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Favorite tomato for summer 2011?

13 years ago

My Juan Flammee fave from last year has been replaced.

Based on production, plant vigor, and fruit taste, the new winner is EXTRA EROS ZLATOLASKA GOLD.

Plum sized yellow to orange fruits, gorgeous taste similar to Juan Flammee, my plant produced around 40 fruits and is still chugging when most others have gone to tomato heaven. I am saving seeds.

Juan Flammee and Siberian Pink were early producers, and died early too. Cherokee Purple is doing semi ok (delicious, but not very many tomatoes, under 10), Black from Tula made one or two then died.

I am testing 7 varieties of Gary's tomatoes, and so far the only plant that produced anything for me was my container planted marizol korney...I have had 5 or 6 small (5 0z average) tomatoes. They are delicious. Gary's trial tomatoes were planted later than my transplants and I hope they survive until fall and start producing then.

My Humph tomato plant died before producing ANY fruit.

My Sungold, Black Cherry, Supersweet 100 and other bite sized cherries are doing okay. I get a few handfuls of cherry tomatoes each day.

But hands down, my new fave is the Extra Eros. It is a survivor, through heat, drought, nematodes, etc, and it tastes wonderful.

What's your ALL STAR so far this year?


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