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18 years ago

Hi, long time lurker first time poster. This probably the best forum I've found for hot peppers.

I live in Northern Indiana. I definitly like my peppers hot. Last year I grew Orange Habanero, Super Chilli, Long Slim Cayenne, Jalapeno, and Orange Scotch Bonnet. They were plants which I purchased as seedlings from a local green house. Though I'm quite experienced eating and enjoying hot peppers I'm certainly green when it comes to growing them. In hindsight I realize I didn't do that good of a job raising them last summer and let them die off rather than over winter. There were a lot of things I did wrong like letting them get too dry while they were seedlings in the flats, not pinching or pruning(I was too excited that they were flowering), eratic watering/fertilizing. What I ended up with was 27 plants that could not support their own weight that were top heavy and weak and did not produce as you'd expect from 27 plants. I did get penty of chillies which I shared with my co-workers. I still have a plate full of dried super chillies, cayennes, Jalapanos, and a mystery pepper that was supposed to be a super chilli but looked more like a small cherry pepper.

All in all the first years experience was exciting and now I'm hooked. I can't forget the feeling I got when the first baby pepper showed up and watching as the the plants develop. Every chance I could get I was out looking at them. It's definitly a fun hobby. I can see how these plants are as fun to grow as the peppers are to eat. Plus it's that much more satisfying knowing your cooking with peppers you grew in your own garden. :) I learned a lot durring the process in not only what to do but what not to do but all in all not a bad first attempt.

This year I'm going to attempt to start from seed. I've got 10 varieties this time: Jalapeno, Hungarian Yellow Wax, Serrano, Red Savina, Orange Habanero, Long Slim Cayenne, Charlstown Hot, Thai Sun, Thai Dragon, and Red Scotch Bonnet. I'm currently shopping for the necessary equipment like lighting, seed starting soil, flats/cells/etc., and tea. I've never grown anything from seed before so I'm learning as I go. My fail safe is buying seedlings should I not have sucess with the seeds. Any advice for someone who is growing from seed for the first time. I have not purchased anything but the seeds yet.

What kind of seeding soil should I look for and should it differ based on the individual types I'm growing? Will average seed starting mix work?

What kind of Lighting would be sufficiant to start the seedlings before potting them to later go outdoors? I don't intend to grow the full plants indoors but rather just get them started.

What kind of cell trays, flats, etc. would be the best for the seeds? I see a lot of peat cell trays that look like cardboard around the outside wall of each cell.

Thank you in advance for any advice.



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