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Petunia Baskets & SMALL Black Worms

16 years ago

About a month ago, I bought 3 gorgeous, huge petunia baskets for my front porch. I faithfully watered daily, and fertilized once weekly. They began looking like I hadn't watered them for weeks. Then, I started noticing small wholes in some of the leaves. On the back side of the leaves I found very tiny, dark worm-like bugs. They almost look shiny, like their body is a hard, plastic substance. I also noticed every day in my watering, that I would scare up several moths out of the top of the basket. This seems to happen to me every year! I actually have people stopping by when I first put the baskets up, asking where I got them - they were that gorgeous. Now - I'm almost thinking of throwing them out. They are hanging under an overhang, and get morning sun.

Any ideas?

