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privacy hedge suggestions

15 years ago

Does anyone have any shrub/tree suggestions for a tall (8-10 ft) privacy hedge that will grow fairly quickly in partial to full shade?

We have a wonderful retired neighbor who likes to spy on us in our backyard... We've caught him staring at us through his kitchen window, through their glass's getting more than a bit creepy. I think he might just be gathering information to spill to the neighborhood association about the crazy kids down the street that tore up their lawn and planted honest to god VEGETABLES in their front yard... :)

Ok, maybe i'm exaggerating a bit.

Some ideas i've had are:

-Bamboo in containers along the fence line. Though i've read that when grown in containers, bamboo will not get as tall. From what i've read, as long as the container is elevated off of the ground and the drain holes are small enough so that the runners can't pass through, the bamboo shouldn't become a problem.

-Building a long, tall trellis and growing some vines. Though it seems that the only climber that will grow quickly in fairly heavy shade is virginia creeper...another invasive. Plus, that could get rather expensive and i'm already over budget on the garden.

...That's all i've come up with so far. Any other ideas?


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