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ugh! I lost my plants

16 years ago

I had (emphasis on had) 6 rather large seedling pepper plants in 5 inch pots, that I have been growing since this winter. My Firecracker plant was even in flower. I bought a mini greenhouse from Lowes. Nice little shelf unit with the zip up plastic cover that I bought with hardening off pepper seedlings in mind. I moved my plants out on a warm day, that night temps dropped to high 30's but the plants looked fine in the morning. I forgot to un zip the plastic before going to work. It was chilly that morning so I decided to wait on opening. The day turned warm and weather wise, I guess you could call it a perfect day!

When I got home from work, my little beautys were burnt to a crisp.

I hope its not to late but I am starting them all over again.

Pumpkin Habanero


long slim red


Trinidad Scorpion

Nu-Mex Halloween

I hope that I have better luck this time.


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