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help, incense sending mixed messages

16 years ago

I bought a P. "Incense" last year, and it flowered profusely outdoors and in. I overwintered it and it lost much of its foliage through neglect (it was in a completely unreachable spot in the storage room while the house was renovated). It perked up when I was able to get to it again, and took over the large west-facing window in the springtime, and I was consequently unable to bring it outside. Come summer, only one single anemic-looking bloom opened. I spotted another large bud a day or so away from opening, but it wilted away and fell off. I keep two full-spectrum CFLs on them to supplement the western exposure, so it's less likely a light issue, though it's entirely possible.

Now here are my mixed messages:

Occasionally some of the growing vines will have tiny buds on them, but they turn brown and crispy before growing larger. I hear this is a sign of underwatering?


The older leaves will turn yellow from the veins and fall off if I give the vine any extra water. I hear this is a sign of overwatering. Very old leaves have brown crispy patches around the edges.

Sometimes the new growing tip yellows and falls off, and the leaves start falling off toward the older growth too, leaving a spindly yellow leafless dead vine behind.

Meanwhile, a few offshoots have been growing extremely well across the room. I lightly prune unwanted offshoots.

I fertilize occasionally with Electra, and bring the soil to visual dryness before watering.

It's extremely frustrating. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I would greatly appreciate a response from the gurus :)



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