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Sansevieria Not Growing

10 years ago

Hi everyone,
I'm new to gardening and house plants, about a year ago an a half I bought a Sansevieria and everything was going well but about 6 months ago I noticed the leaves were cracking I thought I was under-watering it so I started to water it more often pretty soon I had over watered it :(. I removed the leave that were rooting and I re-potted it. I notice that there were two separate plants so I put each one in a different pot. It has been about three or four months since I re-potted them and I have seen no growth. Am I doing something wrong? Do the need more time? Now I am watering them every 2 weeks the temperature is averaging about 80 degrees in the room they are in. Should I be watering less or more?

I am adding a few pictures hopefully it will help.

Thanks for your Help

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