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a few climbers/shrubs and OGRs

This batch contains some climbers, shrubs, some old garden roses, and escaped monsters. The first is a spray on a really good red climber called Too Hot to Handle. I am growing it more in the large shrub mode.

The next one is Rokoko, but just a couple of stems of it because it gets to be a huge plant. I think Rokoko is one of the most beautiful of all of my roses, but there are times when I could say that about any one of them if they look good. Sadly, it has not reliably repeated blooming.

The next one is a monster gallica in white known as L'Ingenue that wants to spread by runners a lot. It is really beautiful when in flower.

The next one is Lavender Lassie that really came out this year. It is all over everything and needs a haircut which will be forthcoming. This one also is iffy for repeat blooming. Sometimes it does; sometimes it does not.

The next one is the hybrid perpetual Eugene Furst that has been a once-bloomer up until now. I wish it would rebloom because of its rich red color and wonderful fragrance. Maybe it will be old enough to do some rebloom soon.

The next one is Cardinal Richelieu which had lots and lots of buds, but got beaten up in the stormy weather we had. It made the attempt to flower in spite of the rain wreckage.

The next one is a stem off the sprawling damask rose Botzaris. Its flowers are more cupped than Mme. Hardy, but they are pure white also.

The next one is still a small plant but is coming along with these pretty flowers, Blush Damask.

The last one in this set is my miracle rose, Blanc de Vibert. Last year was the first time it tried to rebloom. It is now probably 6 or 7 years old and grown from a band. I had consistently an at least 80%+ bud failure rate. This year it turned those figures around and had about a 75% bud success rate. In spite of all the rainstorms we had, it still was able to put out one of these. It was the largest of all the much-improved flowers.

I hope you like these. Thanks for looking. I am still struggling with my camera and automatic flash to get the...

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