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ID of another white blend rose

14 years ago



Type: Bush (it looks like an Hybrid Perpetual, similar to ´Frau Karl Druschki´ with Light pink buds and lack of scent, but it flowers does not agree with the white bright white flowers of the "Frau Kart Druschki" seen in the "Help Me Find" web site.

Size: Up to 6.56´(2.00 mt) tall and 3.28´(1.00 mt) wide.

Tallos: Gruesos, fuertes y rígidos. Los tallos nuevos tienen una coloración rojiza característica.

Stems: tic, strong, rigid. The new stems have a characteristic redish colouring.

Habit: Tall and dense bush, very very thorny.



Color: Dark green, dull (not glossy).

Size: Big.


Features of the bud: Small light pink buds. As the buds open you can see its conic centre Light pink blended that never opens completely.

Diameter: 4.72" x 4.72" (12 cm x 12 cm). No simetry.

Flower: Big, no simetry. Very similar in appearance to varieties like "Red Radiante" or "Pink Radiante", but has no scent.

¿How does it bloom?: Solitary and in posies of up to 3-4 flowers.

¿How many times does it flower?: Taking into account that the rose grows in a neighboring old garden I do not have the exact information, but it has a really abundant and long lasting blooming in the fall season.

Number of petals and shape: 36 petals.

Stamen Yes/ No: It is impossible to apreciate them because the flower never opens completely.

Color: White blend. Light pink centre.

Lenght of the flower: High.

Fragance: None to mild fragante.

Resistance: It seems to be a very vigorous and healthy cultivar.

THANKS for your time! Mariano.

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