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Help me figure out what I'm doing wrong!

10 years ago

So this is my first attempt at growing peppers. I have some experience with other veggies and I'm usually doing decently well for a new gardener.

I bought bell pepper, sweet banana pepper and cayenne pepper seedlings from a nursery about two weeks ago now. They were various sizes, banana being the smallest at about 3in tall, cayenne the tallest at about 5in. (They do seem to have grown in the past two weeks, so that's good at least, I guess).

I will first explain what I'm seeing now. First of all, some of the lower leaves are looking very opaque and wrinkly. Not all distorted and bent, but just wrinkly. Literally like ageing skin. And now that temperatures are reaching mid 80's some days, they seem to be having hard time dealing with the heat and get droopy (but it's not even that hot..hmm..).

Now, I recognize that one reason for droopiness may be lack of water. I have indeed backed off from watering as much as I did at first because I suspected that the funny leaf wrinkle was due to overwatering. However, I feel like the soil is not even all that dry now. They're in large pots and the top couple of inches will dry out over two days (which is when I will water), but deeper in the soil feels cool and a little moist. Not bone dry at all. (the pots drain well)

So first question - how much do I let them dry out before watering again? Should I let them get all wilty during daytime, or are they trying to tell me that I need to go back to daily watering?

Next question - what could be causing the leaves to appear wrinkly and opaque? I checked for bugs and spots, found nothing.

When I first got them, some of the nighttime temperatures got lower than predicted. They were outside when the temps were in mid 40ies for a few nights. Could this have hurt those leaves? Or did they get scorched by sun from not getting hardened off properly? Is it some sort of nutrient deficiency?

I am so lost. And I really don't want to lose these plants. Please offer me a piece of your seemingly endless knowledge, guys! :)

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