As of tonight I'm about finished unless something drastic happens which I won't rule out. Have around 4 more containers to fill with tomatoes and then will place around 4 more peppers around the flower beds and maybe a few maters. Still have several nice plants I hate to toss. I have them strung out for a reason. The latest ones are usually the ones that do the best in the fall. Have some fruit set but not much. Too early to make any judgements as a lot can and will happen before frost. So far Kanora, Golden Cherokee and Barlow Jap have been among the best performing plants. True Black Brandywine and Todebusch Pink have struggled more than the others. I have two True Black Branywines and both were very good looking transplants and have struggled. I planned to pull the worst one tonight and found a tomato on it so couldn't pull it. So will see if they will rebound as the season progresses. The worst maybe yet to come although the 3 days before today were terrible. Jay
2009 Tomatoes Planted
South Side Garage W to E
1. Black Quartz x Black Cherry 5-23 Applied MycoGrow
2. Rainy's Maltese 5-23 Applied MycoGrow
3. Spudatula 5-23 Applied MycoGrow
4. OSU Blue 5-23 Applied MycoGrow
5. Casey's Pure Yellow 5-23 Applied MycoGrow, B
West Side of Chicken House
Rows numbered N to S. With numbers in rows running W to E
Row #1 North Row
1. Lucky Cross 5-6
2. Casey's Pure Yellow 5-6
3. Brandywine Liam's 5-16
4. Purple Dog Creek 5-16
5.Todebusch Pink, 5-24, MycoGrow, B
6. True Black Brandywine
Row #2
1. Spudatula -BJ-BM 5-6
2. Carbon - NL - 5-6
3. Thessaloniki - 5-6
4. Gigantesque - MH - 5-6
5.Sandul Moldovan Ribbed, 5-24, MycoGrow, B
6.Wisconsin 55 Gold, 5-24,MycoGrow, B
Row #3
1. Prue 5-6
2. Indian Stripe - BJ - 5-6
3. Green Giant - 5-6
4. Cherokee Purple PL - ML
5.Kellog's Breakfast, 5-24, MycoGrow, B
6.Gold Medal, 5-24, MycoGrow
Row #4
1. Wisconsin 55 - 5-5
2. Cowlick's Brandywine - 5-5
3. Glick's 18 Mennonite, 5-6
4.Chapman, 5-24, MycoGrow, B
East Side of Chicken House Rows N to S. Holes in rows W to E
Row #1 North Row
1. JD's Special Pink 5-6
2. Tomatillo, 5-6
3. Tomatillo 5-16
Row #2
1. Ed's Millenimum
2.Lincoln Adams, 5-24, MycoGrow, B
3.Mystery Black, 5-24, MycoGrow, B
Row #3
1.Rostova, 5-24, MycoGrow, B
2. Porkchop, 5-24, MycoGrow, B
3. Hazelfield Farms, 5-24, MycoGrow, B
Row #4
1. Lynnwood, 5-24, MycoGrow, B
2. Korney's Cross, 5-24, MycoGrow, B
Old Garden
Rows numbered N to S. Holes E to W
Row #1 North Row
1. Goldman's Italian American, 5-5
2. True Black Brandywine, 5-5
3. Barlow Jap 5-5, Applications - A
4. Spudakee, John, 5-5, Apllications - A
5. Illini Star, 5-24, MycoGrow
6. Bradley, 5-6, Applications - A
7. Old Fashioned Goliath, 5-6, died, Cheetham's PL, 5-24, MycoGrow, B
8. Ramapo, 5-6,died cut worm, Hege's German Pink, 5-24, MycoGrow, B
9. Goliath, 5-6, Applications - Applications - A
10. Black Cherry, 5-6, Applications - A
11. Heinz 1439, 5-6, Applications - A
12. Little Lucky Heart, 5-6, Applications - A
13. Spudakee, 5-6, BJ, WOW, Applications - A
14. Cowlick's, 5-6, Transplant, WOW, Applications - A
Row #2
1. Lancaster County Pink, 5-5, Cut worm got it. Replaced 5-16, Applications - A
2. Eva's Shoeneck, 5-5, Rabbits ate stem?, Replaced 5-16, Applications - A
3. Kanora, 5-5, Applications - A
4.Juane Flammee', 5-24, MycoGrow, Applications - A
5. PPP x P "C", 5-24, MycoGrow, Applications -A
6. Red Defender Hybrid, 5-8, Wind killed it. Brandyboy, 5-24, MycoGrow, Applications - A
7, Golden Cherokee, 4-20, Early direct transplant, Applications - A
8. Indian Stripe, 4-15, Transplanted in Cowpot to WOW, JP, Applications -A
9. Black Cherry, 4-15, ML, WOW, Applications - A
10. Kanora, 4-15 Cowpot Transplant WOW, JP, Applications - A
11. Spudakee, 4-15 Cowpot Transplant WOW, John, Applications - A
12. Amazon Chocolate, 4-15, WOW, Applications - A
13. Paquebot Roma, 5-7, Applications - A
14. Cherokee Purple, Direct Sown, WOW, JP, Applications - A
East fence of Asparagus patch
Chocolate Stripes, 6-8
Red Defender , 6-2, Mycogrow, died 6-6
Black from Tula, 6-4, Mycogrow died 6-6, Opalka, 6-7
Heartland, 6-4, Mycogrow, died 6-6
Red Defender, 6-7
Emerald Evergreen, 6-8
Cluster Goliath, 6-8
A- applied molasses and Tomato Thrive to these plants 5-25-09
B- 5-31 applied one cup or molasses to each hole
6-4-09, sprayed the whole garden with Garlic Barrier except for the garlic, onions and shallots. Had found several aphids and thrips on the west end of the tomatoes.
Pepper Planted 2009
W to E
1. New Ace Bell, 6-3, MycoGrow
2. Alliance Bell, 6-3, MycoGrow
3. Whopper Improved, 6-3, MycoGrow
4. California Wonder, 6-3, MycoGrow
5. Golden Italian Treasure, 6-3, MycoGrow
6. Canary Bell, 6-6, MycoGrow
7. Emerald Giant Bell, 6-6, MycoGrow
8. Red Beauty Bell, 6-6, MycoGrow
9. New Ace Bell, 6-6, MycoGrow
10. Alliance Bell, 6-6, MycoGrow
11. California Whopper, 6-6, MycoGrow
12. Goliath Hybrid Bell, 6-7, MycoGrow
13. Jimmy Nardello, 6-6, MycoGrow
14. Larson's Kim's Colossal, 6-7, MycoGrow
15. Fooled You Jalapeno, 6-7, MycoGrow
16. Larson's Colossal Kim, 6-7, MycoGrow
17. Hungarian Volcano, 6-7, MycoGrow
18.Navajo Pepper, 6-6, MycoGrow
19. Larson's Mild Anaheim, 6-6, MycoGrow
20. Larson's Big Kim, 6-6, MycoGrow
21. Larson's Colassal Kim, 6-6, MycoGrow
22. Hatch Chile Hot, 6-6, MycoGrow
23. Larson's Kim's Colassal, 6-5, MycoGrow
24. Larson's Kim's Colassal, 6-5, MycoGrow
25. Cayenne Chile, 6-5, MycoGrow
26. Larson's Jumbo Jalapeno, 6-5, MycoGrow
27. Senorita Hybrid, 6-5, MycoGrow
28. TAM Jalapeno, 6-5, MycoGrow
29. Larson's Jumbo Jalapeno, 6-5, MycoGrow
30. Kashalot Egg Plant
31. Kashalot Egg Plant
elkwcOriginal Author
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