. This is where most of my succulents--not the Sansevierias, they're too tender--spend the winter. So I'm wondering whether not only temperatures, but the type of heat affect the wellbeing of Sansevierias. Our house is all masonry, which absorbs heat and then releases it slowly. My room where my Sans. spent the winter last year has our wood stove on the opposite side of one wall. The wood stove heats the wall as well as the air so that radiant heat from the wall warms the house at night when the fire isn't going. Wood heat is also supposed to be less drying. I don't know exactly what the consequences for the Sansevierias are, but it is a different kind of heat than in many U.S. houses.

I would love to hear what you other Sansevieria growers think of these ideas, and hear your own thoughts.


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