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Cuttings from a destroyed Naples, Florida monster tree!

11 years ago

I spent last week vacationing in Naples and came across a horrifying sight! I was walking down the street on my way to the beach and there was a landscape truck with a huge bucket putting large trees in the back. I didn't think too much about it until I noticed some plumeria leaves! According to the workers, the house had just sold and the new owner ripped out everything to start anew... I was able to get some very nice cuttings from the branches laying on the ground. The 6 inch trunk and main branches were already in the back of the truck... I couldn't have shipped it home anyway... :)

Unfortunately, there were no flowers on the ground, so I couldn't identify the tree. I did however put the address in google maps and there is a beautiful picture of the tree in bloom. If you go to the street view and go down the side street there is a better sense of the flower. I am not sure what varieties were even around 15-20 years ago when this tree was planted...

Any help would be appreciated...

Here is a link that might be useful: Link to the map

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