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5th Annual Tomato & Pepper Seed Exchange

12 years ago

Hi everyone,

As a Canadian member, I am unable to post this note in the exchange forum. I do hope you'll be ok with me posting here as I wanted to extend this offer to the US and International gardenweb members as I did last year.

I am hosting another Tomato and Pepper seed swap that will include members from a few different forums.

Here are the guidelines we will follow for this swap. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ ALL OF THE GUIDELINES. color="#0000FF">

Seeds must be received by me no later than November 15th, so for those that live in Canada, you must mail your envelope no later than November 1st.. For those in the US and overseas, you need to allow at least 3 weeks mailing time, so please have seeds in the mail by the third week of October.

You can send "named varieties" of tomatoes or peppers (or both). Do not include mixes or seeds labeled "granny's mystery mix" or unnamed bell peppers or anything like that. I cannot, in fairness, send mixed or unknown packs of seed back to people that followed the instructions and only sent in "named varieties". If I receive anything like this, the seeds will be returned to you unless they are clearly marked as bonuses.

If you are sending hybrid seeds to exchange, only F1 seeds from a commercial source are acceptable. Your source for the F1 seeds must be clearly labeled on the envelope/seed packet. Do not send in seeds you have collected from a hybrid plant. They will not grow true to the original parent plant. If you are unsure if the seed you have collected is from a hybrid, please do your research online before mailing in your seeds.

A minimum of 10 seeds per packet. A maximum of 5 packets of the same seed. An overall maximum of 40 packets per person. Please stick to this limit. You must put your seeds into individual packets. I will not do this for you. Every year there�s a few people that push past this limit and include a note that says "I hope you don�t mind�and by the way�I�d like only rare seeds in return"�LOL. Sorry folks, that won�t work. It�s just not fair to everyone else. Bonus tomato & pepper seeds are of course, more than welcome. I just asked that bonuses be clearly labeled as such.

Please ensure seed packets are clearly marked with the name, and whether they are heirloom, OP (Open Pollinated), or F1 hybrid seeds. If you are sending pepper seeds, it would help me a great deal with sorting if you could indicate on the packages if the peppers are sweet or hot as many individuals in the last swap had clear preferences. If seeds are from a commercial source, please note that as well.

If you send tomato seeds, you will receive tomato seeds in return. The same idea for peppers, unless you include a note indicating you want something different in return. You can also send in tomato seeds and ask for pepper seeds in return or visa versa, or any combination. I fully...

Comments (149)

  • 12 years ago

    > "Hope this helps. "

    Yes, it does, Rick. My mailer was too small so I eliminated Flats, but I didn't notice this key statement: Large envelopes exceed at least one of the minimum dimensions. In other words, those are not really minimums. "Small and fat" is also "Large envelope."

    The more I think I learn about Postal regs, the less I actually know, it seems. And UPS is even worse!

  • 12 years ago

    Right. They are thresholds, and when you cross one, you are a "flat", and only the maximums matter then.

    Detroitgirl - maybe she just resents women who are more attractive than her. That's my take. Rick

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    HAVE: 5th Annual Tomato & Pepper Seed Exchange


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    Today (Dec 15th) I mailed seeds to: * fanatic79 * foodiefish * habjolokia * jaynine * lorabell * misterpatrick * naturemitch * penguinsrock09 * phpete * scorpionjohn * theloud * tinley244 PLEASE let me know when your envelopes arrive so I can update my records. That's the last of the envelopes from this forum. Have a very Merry Christmas everyone. Thanks....Heather
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    Something else that is really cool about Heather's swap (and the other round-robins) is that when I'm reading the threads on GW I recognize many names, esp. those who have been around a few years and/or sent me seeds. When I have grown someone's plants, I feel some kind of connection with them. (Hi, Janine!) Some old salts like Smokemaster put their names on every packet they send out. I'm realizing how much I appreciate that, and I'm gonna start doing it. Hope others will too - it makes this chili addiction even more fun. Happy holidays to all. Rick
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    Thanks gourd and timbersmith. I had not really thought about them being late until I received a trade package of seeds from Canada last week that was mailed about 2 weeks later than the tomatoes were. Different POE's may have longer delays than others. Perhaps this will be our week! Alana
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    5th Annual Tomato & Pepper Seed Exchange


    Comments (145)
    Heather: Thank you Thank you Thank you!! I tried to lower my expectations before i opened my envelope, but when I looked inside I was completely blown away. It is completely like Santa came early and I got all the tomatoes of my dreams. I cannot say enough how much fun and excitement I've had looking over and learning more about all the seeds I received. A thousand thanks to you for the time and effort you put into spreading so much cheer to so many of us! And thank you to all of those of you who sent in such interesting (and extra) seeds!!
    ...See More
  • 12 years ago

    Heather - The package you picked up with the green sticker may have been mine. My PO insists that I have to fill out a customs form. It's easier to comply than argue. No issue about sending seeds.
    John A

  • 12 years ago


    We have 128 participating in this swap.

  • 12 years ago


    In the immortal words of Maxwell Smart...

    I missed it by that much.

    Seriously Heather, thank you for holding another Exchange. You're a busy lady and it's a lot of work. You're really banking up some good karma in your pepper and tomato accounts ;-)


  • 12 years ago

    C'mon Bill, you're not new. And you're in the same country! Send some exotic seeds so I can get them.

    Or was that just an excuse for a Get Smart reference?

    [99 is still hot!]

  • 12 years ago

    Thanks Bill. Cute picture !!!

    Hey folks...now that we've closed this swap to new participants, I'm getting ready to post a bonus offer. You gotta be quick...so keep your eyes posted on this forum :)

  • 12 years ago


    Hi everyone,

    Now that we're no longer accepting new signups, it's time to offer up some miscellaneous veggie seeds as bonuses. If interested, please post or message me with your TOP 15 CHOICES IN ORDER OF PRIORITY. Please do not message me saying "I'll take whatever you can share". Those types of requests go to the bottom of the pile, and you will likely lose out if you don't respond with your specific wish list on these items, as requested.

    Requests are being filled on a first come first serve basis (I go by time stamps on postings and email). All of these seeds are being offered up only to the participants of this swap, including swap participants from other forums. There is no guarantee that you will get any, but if you are quick, and give me a long list to pick from, I'm sure you'll see some nice surprises in your envelope. I am not posting who will receive what from this bonus offer. You will get the surprises in your envelope. Some of the seeds are in very limited quantity, so if you are too late for one seed type, I can work my way down the rest of your list.

    I will post a periodic update to indicate what's still available, but I do work full time, so my updates will be delayed, thus the reason I'm asking you to provide me with your top 15 choices.

    I will reply to you to confirm receipt of your request the same day. If you do not hear back from me, I did not get your request. To make sure your request goes through, be sure to click on my actual email address in my gardenweb profile, and don't send a message via the gardenweb message system. It is unreliable.

    Thank you to all of the generous participants who sent in these bonus veggie seeds to share with you. Your generosity makes this swap so much fun.

    So, after that long preamble...here's the list:

    Miscellaneous Veggies
    Beets - Chioggie
    Beets - Early Wonder Tall
    Borecole - Black Tuscany
    Broccoli Spigariello
    Cabbage - Pointed Calibos
    Carrot - Chantenay
    Carrot - Danvers Half Long
    Carrot - Red Cored Chantenay
    Carrot - Scarlet Nantes
    Carrot - Solar Yellow
    Cauliflower - Romanesco
    Celeriac - Giant Prague
    Cucumber - Armenian Long
    Cucumber - Tasty Green
    Cucumber - Tortarelo
    Eggplant - Black Beauty
    Lettuce - Grand Rapids
    Lettuce - Romaine Cimmaron Red
    Lettuce - Salad Bowl
    Minnesota Midget Cantaloupe
    Purslane - Golden
    Radish - Early Scarlet Globe
    Radish - Easter Egg
    Radish - French Breakfast
    Radish - Helios
    Radish - Nero Tondo d'Inverno
    Radish - Purple Plum
    Radish - Scarlet Turnip White Tip (heirloom from 1880s)
    Radish - Sparkler White Tip (Bolts easily, tastes hot if temps reach 80 degrees)
    Radish - Yellow
    Rutabaga - Laurentian Gold
    Turnip - Golden Globe
    Turnip - Manchester Market
    Turnip - Purple Globe Top
    Turnip - Seven Top
    Turnip - White Shogun

    Beurre de Rocquencourt (bush/wax bean)
    Blue Goose Chowder (Cow Pea)
    Blue Ribbon...

  • 12 years ago

    Thanks to those who sent extras! My choices, if available, are:
    Carrot - Solar Yellow
    Celeriac - Giant Prague
    Cucumber - Armenian Long

  • 12 years ago

    Heather, a nice bunch of bonus seeds!
    I would be glad to try:
    borecale-black tuscany
    lettuce-red romaine cimmaron
    ching chiang- bok choy
    turnip-white shogun

    thanks so much, dd.

  • 12 years ago


    Thank you for the bonus offer, what a great selection of veggies!
    Here is the list of bonus seeds I would like to get if still available:

    Beans Beurre de Rocquencourt
    Beans Rattlesnake
    Cucumber - Tasty Green
    Carrot Solar Yellow
    Carrot - Danvers Half Long
    Lettuce - Grand Rapids
    Radish - Nero Tondo d'Inverno

    Thank you,

  • 12 years ago

    Hi Heather,

    These two beans would be cool if available:

    "Blue Ribbon (bush/snap bean)
    Fin de Bagnol (bush/snap bean)"


  • 12 years ago

    Wow! What a great response I've had to the bonus seeds so far. It's going to take me quite some time to sort through the requests..so won't be in a position to post updates until I've done that.

    Meanwhile, please continue to contact me with your top 15 from the wish list in order of priority. The more you give me, the higher the likelihood you'll get a few things you want.

    Have noted preferences for everyone that's posted so far. I've also sent email acknowledgements for those that contacted me directly. If you haven't heard from me, I haven't received your email.

    Keep those wishes coming!!!!


  • 12 years ago


    These are the top 15 seeds I would be interested in if available. So awesome of you!

    *Borecole - Black Tuscany
    *Broccoli Spigariello
    *Celeriac - Giant Prague
    *Cucumber - Armenian Long
    *Minnesota Midget Cantaloupe
    *Purslane - Golden
    *Beurre de Rocquencourt (bush/wax bean)
    *Blue Goose Chowder (Cow Pea)
    *Fin de Bagnol (bush/snap bean)
    *Flamingo (pole/wax -6-10 inches long, flat, wide, tender, stringless, bright pink with some yellow, cooks
    to all yellow, 70-75 dtm)
    *Rattlesnake (pole/snap bean)
    *Yard Long Bean (pole, likes warm climate)
    *Ching Chiang (Green Bok Choy)(6-7 inches, tolerates heat)
    *Mizuna (Japanese Mustard)
    *Tatsoi (small rosette, mild, cold hardy to 15 degrees)

  • 12 years ago

    I just realized I didn't sort these by priority. I guess for mine, it would be from the bottom up in terms of priority for me. Should've read slower before I posted. :)

  • 12 years ago

    I'd love some seeds! My packet went in the mail Friday with just north of 40 packets (the extras are bonus). Here's my list:

    Miscellaneous Veggies
    â¨Cucumber - Armenian Long
    â¨Cucumber - Tasty Green
    â¨Cucumber - Tortarelo â¨
    Minnesota Midget Cantaloupe
    â¨Purslane - Golden â¨Radish - Helios â¨
    Radish - Nero Tondo d'Inverno â¨
    Radish - Purple Plum
    Beans/Peas â¨
    Beurre de Rocquencourt
    Blue Ribbon
    â¨Fin de Bagnol â¨

    Asian Greens
    â¨40 Day Yu Choy Sum
    â¨F1 Big Stem Yu Choy Sum

  • 12 years ago

    Hi Heather, if still available I would like:
    carrot-red corded chatenay
    lettuce-salad bowl
    lettuce-romaine cimmaron red

    Thanks Cheryl

  • 12 years ago

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for the great response. I have a ton of messages with wish lists to sort through on this, but have updated a couple of items I know for sure are out, based on the volume of responses I've put in my database so far. There may be others that I'm out of once I sort through all the lists, but that's why I'm asking you to give me a long wish list.

    On another note - I screwed up, and forgot to enter 4 bonus seed types earlier (3 cucumbers and 1 zucchini). I have modified the list and put an * in front of the new additions.

    If you'd like to swap anything on your original wish list for any of these new items, please let me know asap. Sorry for the confusion.



    Miscellaneous Veggies
    Beets - Chioggie
    Beets - Early Wonder Tall
    Borecole - Black Tuscany
    Broccoli Spigariello
    Cabbage - Pointed Calibos
    Carrot - Chantenay
    Carrot - Danvers Half Long
    Carrot - Red Cored Chantenay
    Carrot - Scarlet Nantes
    Carrot - Solar Yellow
    Cauliflower - Romanesco
    Celeriac - Giant Prague
    Cucumber - Armenian Long
    * Cucumber - Marketmore 76
    * Cucumber - Morden Early
    Cucumber - Tasty Green
    * Cucumber - White Wonder
    Eggplant - Black Beauty
    Lettuce - Grand Rapids
    Lettuce - Romaine Cimmaron Red
    Lettuce - Salad Bowl
    Minnesota Midget Cantaloupe
    Purslane - Golden
    Radish - Early Scarlet Globe
    Radish - Easter Egg
    Radish - French Breakfast
    Radish - Helios
    Radish - Nero Tondo d'Inverno
    Radish - Purple Plum
    Radish - Scarlet Turnip White Tip (heirloom from 1880s)
    Radish - Sparkler White Tip (Bolts easily, tastes hot if temps reach 80 degrees)
    Radish - Yellow
    Rutabaga - Laurentian Gold
    Turnip - Golden Globe
    Turnip - Manchester Market
    Turnip - Purple Globe Top
    Turnip - Seven Top
    Turnip - White Shogun
    * Zuchinni - Alberello di Sarzano

    Beurre de Rocquencourt (bush/wax bean)
    Blue Goose Chowder (Cow Pea)
    Blue Ribbon (bush/snap bean)
    Fin de Bagnol (bush/snap bean)
    Flamingo (pole/wax -6-10 inches long, flat, wide, tender, stringless, bright pink with some yellow, cooks
    to all yellow, 70-75 dtm)
    Rattlesnake (pole/snap bean)
    Yard Long Bean (pole, likes warm climate)

    Asian Greens
    40 Day Yu Choy Sum (Flowering Bok Choy)
    80 Day Yu Choy Sum (Flowering Bok Choy)
    Ching Chiang (Green Bok Choy)(6-7 inches, tolerates heat)
    F1 Big Stem Yu Choy Sum (Flowering Bok Choy)
    Hazzards P6510 (White Bok Choy, tall)
    Joi Choi F1 (White Bok Choy)(18" vigorous, bolt-resistant, fall or winter, wide range of temps)
    Komatsuna (Spinach Mustard)
    Mei Qing Choy (Green Bok Choy)(thiram, baby, tolerates heat and cold)Tainong Seeds Tall (White Bok Choy)
    Tatsoi (small rosette, mild, cold hardy to 15 degrees)
    "Taiwan" San Tong (White Bok Choy)(OP 13 inches)

  • 12 years ago

    thanks for doing this! Id take
    Broccoli Spigariello
    40 Day Yu Choy Sum
    Ching Chiang
    "Taiwan" San Tong
    Mei Qing Choy

    if they are available

  • 12 years ago

    Thank you. Great job!

    Minnesota Midget Cantaloupe
    Mei Qing Choy
    Ching Chiang
    "Taiwan" San Tong
    Rutabaga - Laurentian Gold
    Beets - Chioggie
    Beets - Early Wonder Tall
    Purslane - Golden
    Lettuce - Grand Rapids
    Lettuce - Romaine Cimmaron Red
    Lettuce - Salad Bowl

  • 12 years ago

    Hi Heather. Thanks for conducting the seed swap again. My package should reach you soon. I would like to have some of the Early Scarlet Globe and Purple Plum radishes if you still have them.
    Thanks, John A

  • 12 years ago

    Have noted the preferences of everyone that has posted here. Thanks

    Here's an updated list of bonus seeds. Have removed what I know for sure is gone. Still have a number of requests to sort through, so I still ask that you submit your top 15 in order of priority.

    Miscellaneous Veggies
    Beets � Early Wonder Tall
    Borecole � Black Tuscany
    Cabbage � Pointed Calibos
    Carrot � Chantenay
    Cauliflower - Romanesco
    Celeriac - Giant Prague
    Cucumber � Armenian Long
    Cucumber � Marketmore 76
    Cucumber - Tasty Green
    Eggplant � Black Beauty
    Radish � Early Scarlet Globe
    Radish � Sparkler White Tip (Bolts easily, tastes hot if temps reach 80 degrees)
    Turnip � Golden Globe
    Turnip � Manchester Market
    Turnip � Purple Globe Top
    Turnip � Seven Top


    Blue Goose Chowder (Cow Pea)
    Yard Long Bean (pole, likes warm climate)

    Asian Greens
    Komatsuna (Spinach Mustard)

  • 12 years ago

    Blue Goose chowder bean is now gone too!

  • 12 years ago

    A little late to this but would be interested in the following if they are still available of course...

    Radish Early Scarlet Globe
    Radish Sparkler White Tip (Bolts easily, tastes hot if temps reach 80 degrees)
    Beets Early Wonder Tall
    Cucumber Marketmore 76
    Cucumber Tasty Green
    Yard Long Bean
    Carrot Chantenay

    Thanks as always!

  • 12 years ago

    Have noted your preferences penquinsrock.

    An updated list of what's remaining for those that haven't already responded:

    Beets � Early Wonder Tall
    Borecole � Black Tuscany
    Cabbage � Pointed Calibos
    Carrot � Chantenay
    Cauliflower - Romanesco
    Celeriac - Giant Prague
    Cucumber � Armenian Long
    Cucumber - Tasty Green
    Cucumber - White Wonder
    Eggplant � Black Beauty
    Radish � Sparkler White Tip (Bolts easily, tastes hot if temps reach 80 degrees)
    Turnip � Manchester Market
    Turnip � Purple Globe Top
    Turnip � Seven Top
    Yard Long Bean (pole, likes warm climate)

  • 12 years ago

    Today I received seeds from:

    * Aenelson
    * Flytyer
    * Maplegrove
    * Northernhab
    * Wildmantrav


  • 12 years ago


    Shoot was gone for 3 days and I missed the extras. If anything is left I wouldn't mind trying -

    cucumber - Armenian Long
    Minnesota Midget Cantaloupe - I know it's gone, but if you get any other.

  • 12 years ago

    Have noted your preferences sandysgardens.

    An updated list of what's remaining for those that haven't already responded. There may only be one or two pkgs left of many of these, so you gotta be quick:

    Beets Early Wonder Tall
    Borecole Black Tuscany
    Carrot Chantenay
    Celeriac - Giant Prague
    Cucumber - Armenian Long
    Cucumber - Tasty Green
    Eggplant - Black Beauty
    Radish - Sparkler White Tip
    Turnip - Manchester Market
    Turnip - Purple Globe Top
    Turnip - Seven Top

  • 12 years ago

    Hi Heather, I just joined this forum so you don't have to send me emails :o) although, I will send you an email so you will know it's me!! LOL

    If you still have veggie seeds, would like to try any of the following that you still have left:

    Radish sparkler white tip
    Beets Early Tall Wonder
    Barcole black Tuscany
    Celariac Giant Prague

    Thank you

  • 12 years ago

    I'd like to try these if still available:

    Armenian cucumber
    Tasty Green cucumber.


  • 12 years ago

    Hi Heather! Wish list 4 bonus seeds= awesome! dd

  • 12 years ago

    Thanks everyone. Have noted your preferences.

    An updated list of what's remaining for those that haven't already responded. There may only be one or two pkgs left of many of these, so you gotta be quick:

    Beets Early Wonder Tall
    Carrot Chantenay
    Celeriac - Giant Prague
    Cucumber - Armenian Long
    Cucumber - Tasty Green
    Eggplant - Black Beauty
    Turnip - Manchester Market
    Turnip - Purple Globe Top
    Turnip - Seven Top

  • 12 years ago

    Oct 23rd - I received seeds from:

    * BriAnDaren
    * BigDan1
    * Churnoble
    * Penguinsrock09
    * Sandysgardens

    I have not had a chance to look at what you sent, so may need to contact you a bit later if I have any questions.


  • 12 years ago

    Today I received seeds from "Karen58".


  • 12 years ago

    I'd love to try
    Carrot Chantenay
    Cucumber - Armenian Long
    if still available.

    my seeds will be in the mail to you either tonight or tomorrow, will let you know!

  • 12 years ago

    Have noted Cziga. Thanks

    An updated list of what's remaining for those that haven't already responded. There may only be one or two pkgs left of many of these, so you gotta be quick:

    Beets Early Wonder Tall
    Celeriac - Giant Prague
    Cucumber - Tasty Green
    Eggplant - Black Beauty
    Turnip - Manchester Market
    Turnip - Purple Globe Top
    Turnip - Seven Top

  • 12 years ago

    Today I received envelopes from:

    * Green_go
    * Violetisme
    * Slo_garden

    Have not peeked inside the envelopes yet. Just had a quick second to let you know the envelopes are here. May need to reach out to you later if I have any questions. Thanks....Heather

  • 12 years ago

    If you've got any left, I would love to try

    Celeriac - Giant Prague
    Eggplant - Black Beauty


  • 12 years ago

    Have noted your wishlists items maple_grove. Thanks

  • 12 years ago

    Today I received seeds from:

    * azzure08
    * botanicat
    * jaynine
    * john11840
    * onesteward
    * peppermeister
    * phpete
    * pond_gardener
    * reach_for_the_sun
    * scorprion_john

    Had not yet peeked inside the envelopes. Just had a quick second to let you know your envelopes arrived. May need to connect with you a bit later if I have any questions.


  • 12 years ago

    If there are still bonus seeds available:

    Borecole - Black Tuscany
    Flamingo Beans
    Yard Long Bean (pole, likes warm climate)
    Blue Ribbon (bush/snap bean)
    Beurre de Rocquencourt (bush/wax bean)
    Cucumber - Armenian Long
    Cucumber - Tasty Green
    Purslane - Golden
    Fin de Bagnol (bush/snap bean).
    Joi Choi F1
    Carrot - Danvers Half Long
    Rattlesnake (pole/snap bean)
    Carrot - Scarlet Nantes
    Ching Chiang
    Blue Goose Chowder (Cow Pea)
    Radish - French Breakfast
    Eggplant - Black Beauty
    Lettuce - Romaine Cimmaron Red

  • 12 years ago

    these are my preferences for the bonus seeds, limited to those you said were still available, in rank order:

    Beets Early Wonder Tall
    Cucumber - Tasty Green
    Eggplant - Black Beauty

  • 12 years ago

    Have noted your preferences emcd124.

    Today I received seeds from:

    * sweet_marie
    * theloud
    * tinley244

    Have not yet peeked inside the envelopes. Just had a quick second to let you know your envelopes arrived. May need to connect with you a bit later if I have any questions.


  • 12 years ago

    I need your help finding the owner of a mystery envelope I received today. The member name was not written on the note inside (as per instructions), so I have no way of knowing who these belong to.
    I have 18 people with the same first initial participating in this swap.

    If your initials are G.M. and you live in Hillsboro, MO, can you please contact me as quickly as possible.

    Thank you

  • 12 years ago

    Found my mystery person. Thanks again.

  • 12 years ago

    Found my mystery person. Thanks again

  • 12 years ago

    Today I received seeds from "fanatic79". Thanks...Heather

  • 12 years ago

    Today I received seeds from:

    * bbjm
    * cziga
    * happygardener23
    * jonboy999
    * mrdoitall
    * rgvnewf


  • 12 years ago

    There are a few members in this forum, who signed up for the swap and have still not answered any followup emails/messages from me which requested an update. It is a massive task to keep track of everyone in this swap, and I didn't think I was asking too much to let me know if you've changed your minds and no longer want to participate - or to take a quick second to let me know your seeds are in the mail.

    I will not mention any names, but this is to notify those individuals, that I have no choice but to assume you are no longer in this swap. If your envelope arrives without any communication from you, it will be sent back "return to sender". I just wish you could have taken a second to send me a message....it would have saved me a great deal of time with followup. IF YOU HAVEN'T MAILED YOUR SEEDS, IT'S TOO LATE NOW...DON'T SEND THEM.

    Thanks to everyone who took a moment to keep me up to date by posting updates or sending me an email. Your communication makes this job of coordinating the swap, so much smoother. Thanks again.

  • 12 years ago

    This is the last post allowed on this thread. The thread continues here.
