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Big bugs/ large mounds of dirt

sammy zone 7 Tulsa
12 years ago

I have very large bugs that are really digging up my soil. Everyday there are more and more mounds of dirt, and the bugs buzz all around me. Did someone here discuss a hummingbird bug? I cannot find out what kind of bug it is, but it is really annoying. I am not killing it because in the beginning I thought it was harmless. Now I am beginning to think I should grab it and plop it is a bucket of soapy water.

I will print a picture if I need to, but think others might have the same bugs. I have many cicadas, and do not think these are the same thing. They buzz all over, but do not seem to be getting into my roses or tomatoes. Maybe I just don't notice, since I am not able to go out too much -- just to change the sprinklers.

I did a search back a few pages, and could not find the link I thought I saw. I did a search on this forum, but it pulled up hummingbirds and not many if any hummingbird bugs.

Sammy in Tulsa

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