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I need help from the experts.

14 years ago

I am planning my first potager. I have played around with some ideas on paper, but I am just not sure what to do. I want it to look attractive and not just a jumbled mess. My husband has bulked on this idea several times before, saying everything will just look like a mess. I hope to prove him wrong since he has finally decided to do this for me. I am hoping that I might get some planting ideas from some of you experienced growers. I have really done very little veggy gardening in the past. I have had bush green beans and tomatoes in the past. My biggest obstacle is keeping deer out so I am going to put a fence around it. The entire area is about 28x21. Four 4x8 beds in center with a 2 foot deep bed around the inside perimeter. Below is a pic of my plan.

I want to add marigolds, and other flowers inside as well. I have several things I am wintersowing.I would appreciate any help or ideas you have, dont have much of my own.


Tomatoes (prob will only try 1-2 plants of each:

1. Early Girl

2. Brandywine

3. Caspian Pink

4. Black Krim

5. Sungold Cherry

6. Cherokee Purple

7. Black Plum

8. Mortgage Lifter

9. Sweet 100's (yet to find)


1. Simpson Elite

2. Master Chef Blend from parks

Watermelon: Crimson Sweet

Basil: Genovese, and Sweet


Marjoram, Sweet

Garlic Chives

Onions, evergreen bunching

California Wonder Peppers 300TMR

Burpless Cucumbers

Blue Lake 274 Green Beans Bush Type

white Half Runners Pole Type

Mr. Big Peas from Parks

Strawberries (have 15 so far, may buy another 15 Sequioa

Raspberries 2-3

May also purchase some Oregano too

Here is a link that might be useful:

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