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Leaping into the potager

17 years ago

Hi all,

I've committed to enlarging my two 12x4 vegetable and 10x10 herb beds into a full-fledged potager, or at least something that resembles one : ). I now have four 12x4 beds, 2 4X4s, 2 2X2s and a 4x2. That's a huge expansion since last year, and I keep eyeing other spaces in the yard.

Anyway, I've planned and/or planted the vegetables and herbs, but I haven't really thought a lot about flowers. I do have some marigolds in with the tomatoes and basil, but that's about it.

Are there any flowers that would grow in the bed with eggplants, say, at the edge of the raised bed in front of the eggplants? Are there some typically "potager inspired" flowers I could look into?

I'm also looking for a perennial vine that can cover a 15' stretch of picket fencing (about 40" high). I would like something might have some fall/winter interest, say interesting woodiness, leaves, or flowers, and/or something that is particularly suited to the potager garden. Any thoughts on that? I live next to Washington, DC, so we get really hot humid summers.

I really hope to make this work. I've put so much time and effort (and quite a few pennies) into the soil, seedling, fence, arbor, etc. that I would like this to come to fruition.

Thanks for your ideas and suggestions!


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