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Mesonet Map of Overnight Lows

13 years ago

I know people are responding and describing their overnight lows and the presence/absence of frost on one or two of the 'Frost Advisory' threads from yesterday, but I thought I'd start this new thread to give us one place to talk about the frost instead of two.

It is 36 degrees here south of Marietta. We were forecast to go to 44. We have no frost that I have seen, but do have very heavy dew on the grass. I haven't looked at the garden yet, but the plants in containers, which are closer to the house, seem fine.

I wasn't expecting 36 here....maybe 38....but not 36. I surely wasn't expecting the forecast low of 44 because our low temp almost always goes below the forecast low. Oh well, no harm, no foul.

And, I just now hit 'Preview Message' and clicked on the link only to discover my low temp is now 35, which is 9 degrees lower than our forecast predicted. It just figures. I'm not going to go back and change the message! Still no frost as far as I know.

How about the rest of you?


Here is a link that might be useful: Mesonet Map of Overnight Low Temps

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