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Best Soil for Miniature Roses

11 years ago

I recently decided to start growing miniature roses and now have three pots with roses from Trader Joe's of all places. I am planning on ordering several from Heirloom Roses, as this seems to be the site that will meet my needs. At this point, after about 3 weeks of working with them, all of my roses are healthy and their leaves are green. I just recently dead headed their first set of blooms and I want to ensure that I'll get a nice healthy set next time.

At this point I'm using a mixture of organic soil and miracle grow potting soil, with a very light application of osmocote and the occasional addition of miracle grow all purpose plant food. I realize that I could tailor my soils and supplements more to my roses, but I have other plants and initially I hadn't planned on focusing on roses.

I live in Southern California, almost in Orange County so I have sun pretty much year round. At this point, I'm looking for suggestions for the best soil to use, also recognizing that as I acquire more varieties their soil needs may change. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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